Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10th List of Upcoming Pro-Life Events in Washtenaw County and Beyond

Washtenaw County and Beyond, Partial list as of June 10th, 2013 

The NO Taxes for Abortion Insurance Petition Drive Was Launched on June 3rd! And we have 180 days to gather signatures! The Petition Drive is a straight-forward legislative initiative by Right to Life of Michigan to keep our tax dollars and health insurance premiums from paying for abortions in Michigan. Go to RTL of Michigan official website Michigan’s Voice for more info at: or you can call or email any of the following contacts: Karen Walacavage (Washtenaw County) at (734) 930-7474 -,  Michelle Burke at (517) 265-4802 - or RLM state office at (616) 532-2300 -

Pregnant Moms Needed for Free Ultrasounds! ArborVitae Women’s Center is seeking volunteers for free ultrasounds so their nurses can complete their ultrasound training and begin serving moms and unborn babies. Ultrasounds will be performed under the supervision of a registered ultrasonographer. Who: Women 6-20 weeks pregnant, When: Tuesday evenings, starting in June 2013, Where: ArborVitae Women’s Center / 625 E. Liberty; Lower Level / Ann Arbor, Michigan  (Corner of State and Liberty below Starbucks). To schedule an appointment: Call ArborVitae, (734) 994-8863 or email:; Subject: Ultrasound Request 

Announcing June 14-16 Rachel's Vineyard Retreat in Livonia! The pain and grief of abortion runs long and deep.  But the unconditional love, mercy, forgiveness and healing of our Lord is available to all who seek Him.  If you or someone you know suffers with loss from abortion, there is a June 14-16 Rachel's Vineyard Weekend Retreat scheduled at the St. Paul of the Cross retreat center near Livonia.  Contact Beth Bauer at (734) 369-3470 or email:


On Monday, June 17th, October Baby will be shown at Everest Academy in the girl’s school gym (Clarkston, MI - 5935 Clarkston Rd Clarkston, MI 48348-4711)  @ 7:00 P.M. The doors will open at 6:30 P.M. This will be a fund raiser for MAUBC. A free-will donation will be taken the night of the movie. If you have not seen October Baby, please come that evening. This is an incredible story about the power of love and forgiveness, based on the life of Gianna Gessen, who was burned alive by a saline abortion in the womb, and survived! To reserve your spot, please call Peter Ricardo at (248) 202-4903 and let Peter know that you are coming.

Crossroads Pro-Life Walks Across America is underway and will conclude in Washington DC on August 10th Watch for updates on when participants will be coming to our area.

Huge Used Book Sale with over 10,000 books, Sponsored by Right to Life-LIFESPAN Educational Fund to be held at St. Mary Church Fellowship Center, 730 S. Lafayette, Royal Oak, Thursday, Friday, Saturday July 11, 12 and 13 : 10 AM—7 PM and Sunday (Bag Day) July 14 : 10 AM—3 PM. For more information, call Mary: 313.885.8238, Wayne County/Downriver Chapter: 734.422.6230 or Oakland/Macomb Chapter: 248.816.1546 $5 Parking Fee* donation to St. Mary’s Church for convenience of parking near sale (SATURDAY and SUNDAY ONLY) *This is also valid parking for the HUGE Royal Oak City-Wide Garage Sale.

Save the Date: Life Chain will be held on Sunday Oct. 6th from 2:00 to 3:30 pm at the corner of Washtenaw and Huron Parkway-Platt in Ann Arbor.

Ongoing: Even though we are between 40 Days for Life campaigns, the handful of year-round prayer friends and sidewalk counselors could use support through prayer and fasting at home and/or work, prayerful witness at Planned Parenthood (3100 Professional Dr., Ann Arbor) and help with reaching out to PP clients.  If you can help in any of these ways, please contact me (Paul -  Lives can truly be saved through your efforts!

To be added to the Prolife Action Network email group and receive updates for Life Chain,
Local Pro-Life Events and Religious Liberty Issues and Events and to submit info on a Pro-Life event:
Contact Sandie Weathers or
Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422 or * Visit us on Facebook: Prolife Action Network

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Pro-Life Advocates Protest the screening of the documentary "After Tiller"

Please check this out on FB!

Pro-Life Advocates Protest the screening of After Tiller.
Updated 2 seconds ago · Taken in Ann Arbor, Michigan
On Saturday, June 8th, at the State Street Theater in Ann Arbor, MI, twelve Pro-life advocates protested the screening of the documentary "After Tiller", which had 2 to 3 dozen viewers in attendance. The documentary which tells the story of the so called struggles of the last four late term abortion doctors in the United States, since the murder of abortionist George Tiller in Kansas, attempted to: "sensitively and artfully extricates the controversy from the ideological realm and humanizes those who have been demonized. –Sundance Film Festive". "After Tiller" was part of the Cinetopia International Film Festival Presented by AT&T.
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Join the Public Protest: Pro-Abortion documentary local screening – "AFTER TILLER" this Sat. PM

Join the Public Protest:
Pro-Abortion documentary local screening – "AFTER TILLER"

Attention Pro-Life Friends!
This Saturday, June 8th from 8:45 pm until10:00 pm, Pro-Life advocates will gather for a peaceful, prayerful PUBLIC DISPLAY to protest the screening of “After Tiller” at the State Theater, 233 South State Street in Ann Arbor (at Liberty and State). According to the producer’s website, After Tiller is a documentary featuring the only four doctors in the United States who continue to perform late term abortions since the assassination of Dr. George Tiller in Kansas in 2009, in order to humanize those who have been demonized. (Remember Gosnell?)

“Abortion Hurts Women” signs from Life Chain will be available and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society will provide professionally produced images of late term 2nd trimester aborted babies along with literature on abortion to be handed out?

I just bought a great tie shirt from Right to Life of MI, which reads: At Each Point in History, When Vulnerable Groups Were Threatened, Someone Stood Up On Their Behalf. I STAND FOR LIFE. Please prayerfully consider participating in this public display and speaking up for those who cannot speak up for themselves! Please spread the word and bring a friend!

More info email Sandie at or call 734-434-8447?  

Info on documentary:
After Tiller Screening
When: June 8, 2013 @ 9:45 pm
Where: State Theater, 233 South State Street, University of Michigan - Central Campus, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Cost: $9-$12

Cinetopia International Film Festival
Presented by AT&T

With special guests! Since the assassination of Dr. George Tiller in Kansas in 2009, only four doctors in the United States continue to perform third-trimester abortions. These physicians, all colleagues of Dr. Tiller, sacrifice their safety and personal lives in the name of their fierce, unwavering conviction to help women. But for some in the pro-life movement, these doctors are “murderers” who must be stopped. Offering audiences an unprecedented perspective, After Tiller is an intimate look into each of the four physicians’ private and professional struggles. Wrenching moments in the clinics, when they gently counsel distraught patients facing grievous losses, force us to step into the shoes of both practitioner and patient and confront the full complexity of each decision. Coming decades after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, After Tiller sensitively and artfully extricates the controversy from the ideological realm and humanizes those who have been demonized. –Sundance Film Festive

NO Taxes for Abortion Insurance Launches Petition Drive

Attention everyone who doesn't want your tax dollars and health insurance premiums paying for abortions in Michigan! To find out how you can become a part of this effort, please continue reading. Let’s make our voices heard! Please help spread the word!

The NO Taxes for Abortion Insurance petition drive is a straight-forward legislative initiative by Right to Life of Michigan to keep our tax dollars and health insurance premiums from paying for abortions in Michigan.

Go to the Right to Life of Michigan official website Michigan’s Voice for more information on the petition drive / NO TAXES FOR ABORTION INSURANCE:

Important information from Right to Life of Michigan!

Your Voice, Your Law

By working together we can keep our tax dollars and insurance premiums from paying for abortions as part of health care.

The federal health care reform law (Affordable Care Act) enacted in March 2010 requires that insurance exchanges be available in all 50 states by 2014. The ACA contains a special provision allowing the states to exclude abortion as a covered benefit. The petition drive needs to happen in 2013 so that Michigan can be ready for the federally required health exchanges which begin in 2014.
Michigan's Constitution allows the people to initiate legislation through a petition. This petition seeks to pass the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out legislation. The advantage of this approach is that the bill's language cannot be changed by the Michigan Legislature, nor can it be vetoed by the governor.

In order to propose this bill to the legislature, 258,000 valid signatures of registered voters must be gathered within 180 days. Once petitions are approved by the Board of Canvassers and submitted to the legislature, the legislature has 40 calendar days to act.
If a simple majority in both the House  and Senate approves the bill, it becomes law without the governor's signature. The law would become effective ninety days after the end of the legislative session.

Abortion is not health care.

Training for circulating petitions will be in a variety of locations. ALL are evening sessions 6:30-8:30 pm unless indicated otherwise.

As we don't want our tax monies to pay for abortions!

If you plan to attend a training session, please contact one of the following, so that materials can be provided for you. If you cannot attend a session, but would like more information about circulating a petition, please contact:
The RLM Resource Center - Karen Walacavage @ (734) 930-7474; email:
Or, RLM Field Representative:  Michelle Burke (517) 265-4802; email:
Or, RLM state office in Grand Rapids: (616) 532-2300; email: 

For circulating petitions, the following training sessions are available:

 ü  Monday, June 3: Caro (evening training 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) Sacred Heart Parish Center, 910 W. Frank St. 
 ü  Tuesday, June 4: Jackson (evening training 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) Queen of the Miraculous Medal School, 811 S. Wisner, 49203
 ü  Wednesday, June 5: Centerline (evening training 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) Warren/Centerline RTL office located behind St. Clement Catholic Church, 8075 Ritter Ave, 48015
 ü  Thursday, June 6: St. Ignace (evening training 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) St. Ignatius Loyola Church, 120 Church St
 ü  Monday, June 10: Novi (evening training 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) Church of the Holy Family, 24505 Meadowbrook Rd, 48375
 ü  Tuesday, June 11: Kalamazoo area (evening training 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) Kalamazoo First Assembly Church, 5550 Oakland Dr, Portage 49024
 ü  Tuesday, June 11: McBain (evening training 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) Northland Community Church, 5855 S. Morey Rd
 ü  Thursday, June 13: Grand Rapids (evening training 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) RLM state office at 2340 Porter St, SW, 49519 – Please note: afternoon training will also take place from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. if there are enough participants.
 ü  Thursday, June 13: Lansing area: in Holt (evening training 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) Community Faith Church, 4801 Willoughby Rd, 48842 – Please note: afternoon training will also take place from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. if there are enough participants.