Friday, July 26, 2013

Teresa Tomeo to Interview Alicia Wong about Guadalupe Partners’ Recent Appeal!

Alicia Wong with Guadalupe Partners will be interviewed by Teresa Tomeo of Catholic Connection on Monday, July 29th at 8:35am ET on 990 AM WDEO radio. You can listen at by clicking on the orange Listen Live button – upper right hand corner or scroll down to Audio Archives, on the left hand column next week. 

Important Appeal for Volunteer Drivers to get Moms in Crisis 
in for Life-Saving Ultrasounds! And more...

Attention Pro-Life Friends in Washtenaw County and Beyond!

There is a great need in southeast Michigan to help Moms experiencing crisis pregnancies, and I am absolutely sure that you would want to hear about it. Praise God, more and more Moms in crisis are turning away from abortion and choosing LIFE. I was recently touched by an appeal from Guadalupe Partners for drivers, as they had five abortion minded moms in one day who needed rides to get life changing, eye opening ultrasounds.
Below you will find an appeal from Anne with Guadalupe Partners for volunteers who would be willing to drive Moms to appointments regularly or just occasionally, along with some other needs. Please prayerfully consider how you can help or perhaps you know of someone who you could share this email with.

A few weeks ago I was really blessed by the opportunity to go pick up and drive an abortion-dissuaded mom and her lovely two year old daughter to Dr Flemings office at St Joe’s Hospital in Ann Arbor for a free ultrasound.  I really felt like I was the one on the receiving end.  It was a small gesture on my part, with a huge benefit. 
In the next few days, I will be sending you some exciting information about sidewalk counseling and a save at the A2 Planned Parenthood.  I will also be telling you about the dedication of a new ultrasound machine. 

Thank you ALL for ALL you do for LIFE! Blessings, Sandie Weathers, Pro-Life Action Network

Appeal from Anne Mitzel of Guadalupe Partners:
Guadalupe Partners is a partnership of pro-life people who help abortion-minded women to make life-affirming choices.  Many women (praise God!) have been turning away from the abortion mills.  The Partners make a commitment to help the mothers with financial, material, transportation and other needs, often without knowing with certainty where the resources will come from.  That is why we need your help.

Most Urgent Need: Transportation to ultrasound or other doctor’s appointments.  We need to get the mothers (and sometimes their other small children) from Detroit to an ultrasound or other doctor's appointment, either at St. Joe's in Ypsi or one of the pregnancy centers in Detroit.  One day this spring, we had five mothers who needed to go to an ultrasound on the same day!  Thank God, Alicia was able to find enough drivers, but we could use more people who are willing to be called on a regular or occasional basis.  An ultrasound, as many of you know, is often the first connection that an abortion-minded woman makes with her baby.

Delivery of large and small items.  We often receive generous donations of beds, appliances, and furniture for our mothers, but we need strong volunteers with vehicles who can transport the items to the mothers' homes.  In addition, we often have smaller deliveries of things like diapers, groceries, and clothing.
Organizing and cataloging donated items.  The generous donations we receive often cannot be put to use until they are sorted and labeled.

Handyman jobs.  Sometimes the help involves maintenance or construction labor - home repair, painting, installation.  If you have a particular expertise or are just good at manual labor, we would like to be able to call on you when a need arises.

Emotional support. Material needs are not always the issue - the mothers can feel lonely, overwhelmed, or abandoned.  We need to encourage them to choose life again and again, day by day.  If you are willing to spend some time helping a mom do chores, driving her on her errands, watching children, or just talking about kids or relationships or God, we can use your help as well.
Guadalupe Partners has no paid staff and no office space.  We store baby items in our basements and transport furniture in Edmund's trailer.  We all have regular jobs and family commitments, but we go to Detroit because we can see the transformation of women's lives when they allow themselves to trust God and love their babies.  Sometimes Edmund and Alicia drive into Detroit 3-4 times a week - we need more manpower so that we can support all these moms who choose life!

Please keep us in your prayers and contact us if you are able to help in any way, however small!
Contact info: You can contact Anne 734-678-8251 (voicemail/text) or Alicia 734-262-6779, or go to our website

Mother and Unborn Baby Care to Dedicate New Ultra-Sound!

On Saturday, July 27th, there will be a dedication at Mother and Unborn Baby Care for their new ultra-sound system. The new system was donated by the Knights of Columbus, and funds were raised locally by several Knights councils as well as several local area churches. The dedication will start at 12 noon and conclude at 2:00 P.M. Mother and Unborn Baby Care is located at 24500 Southfield Road, between 9 and 10 mile. Parking for the event will be at the Shriners Silver Event Center, located next to MAUBC. Questions? Please call or email Peter at (248) 202-4903 or

Prayers Needed for Expectant Parents in Crisis in Ann Arbor!

Sidewalk counselors at Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor, Paul and Sally, reported in late June that a couple in crisis had turned away from abortion. The couple however is still getting a lot of pressure from the pre-born baby's grandmother to go through with an abortion. Sally has suggested that we specifically pray that B. and M. will receive the strength and courage to continue seeking God's will in this situation, and that we pray for the health and safety for both M. and their pre-born daughter, as M. is faced with some very difficult decisions and really needs some powerful prayers. Please also pray for safe living conditions for B., M., their 3 year old son and of course their pre-born daughter.

A2 Pastor Mike Frison, Knox Presbyterian Church featured in "Real Stories" by RLM

As a sidewalk counselor, Pastor Mike Frison from Knox Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor, wanted to not just promote adoption, but be able to tell women going into Planned Parenthood on Professional Drive in Ann Arbor, that he would personally be able to help arrange care for their child. To read the Right to Life of Michigan article, Promoting adoption at the edge of the abyss…go to:

Hobby Lobby Wins Preliminary Injunction

Please check this out:

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, a federal court granted Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. a preliminary injunction against the HHS abortion-drug mandate, preventing the government from enforcing the mandate against the Christian company.  This victory comes less than a month after a landmark decision by the full 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, which ruled 5-3 that Hobby Lobby can exercise religion under the First Amendment and is likely to win its case against the mandate.

“The tide has turned against the HHS mandate,” said Kyle Duncan, General Counsel with the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, and lead attorney for Hobby Lobby.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Your Help is Needed - NO Taxes for Abortion Insurance Petition Drive Is On!

The NO Taxes for Abortion Insurance Petition Drive Was Launched on June 3rd! The Petition Drive is a straight-forward legislative initiative of Right to Life of Michigan to keep our tax dollars and health insurance premiums from paying for abortions in MichiganAn exciting opportunity is before Michigan citizens. By working together we can keep our tax dollars and insurance premiums from paying for abortion as a part of Michigan health care. Abortion is not health care! Please join us in this historic effort, so that we are not forced to finance the destruction of innocent human life.

The federal health care reform law (Affordable Care Act) enacted in March 2010 requires that insurance exchanges be available in all 50 states by 2014. The ACA contains a special provision allowing the states to exclude abortion as a covered benefit. The petition drive needs to happen in 2013 so that Michigan can be ready for the federally required health exchanges which begin in 2014.

Michigan's Constitution allows the people to initiate legislation through a petition. This petition seeks to pass the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out legislation. The advantage of this approach is that the bill's language cannot be changed by the Michigan Legislature, nor can it be vetoed by the governor.

In order to propose this bill to the legislature, 258,000 valid signatures of registered voters must be gathered within 180 days. Once petitions are approved by the Board of Canvassers and submitted to the legislature, the legislature has 40 calendar days to act.

If a simple majority in both the House and Senate approves the bill, it becomes law without the governor's signature. The law would become effective ninety days after the end of the legislative session.

Go to RTL of Michigan official website Michigan’s Voice for more info on this critical initiative at:

To view a short webcast training session online, go to:  

Go to Michigan Catholic Conference for bulletin announcements:

The State of Michigan: To obtain blank petitions, supplies and related materials and/or additional info call RTL of Michigan’s state office at 616-532-2300 or email 

For Washtenaw County: To obtain blank petitions, supplies and related materials and/or additional info contact Karen Walacavage,  Right to Life of Washtenaw County at 734-930-7474 or,

 Here is how you can help!
Get informed! You can view a short webcast training session online, by going to: Please also check out links above.

Sign the petition – you must be registered to vote in the State of Michigan.  To request a blank petition call 616-532-2300 or email  Or contact your church/parish office.

Volunteer to help at the Ann Arbor Art Fair. Contact Karen Walacavage at 734-930-7474  or See attachment for details.

Volunteer to make phone calls to Washtenaw County pastors by contacting Karen Walacavage at 734-930-7474  or

Volunteer to deliver supplies to churches/organizations by contacting Karen Walacavage at 734-930-7474  or

Volunteer to lead or help with a petition drive at your church/parish/organization. Contact your pastor or church leadership for the ok to lead a petition drive. To volunteer to help, contact a member of your churches’ Pro-Life or Respect Life Committee, watch for volunteer info in your bulletin or contact Karen Walacavage at 734-930-7474  or or Sandie Weathers at 734-657-1936 or

Volunteer to help at a petition drive at another church/organization/activity by contacting Sandie Weathers at 734-657-1936 or

Become a petition circulator. Circulate a petition(s) among family, church and college friends, neighbors, co-workers, an organization, on campus or at a public event. To obtain blank petitions, supplies and related materials and/or additional info contact Karen Walacavage at Right to Life of Washtenaw County at 734-930-7474 or OR contact RLM state office at 616-532-2300 or email

Thank your pastor for supporting the petition drive.

Register to vote.  Obtain a State of Michigan Voter Registration Application at:  Washtenaw County residents can mail your completed application to: Washtenaw County Clerk, PO Box 8645, Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645

Spread the word. Various bulletin announcements are attached for your easy reference. Please forward this notice/invitation to interested family and friends.

Stay informed. Go to www.michigansvoice.comWatch for updates related to Washtenaw County at: