Monday, December 24, 2012

Updated 12/24/2012 - 2013 Upcoming Pro-Life Events Washtenaw County and Beyond

Please note that this is a partial list! 
The 40th Anniversary of the tragic Roe v Wade Decision by the US Supreme Court, which resulted in the Legalization of Abortion in America is Tuesday, January 22, 2013. We have many opportunities to commemorate this anniversary in Washtenaw County and beyond. Won’t you please save the date for at least one of the following pro-life events in 2013? Please help us spread the word! And Pray! Pray! Pray!

Ave Maria Communications Will Presents “Catholic Witness in a Nation Divided”
Catholics and many others around the country have lost a bit of faith, hope, and joy after this year's election. To chart a new course for Catholics and other interested Christians, Ave Maria Radio will sponsor a day long conference Sat., Jan. 12 in SE MI called"Catholic Witness In A Nation Divided."The focus will be ecclesial, that is church focused not politically focused... If the Church and its membership and its teachers truly applied the Church's teachings on the life issues, defining marriage, religious freedom and immigration what would our church look like? We can best serve this nation by building the Church. Build the Church - Bless the Nation. The conference will be, again, Saturday, January 12 from 9-5 at the Grand Ballroom of the Student Center at Eastern Michigan University, located at 900 Oakwood Street, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Speakers include Gerald Bradley, Bill May, Fr. Frank Pavone, Deal Husdon, Dick Thompson, Monica Miller, Fr. Robert Sirico, David Grobbel, Teresa Tomeo, Kevin Appleby, Rob Muise, Greg Popcak, andAl Kresta. Tickets are $40 in advance or $50 at the door. Lunch will be provided. For info and to buy tickets go to or call Kathy at 734-358-9876.

Right to Life Charity Dinner to benefit Mother and Unborn Baby Care! On Saturday, January 19th, 2013, the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Right to Life Charity Dinner for Mother and Unborn Baby Care - MAUBC. It will be held at the Church of the Holy Family and will start @ 5:45 P.M. and conclude by 10:00 P.M. The address is 24505 Meadowbrook Road, Novi, MI 48375. The cost of the tickets are $25.00 per person. For further information, please call Peter Riccardo at (248) 202-4903.

On Monday, Jan 21st, place a lit candle on your porch around dust and let it burn into the night as a silent witness to commemorate over 55 million babies lives lost to and the millions of lives changed by abortion. To order Choose Life Candle Kits for your congregation call RTL at 616-532-2300. With your tax ID cost is .88each + shipping. If your church doesn’t have them, get one from Marilyn 973-2422 or (By placing a candle in a jar into a paper bag, you can make your own display.)

On Tuesday, January 22nd, A 24 Hour Prayer Vigil at Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Dr in Ann Arbor will take place at from 12:01 am to 11:59 pm. Drop by at any time. To sign up for a half hour spot at the 24 Hour ROSARY, same time period, same location call Anne Cherney at 734-769-2271.

On Tuesday, Jan 22nd attend the Candlelight Vigil on the U of M Diag at 7pm sponsored by U of M Students for Life, The Diag is located at the U-M Ann Arbor central campus just north of University Street, just east of State Street at Liberty and just south of North University.

On Wednesday, Jan 23rd attend the Annual Christian Concert of Prayer for Unity and Life: “Cry to the Lord With One Voice” at 7:30 pm at Cross & Resurrection Lutheran Church, 812 Ann St, Ypsi. Please join us for an evening of praise & prayer for: Unity among Christians; Racial Reconciliation; Pro-Life Concerns; and Spreading the Gospel in our County. Sponsored by: PACT: Pastors Alliance for County Transformation. For info contact: Phil Tiews 734-994-3243.

On Thursday, Jan 24th you are invited to Pray at Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Dr in Ann Arbor, from  8:00 to 9:00 am with Pastor Yuille from The Bible Church, Pastor Mike Frison from Knox Presbyterian Church and Pastor Ted Jungkuntz, St Luke Lutheran Church. This annual event is a must!

On Friday, January 25th watch EWTN and/or listen to WDEO AM-990 for news coverage of the 40th Annual March For Life in Washington DC.  For more info go to: Most of the secular media does not cover this event which last year was attended by an estimated 400,000 participants. Hundreds of your neighbors from Washtenaw County will be attending the March.

On Saturday, January 26th the 9th annual Walk for Life West Coast will take place at 12:30 PM at Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco. For info

On Tuesday, Feb 12th attend a Black History Month Presentation by Pastor Levon Yuille at 7:00 pm at The Bible Church, 611 E Cross, Ypsi. The 2013 Black History Month Life Speaker Series events are free of charge and open to the public. For more information go to  Please consider donating a new unopened package of diapers &/or baby wipes to benefit Family Life Services.

You won't want to miss the Young Adult Pro Life Conference on Saturday, March 9, 2013 hosted by Christ the King Catholic Church, 4000 Ave Maria Dr in Ann Arbor. If you or your ministry would like to participate, help and support this important event, please contact Marge Skrobola at or Brigid Kowalczyk at

Annual U of M Pro-Life Gala! You are cordially invited to attend a Pro-Life Gala hosted by Students for Life at the University of Michigan on Saturday, February 9th, 7:00-10:00 PM Ballroom, Michigan League, 911 North University Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Link to online invitation: For info contact Students for Life at

"Life of A People - Black Genocide" coming to campus:  Eastern Michigan University, sponsored by Right to Life of Michigan and the EMU Students for Life, The date is Monday, February 18th.   Time and Location, TBD.  Questions, contact Karen @ (734) 930-7474.

ONGOING: Family Life Services Clinic is a Christian outreach to women and men facing unexpected pregnancies and hurting from abortion. To help, please bring unopened and non-expired baby items to 2950 Packard Rd. Ypsilanti, MI 48197.  Betsy Duncan-Spong at - 734.434.3088.

ONGOING: Arborvitae Women’s Center provides free services to women facing unexpected pregnancies, such as free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, consulting and more near U of M campus.  For more info contact: Iris Proctor at  Mail donations to PO Box 7727, Ann Arbor, MI 48107.

ONGOING: Hope Clinic serving low-income families in need, they always need items to fill their Baby Care shelves. To help, please bring unopened and non-expired items to Hope Clinic, 518 Harriet Street, Ypsilanti 48197. For more info contact Melissa Burkhart at

To be added to the Prolife Action Network email group and receive updates for

Life Chain, Local Pro-Life Events and Religious Liberty Issues and Events

Contact Sandie Weathers or

Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422 or * Visit us on Facebook: Prolife Action Network

Updated 12-24-2012 by sjw)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

2013 Upcoming Pro-Life Events - Briefly Written

Mon, Jan 21   Candles   Put your Choose Life Candle on your porch tonight to commemorate all the babies  lost to abortion during the 40 yrs. since Roe v Wade.  If your church doesn’t have them, get one   from Marilyn 973-2422

Tues, Jan 22   Candlelight Vigil on U of M Diag at 7pm, U of M Students for Life,

Wed, Jan 23   Annual Christian & Racial Unity and Pro Life Prayer Service 7:30pm Cross & Resurrection Lutheran Church, 812 Ann St, Ypsi. Sponsored by PACT, Word of God, C&R and area churches.

Thur, Jan 24  Pray at Planned Parenthood, Professional Dr, 8AM with Pastors: Frison, Yuille and Jungkuntz.

Tues, Feb 12   Black History Month Talk by Pastor Yuille at 7pm, The Bible Church 611 E Cross Ypsi

Sat, Mar 9      Young Adult Pro Life Conference at Christ the King Catholic Church, 4000 Ave Maria Dr in Ann Arbor. For more information contact Marge Skrobola at or Brigid Kowalczyk at Everyone is welcome!

 Marilyn Geyer 734-973-2422 or * Sandie Weathers at

Right to Life Charity Dinner for Mother and Unborn Baby Care on Saturday, January 19th

On Saturday, January 19th, 2013, the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Right to Life Charity Dinner for Mother and Unborn Baby Care - MAUBC. It will be held at Church of the Holy Family and will start @ 5:45 P.M. and conclude by 10:00 P.M. The address is 24505 Meadowbrook Road, Novi, MI 48375. The cost of the tickets are $25.00 per person. For further information, please call Peter Riccardo at (248) 202-4903.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

40th Annual March for Life, Friday, January 25, 2013 in Washington, DC.

40th Annual March for Life, Friday, January 25, 2013 in Washington, DC.   Right to Life of Washtenaw County is sponsoring a red-eye bus trip to DC, departing Ann Arbor, Jan. 24th.   We will arrive in time for Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine and MCI Verizon Center - youth rally.   March along Constitution Ave.   in prayerful protest of the tragic Supreme Court decision  Roe v. Wade.    Besides the march, take in some of the historical sites of DC or visit your Legislator.  For more information, call Karen at (734) 930-7474 or go to 

Meeting for Volunteers—Thursday, Dec. 20 for the “Catholic Witness in a Nation Divided” conference on Sat., Jan. 12th

Plan to be a Part of One of the Most Important 

The Ave Maria Radio Conference—
 Catholic Witness in a Nation Divided
Mark the Date Now!--  January 12th
We are in desperate need of inspiration to go forward in this age of Obama as we fight for God’s Truth in this dark time--  See the Press release below that will tell you all about this conference-- 
co-sponsored by  Citizens for a pro-Life Society  
If you are lost, despondent, discouraged, confused and wondering what can be done after the re-election of Obama--attend this conference and get re-energized and re-directed!

Meeting for Volunteers—Thursday, Dec. 20th--   see below!

On Saturday, January 12, Ave Maria Communications will offer a one-day conference titled “Catholic Witness in a Nation Divided.” The conference will be held on the campus of Eastern Michigan University. (Information on the
 conference will be found below)
We’ll be needing volunteers of all types: people who can help to distribute flyers, arrange for publicity in your parish bulletin, pick up speakers at the airport, help with registration or serve as a greeter or guide on the day of the event.

We hope you can join us for a Volunteer Meeting:

DATE: Thursday, December 20, 2012

TIME: 6:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Domino’s Farms – 24 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48106
In the E.B.A., located on the First Floor in Lobby H.

DIRECTIONS: From U.S. 23, take Plymouth Road exit, head east to Earhart, go north on Earhart.
Follow signs to Lobby H.

For more information or to confirm your attendance, please call Kathy Schiffer at
     734.358.9876.   Thank you so much!!

AVE MARIA RADIO  ◊  One Ave Maria Drive  ◊  Ann Arbor, MI 48105

Ave Maria Communications Presents “Catholic Witness in a Nation Divided” on Sat., Jan. 12, 2013

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                    For more information, contact:
Kathy Schiffer
Director of Publicity and Special Events
Ave Maria Communications

Ave Maria Communications Presents “Catholic Witness in a Nation Divided”
On Saturday, January 12, 2013, Ave Maria Communications will offer a one-day conference “Catholic Witness in a Nation Divided” on the campus of Eastern Michigan University.  The conference will address four areas of concern to Catholics following the 2012 election:  religious liberty, the definition of marriage, life issues, and immigration. 
OPENING ADDRESS – Deal Hudson, President of the Pennsylvania Catholics Network and former publisher of Crisis Magazine, will introduce the conference.
RELIGIOUS LIBERTY - Gerry Bradley, professor of law at Notre Dame University School of Law, will address the area of religious liberty.  There will be a response and discussion by a panel including Fr. Robert Sirico, president of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty; Richard Thompson,  president and chief counsel at the Thomas More Law Center; and Robert Muise, expert in constitutional law at the American Freedom Law Center. 
DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE – William B. May, founder and president of Catholics for the Common Good, will be the keynote speaker on marriage, with a response from panelists Dr. Gregory Popcak, executive director of the Pastoral Solutions Institute and host of More2life on Ave Maria Radio, and David Grobbel, associate director of the Office of Marriage and Family Ministry in the Archdiocese of Detroit.
PRO-LIFE ISSUES – The keynote presenter on Life issues will be Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests For Life.  Responding to his presentation will be panelists Dr. Monica Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, and Teresa Tomeo, host of Catholic Connection on Ave Maria Radio. 
IMMIGRATION – Kevin Appleby, director of the Office of Migration Policy and Public Affairs, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, will be the keynote speaker on immigration.  Fr. Robert Sirico, president of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, will respond.
CLOSING ADDRESS – Al Kresta, CEO of Ave Maria Communications and host of the popular Kresta in the Afternoon on Ave Maria Radio, will moderate the panel discussions and deliver the closing address.
The conference will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom in Eastern Michigan University’s Student Center, located at 900 Oakwood Street, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197.  The conference registration fee of $40 will include lunch and free parking.
For more information, contact Kathy Schiffer at 734.358.9876 (
#     #     #     #

Empty Manger Christmas Caroling at Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor, Sat., Dec. 22nd!

Please join your Washtenaw County neighbors for Christmas Caroling at Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Dr in Ann Arbor on Saturday, Dec. 22 from 9:15 to 11:00 AM.  We will sing carols to "bring the joy and hope of Christmas to a place of misery and despair."  We plan to have an empty manger, hand warmers, song sheets and serve cookies and hot chocolate in a warm location after the event. We just need your voice! Please spread the word about this event to friends and family. Merry Christmas and God Bless you!

To learn how “Children have been saved from abortion when their mothers heard the carols and reconsidered their choice for abortion in light of the Christmas story", go to the Pro-Life Action League’s link

For more info on the Ann Arbor event, contact Paul Dobrowolski at 734-944-7790 or

2013 Upcoming Pro-Life Events in Washtenaw County

Candles          To order porch candles for your congregation to display on the night of Monday, Jan21st call RTL at 616-532-2300. With your tax ID cost is .88each + shipping.
Tues, Jan 22   Candlelight Vigil on U of M Diag at 7pm, U of M Students for Life,           
Wed, Jan 23   Annual Christian & Racial Unity and Pro Life Prayer Service 7:30pm Cross & Resurrection Lutheran Church, 812 Ann St, Ypsilanti. Sponsored by PACT, Word of God, C&R and other area churches.
Thur, Jan 24  Pray at Planned Parenthood, Professional Dr, 8AM with Pastors: Frison, Yuille and        Jungkuntz.
Tues, Feb 12   Black History Month Talk by Pastor Yuille at 7pm, The Bible Church 611 E Cross Ypsi
Sat, Mar 9      Young Adult Pro Life Conference at Christ the King Catholic Church, 4000 Ave Maria Dr in Ann Arbor. Want to participate, help plan, support, contact Marge Skrobola at or Brigid Kowalczyk at Everyone is welcome!

Please help us promote these pro-life events as we approach the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade this upcoming January 22nd. Have a Merry Christmas! Blessings, Marilyn Geyer 734-973-2422 or * Sandie Weathers at

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Candidates for Judges in Michigan I Reccommend!

Message from Patricia To
You have probably heard that the Michigan District Court is one of the few courts that have upheld an injunction that stops government action against the HHS claimant.  That is because Michigan has some very good people on its bench.  We should keep it that way. 
The State Supreme Court has a vacancy to be filled in this election, and the Obama endorsee McCormick has a lot of popular support.  We must vote to keep Markman in and vote for the Right to Life candidate, Colleen O'Brien.  Also, vote for Zahra for the new term, and not the other Democrat-endorsed candidates. 

For Circuit Court, vote for the Pro-Life James Fink. 
It is very important to vote for judges who will rule according to God's law.  Many states have had same-sex marriage legalized through court decisions!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ann Arbor Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally Draws 375 Hardy Souls!

More than 375 hardy souls rallied for their Religious Freedom at the Ann Arbor Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally, held on Saturday, Oct. 20th at Concordia University despite the cold temperature and the threat of more rain, as part of the nationwide rally which took place in over 140 communities in the United States. Following a pre-rally prayer service and short March to the Rally Site lead by the Knights of Columbus Color Corp, the enthusiastic crowd was welcomed by Professor Charles Schulz of Concordia University, who also serves as pastor of St Thomas Lutheran Church in Ann Arbor.

Emcee Kara Coulter, from Ave Maria Radio, honored the Veterans, Clergy and Religious, then Coulter read a statement from Bishop Earl Boyea, of the Catholic Diocese of Lansing, which reads, “Thanks for the invite but I will be at Cotton Prison that morning. Please know however of my prayers. Greet all there for me and tell them that I hope someone will visit me when I am in prison when the restrictions on religious freedom are simply too grave.”

Ron Edwards, Host of “The Edwards Notebook”, told the crowd, “our freedoms come from God and we need to continue to remind our government that they didn’t give us anything, that they are our servants.” Despite everything that is currently happening, Edwards remains optimistic about the future as he knows the end of the story, “God win and they don’t.”  Ron closed by saying that “I must thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for not only calling me into His army but for allowing me to live, as I too was a potential abortion victim, but my birth mother was persuaded to give me up for adoption. Thank God.”

Pastor Charles Schulz speaking on the root principle of people of faith in a pluralistic society said, “we seek the good of society, but within the limit of conscience, for conscience knows what true good is’. Schulz continued, “Conscience will not abide that we do evil, even if other people tell us that some greater good will come from it. There is no necessary conflict between Church and State, but when State trespasses in matters of heart and conscience the conflict necessarily arises.”

Cynthia Kallgren, candidate for the U.S. House representing the MI 12th Congressional District reminded us of the words of Thomas Jefferson, who said, “No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the Rights of Conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority.”  Kallgren’s opponent is incumbent, John Dingill, one of the chief authors of “obamacare”.

Suzanne Abdalla, Director of the Catholic Urban Project thrilled the audience with her sign.‘Keep Your Ovaries off my Rosaries’ which Abdalla said is a direct response to the message the pro-abortion people have used for years, ‘keep your rosaries off my ovaries.’

Included among the other presenters were Pastor Ted Jungkuntz from St Luke Lutheran Church, Father Ed Fride and Deacon Larry Randolph from Christ The King Catholic Church , Sister Gail Lancaster from the Servants of God's Love Community, Victoria Criswell and Joe Lipa from U of M Students For Life, and Karen Walacavage from Washtenaw County Right to Life.

Rally organizer, Sandie Weathers with Prolife Action Network, introduced the six winners of the Ann Arbor Stand Up For Religious Freedom Essay Contest.  Junia Schulz, a kindergartener and Daniela Schulz a fourth grader who both attend St. Paul Lutheran School, Gianna Schubert a 2nd grader who is homeschooled, Anna Schubert a 6th grader at Spiritus Sanctus Academy, Kellie Majcher a senior at Father Gabriel Richard High School and Tori Criswell a junior at U of M, were all awarded cash prizes and invited to read their essay at the rally.  Second grader, Gianna Schubert told those gathered, “I need to protect my religious freedom by praying and fasting.”

“We’ve been appealing to President Obama all year to rescind the HHS Mandate,” said spokesperson, Beth Smith, “but our words have fallen on deaf ears. Now we’re calling on the voters of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County and far beyond to defend their religious freedom in the voting booth on Election Day.”

The Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rallies have drawn participants from over 90 churches and over 80 cities and towns in Washtenaw County and far beyond.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Monte Carlo Fund Raiser Event will be held to benefit Mother and Unborn Baby Care!

On November 2nd, our Monte Carlo fund Raiser event will be held to benefit Mother and Unborn Baby Care, at Farmington Hills Manor, in Farmington Hills, MI. The address is 23666 Orchard Lake Road. Your support would be greatly appreciated for this fund raiser. The cost is $60.00 per person. The cost to gamble is additional. The lowest is $1.00 per bet. There will be a Live auction with fabulous prizes, such as dinner for 8 with Fr. John Riccardo! In addition, there will be a silent auction as well. You can send your check to me at 24500 Southfield Road, Southfield, MI.48037. The lives of the unborn child are counting on us to defend them. God Bless, Peter Riccardo, Executive Director MAUBC

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bishop Boyea Unable to Attend A2 Stand Up Rally - Sends Grave Message!

The following is Bishop Boyea’s response to my invitation to speak at the Ann Arbor Rally. Please Pray! Pray! Pray! 
From Bishop Earl Boyea, Sept 29, 2012 (Catholic Diocese of Lansing): Dear Sandie, thanks for the invite but I will be at Cotton Prison that morning and I am never sure of that schedule and how long it will all take. As a result I do not want to rush them as it has been a couple of years since I have been there. Please know however of my prayers. Greet all there for me and tell them that I hope someone will visit me when I am in prison when the restrictions on religious freedom are simply too grave.

I Can't Vote 4 Pro-Abortion Pro-Slavery Candidates!

I just received a phone call from an Obama supporter asking for my vote. I respectfully told her that I could not vote for Obama, as I could not vote for someone who promoted abortion today, anymore than I could have voted for someone who promoted slavery 150 years ago. Think of the impact it could have if the Obama people heard remarks like that 10 times a day. Hope to see you at the Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally on Oct. 20th.

Friday, October 12, 2012


DATE:           October 12, 2012
 FROM:           Don Clemmer
WASHINGTON—The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued the following statement, October 12.  Full text follows:
Last night, the following statement was made during the Vice Presidential debate regarding the decision of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to force virtually all employers to include sterilization and contraception, including drugs that may cause abortion, in the health insurance coverage they provide their employees:
 “With regard to the assault on the Catholic Church, let me make it absolutely clear. No religious institution—Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital—none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact. That is a fact.” (VP Joe Biden)
This is not a fact. The HHS mandate contains a narrow, four-part exemption for certain “religious employers.” That exemption was made final in February and does not extend to “Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital,” or any other religious charity that offers its services to all, regardless of the faith of those served.
HHS has proposed an additional “accommodation” for religious organizations like these, which HHS itself describes as “non-exempt.” That proposal does not even potentially relieve these organizations from the obligation “to pay for contraception” and “to be a vehicle to get contraception.” They will have to serve as a vehicle, because they will still be forced to provide their employees with health coverage, and that coverage will still have to include sterilization, contraception, and abortifacients. They will have to pay for these things, because the premiums that the organizations (and their employees) are required to pay will still be applied, along with other funds, to cover the cost of these drugs and surgeries.
USCCB continues to urge HHS, in the strongest possible terms, actually to eliminate the various infringements on religious freedom imposed by the mandate.
For more details, please see USCCB’s regulatory comments filed on May 15 regarding the proposed “accommodation”:
Keywords: vice presidential debate, HHS mandate, U.S. bishops, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, insurance plans, Catholic hospitals, charities, social services, sterilization, contraception, religious liberty, USCCB
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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Essay Contest Ann Arbor Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally

Take a Stand For Religious Liberty!
Includes the modification for Prizes for High School and College students as of 09-30-2012
Ann Arbor Stand Up For Religious
Freedom Rally Essay Contest

·         Students K through the 5th grade: Write an essay in twenty five words or less expressing “what religious liberty means to me”!

·         Students 6th through the 8th grade: Write an essay in fifty  words or less expressing “what religious liberty means to me”!

·         High school students: Write an essay in fifty words or less expressing “what religious liberty and/or what conscience protection means to me”!

·         Undergraduate college students: Write an essay in fifty words or less expressing "why I vote pro-life first” or “the real war on women”!

v  Prizes for K through 8th grade students: One prize of $20. each, will be
                      awarded to a winning student in each grade level from K through the 8th grade.

v  Prize high school students: One prize of $100. will be awarded to the winning high school student.

v  Prizes for undergraduate college students: One prize of $125. will be awarded to the winning undergraduate college students.

All winners must attend the
Ann Arbor Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally
on Saturday, Oct. 20th from 12:00 noon until 1:30 pm at
Concordia University, 4090 Geddes Rd, Ann Arbor, MI, 48105
to collect their prize and be acknowledge!

Entry Deadline: postmark or email by 11:00 pm Monday, Oct. 15th, 2012

Each essay must include name, school/home schooled, grade level, a phone number and/or email address where you can be reached!

Mail essay to: Ave Maria Radio, One Ave Maria Drive, Attn: Nick Thomm, Box 504, Ann Arbor, MI 48106
or email to:  By deadline above.

To find resource info and links to the June 8th Ann Arbor Stand Up Rally posted online go to:

Sponsored by: Pro-Life Action Network                 
For info contact: Sandie Weathers at or 734-434-8447
Permission granted to copy/ post and distribute!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Announcing Third Nationwide Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally!

The third of its kind, the Nationwide Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally to Stop the HHS Mandate will take place Saturday, October 20th in communities all around Michigan and the United States. These rallies are being held just seventeen days before the most important election of our lifetime. Come and find out what all the fuss is about. Come and take a stand for Religious Liberty.
The Ann Arbor Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally will be held at Concordia University, 4090 Geddes Road in Ann Arbor from 12:00 noon until 1:30 pm. Included among the Ann Arbor rally speakers are Ron Edwards, host of “The Edwards Notebook”, Pastor Charles Schulz, professor at Concordia University & pastor of St Thomas Lutheran Church and Cynthia Kallgren, candidate for the U.S. House representing the 12th Congressional District of MI. For info on the Ann Arbor Rally email/call Sandie Weathers at: or 734-434-8447. Also among the Michigan rallies sites are the Detroit Metro Rally to be held at Dearborn City Hall, 13615 Michigan Ave, the Livonia Rally at St. Aidan Church, 17500 Farmington Road and the Sterling Heights Rally at Ss. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Catholic Church, 41233 Ryan Road. For more info on the nationwide rallies, please go to: