Attention to Prolife Friends in Washtenaw County and beyond: On the Feast of the Holy Innocents, join your neighbors for Empty Cradle Christmas Caroling tomorrow, Sat., Dec. 28 - from 9:15 AM to 12:00 noon at Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Drive in Ann Arbor. There will be a special guest from the Ann Arbor Boys Choir attending at 11 AM. There will be hand warmers, song sheets, donut holes, hot chocolate and hot cider in a warm location during and after the event. Children are especially welcome! Please help spread the word!
Friday, December 27, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
2013-12-20 Bringing Pro-Life Events to your Attention & Wishing You a Merry Christmas!
Wishing Our Pro-Life Friends
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Love, Marilyn Geyer and Sandie Weathers
But First - Mark Your Calendars!
Empty Manger Christmas Caroling, Dec. 28th
Healing From Abortion Opportunities in January
And More!
2013 Upcoming Pro-Life Events and News
Washtenaw County and Beyond
Partial list as of December 20th, 2013 Compiled by Sandie Weathers
Michigan joins 23 other states in opting-out of abortion coverage! The question of who pays for abortion insurance was answered on Dec. 11th in Michigan. The Michigan House (62-47) and Senate (27-11) approved the citizen-initiated Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act. Michigan joins 23 other states in opting-out of abortion coverage in their health insurance exchanges through the Affordable Care Act. Thank you to all of you that contributed to this effort.
It is time to place your RTL Porch Candles Order for your Church and/or Pro-Life Group to distribute in January of 2014. Thousands of your Michigan neighbors will light their candle on the evening of Tuesday, January 21st and place it on their porch, so that it will burn through the night and into Wednesday, January 22nd, to commemorate the tragic loss of over fifty five million babies to abortion in America. The cost is $.88 each from RTL with your tax ID# plus shipping. Call RTL in Grand Rapids at 616-532-2300 to place your order.
On the Feast of the Holy Innocents, Saturday, Dec. 28 at 11:00am join with others for Empty Manger Christmas Caroling. We will sing Christmas hymns to the Baby Jesus and pray for the millions of Innocents who have died from abortion and most particularly those at Planned Parenthood at 3100 Professional Drive, Ann Arbor. Contact Sally Vipperman at 734-377-4478 for more information.
Back to back caroling will actually begin at 9:15 to 11:00 AM, same day and same location organized by Paul D with 40 Days For Life. To learn more about this idea which was passed on from the Pro-Life Action League in IL (see 2013/12/03/pro-life-advocates- will-sing-christmas-carols-at- abortion-clinics/
Stay tuned for more January Events to be posted soon!
Detroit Rachel's Vineyard Healing The Pain Of Abortion… One Weekend At A Time…
The first Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat in Detroit in 2014 will be held the weekend of Friday, Jan. 3rd thru Sunday, Jan. 5th. Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing. Contact Chris at (248) 494-6363 or info@detroitrachelsvineyard. org. Visit the website at .
Seats sold out: 41st Annual March for Life “Red Eye” bus trip to Washington, DC departing from Ann Arbor, Tuesday, January 21 sponsored by Right to Life of Washtenaw County. For info on bus trips from surrounding areas email Karen at or call: (734)930-7474.
On Wednesday, January 22, attend the 9:15 am Mass at St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, for a Day of Prayer & Reparation for sins against the gift of life located at 2250 E. Stadium Blvd in Ann Arbor.
On Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014 watch the 41st Annual March For Life in Washington DC on EWTN or listen on WDEO Radio – 990 AM. Hundreds of thousands of young and old alike from all over America and from around the world, will march up Constitutional Ave to the Supreme Court Building standing up for life!
Save the Date: Fourth Annual Life is a Gift Conference – EVANGELIZING with the GOSPEL OF LIFE on Saturday, January 25, 2014, 8:30AM – 3:00PM at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, 2701 Chicago Blvd. Detroit, 48206. Conference day includes: A Parallel All Day Just For Teens Tract. For complete registration and event information go to: for Questions? Contact: David Grobbel, or 313-237-5894.
You or a friend struggling to cope after an abortion? The feelings of loss, anger, isolation, and low self-esteem do not have to last a lifetime. God longs to heal you. Please contact an ArborVitae post abortion recovery counselor, at 734.994.8863 ext. 14 or for a confidential consultation. A Season for Healing, a 9 week small group Bible study designed to help women break free of the guilt and grief of abortion is beginning on Tues., January 28, 2014. Space is limited. Cost is FREE. (Sponsored by: ArborVitae Women’s Center, Some Common Symptoms of Post-Abortion Trauma: Trouble sleeping/eating, Keeping abortion(s) secret from important people, Unexplained sadness, Overwork/perfectionism, Difficulty maintaining relationships and Difficulty loving/trusting God.
Students for Life at the University of Michigan, the pro-life advocacy group on campus, cordially invites you to attend their Third Annual Fundraising Gala on Saturday, February 8, 2014. This is an evening of pro-life reflection and inspiration you won’t want to miss! Your ticket includes a full dinner and keynote address by Ed Rivet, the Legislative Director of Right to Life of Michigan. Proceeds from donations and silent auction benefit SFL activities such as attending the March for Life annually and implementing the Pregnant on Campus Initiative which provides resources and support to pregnant and parenting students on campus. Where: Anderson Room, Michigan Union, 530 S. State Street, Ann Arbor. When: Saturday, February 8th, 2014, 7-10pm. Cost: $40/individual adult, $75/couple, $25/student. Your reservation must be received by Tuesday, January 28th, 2014! For info contact .
Save the Date: On February 15th, 2014, the Respect Life Committee of St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Ann Arbor is hosting a conference "Christian Response to a Sexualized Culture". Featured speakers are: Dan Mattson and Peter Herbeck on the subject of "Christians Living With Same Sex Attraction", Dr. Peter Kleponis on the subject of "Pornography, Restoring Integrity", Dr. Janet Smith on the subject of "Why Premarital Sex is Stupid". This conference will help all attendees formulate clear talking points when speaking with others on these topics. Those who may be struggling with these issues may seek and find help and healing. This conference is still in the planning stages, details will be made available after Christmas. If you would like to volunteer to help with this conference, we need lots of help. Contact Barbara Grant-Yopko
To be added to the Prolife Action Network email group and receive updates for Life Chain,
Local Pro-Life Events and Religious Liberty Issues and Events
and to submit info on a Pro-Life event:
Contact Sandie Weathers or
Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422 or
http://pro- lifeactionnetworkblog. * Visit us on Facebook: Prolife Action Network
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
A MUST read! Pray for Ryan Bomberger - Stand Up to the NAACP!
David and
Goliath: Radiance Foundation and Ryan Bomberger Defend Children, Stand Up to
The comparison between
the older form slavery and the newer slavery of abortion on demand, disturbs
some in the Civil Rights community. Yet, at root, they both proceed from the
evil idea that human persons are not gifts to be received, but rather products to
be used and abused.
is also intrinsically evil. The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement
of Colored people) has a valiant and heroic history of opposing that evil.
However, as Ryan Bomberger and the Radiance Foundation have clearly uncovered,
the NAACP does not advance the rights of children in the womb. They have lost
their way. By stopping their ears to the cries of the child in the womb being
killed by procured abortion, they betray their claim to hearing the cries of all of the poor and all who suffer from
discrimination.Ryan Bomberger courageously uncovers the facts. He speaks truth
to power. Among the numerous campaigns the Radiance Foundation has engaged in
to communicate the truth about the dignity of every human life, at every age
and stage, is the billboard campaign.
Ryan Bomberger of the
Radiance Foundation
NORFOLK, VA (Catholic online) - I was in Federal District Court Wednesday morning. It had been many years. This time, I was not sitting at counsel table representing a client. I was sitting in the Courtroom, praying for a very good man named Ryan Bomberger, who is a modern day David in a David and Goliath scenario which has important implications for our struggle for Human Rights.
I believe that Ryan Bomberger is one of the bright lights in the great Human Rights Movement of our age, the protracted struggle to restore the recognition of the Right to Life to our youngest neighbors, children in the womb. His efforts are among the most creative and effective efforts of this critical hour.
When I entered the Courtroom I saw Ryan sitting at table with his two volunteer lawyers from the Alliance Defending Freedom. His wife Bethany was sitting behind him. The clerk had just entered the courtroom so I knew I only had a minute. I came dressed in my clerical collar. I am a Catholic Deacon.
I wanted to send a signal that this man, who spends his energy and substantial gifts defending the human dignity of every child in the womb, had the support of my Church in his defense of children in the womb. That is why I wore the collar.
However, I am also a member of the Bar, a constitutional lawyer. So, I could step up to the counsel table to greet him. I wanted to send the signal that he had the support of this aging Pro-Life lawyer should he need further help. I shook his hand and expressed my solidarity.
I had not seen Ryan Bomberger since the March for Life in Washington this past January. However, I have followed his important work in the Radiance Foundation since he and his wife Bethany founded the organization in 2009.
As an old warhorse in the Pro-Life Movement, I have been fighting this battle for a very, very long time on many fronts. However, I find their mission, creative means and manner of carrying forward the work to be refreshing. It fills me with hope and inspires me at this critical moment in the history of our human rights struggle.
I also find Ryan's personal Pro-life testimony personally compelling, convicting and motivating. It is summarized well on the website of the Foundation: His biological mother was raped yet courageously chose to continue the pregnancy, giving him Life. He was adopted as a baby and grew up in a loving, multi-racial Christian family of 15.
With siblings of varying ethnicities, he grew up with a great appreciation for diversity. Ten of the thirteen children were adopted in this remarkable family. His life defies the myth of the "unwanted" child as he was adopted, loved and has flourished.
If you have not visited the Radiance Foundation, please do so. Watch the extraordinary videos they produce. Use them to inspire yourself and in your own activism. The Foundation uses the immense creative talent of Ryan Bomberg in a multi-media platform which is unique in the Human Rights movement called the Pro-Life movement.
I used a longer explanation of the Pro-Life movement in the last paragraph to convey a foundational truth; a truth which Ryan Bomberg fully understands and makes powerfully clear in his prophetic work. This is a Human Rights movement; without the Right to life there are no other Rights.
Every single human person, at every age and stage of life, has human dignity. They are created in the image and likeness of God. They all have a fundamental Right to Life which cannot be taken away. That Right is revealed in the Natural Moral Law, even if it is not currently recognized in the civil or positive law of the United States.
The taking of innocent human life is intrinsically evil. It is always and everywhere wrong to kill our innocent neighbor. The child in the womb is our neighbor. We all began there. Any movement which purports to call itself a human rights movement, yet promotes, directly or indirectly, the taking of innocent human life in the womb, is falling short in its claim.
Racism is also intrinsically evil. The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored people) has a valiant and heroic history of opposing that evil. However, as Ryan Bomberger and the Radiance Foundation have clearly uncovered, the NAACP does not advance the rights of children in the womb. They have lost their way.
By stopping their ears to the cries of the child in the womb being killed by procured abortion, they betray their claim to hearing the cries of all of the poor and all who suffer from discrimination.
I am old enough to remember Mother Teresa's extraordinary message to the National Prayer Breakfast in 1994. I offer a brief excerpt, but you can read the entire address here. That little nun stepped up to the podium and spoke truth to power:
I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child, murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? How do we persuade a woman not to have an abortion? As always, we must persuade her with love and we remind ourselves that love means to be willing to give until it hurts. Jesus gave even His life to love us.
So, the mother who is thinking of abortion, should be helped to love, that is, to give until it hurts her plans, or her free time, to respect the life of her child. The father of that child, whoever he is, must also give until it hurts. By abortion, the mother does not learn to love, but kills even her own child to solve her problems.
And, by abortion, the father is told that he does not have to take any responsibility at all for the child he has brought into the world. That father is likely to put other women into the same trouble. So, abortion just leads to more abortion. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.
The statistics are clear and irrefutable, the communities which have lost the most lives in this horrid war on the womb, unleashed by legalized abortion on demand, are minority communities. In fact, the Radiance Foundation presents a compelling exposition of the hijacking of the Civil Rights movement.
Ryan Bomberger courageously uncovers the facts. He speaks truth to power. Among the numerous campaigns the Radiance Foundation has engaged in to communicate the truth about the dignity of every human life, at every age and stage, is the billboard campaign.
This is an extraordinarily effective National campaign. It was this campaign which led to the Radiance Foundation being in Federal Court.
It began in 2010 with a website which presented information, news, and videos educating the public about the disproportionate impact of abortion on African Americans. It provided information on adoption, foster care and other life affirming responses to social needs.
In 2011, Radiance and toomanyaborted designed and erected 50 billboards in Georgia which, along with compelling visuals reinforcing the dignity of every life, prophetically declared "The 13th Amendment Freed Us. Abortion Enslaves Us."
The comparison between the older form slavery and the newer slavery of abortion on demand, disturbs some in the Civil Rights community. Yet, at root, they both proceed from the evil idea that human persons are not gifts to be received, but rather products to be used and abused.
Some in the contemporary Civil Rights community are engaged in a sort of schizophrenic rejection of racism and discrimination which fails to hear the cry of the children in the womb whose fundamental Human Right to life is currently denied. They do not like it when people make the connection.
Many in that group get particularly distressed when articulate, impassioned, prophetic and compelling African Americans like Ryan Bomberger strip away the veneer of the duplicitous rhetoric of the so called "Pro-Choice" movement and expose the evil which lies at its roots.
In July of 2011, Ryan wrote an article entitled "Still Not Free At Last: NAACP Ignores Abortion Rhetoric". It can be read here. That article exposed the disgraceful failure of the NAACP to be consistent in its activism and openly oppose the taking of the lives of children in the womb.
Ryan has consistently, accurately and effectively exposed the racism which was at the historical roots of Planned Parenthood. He has also decried the failure of the NAACP to disavow any connection with that organization. In fact, the two organizations collaborate.
His Human Rights activism has included numerous speeches and articles which have been both prophetic and downright disturbing to some in the current Civil Rights establishment. Yet, they are all a part of his protected Free Speech activities under the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution.
His efforts have especially upset some in the leadership of the NAACP. In some instances, Ryan satirically referred to the organization as the "National Association for the Abortion of Colored People."
It was this last satirical reference which led to the Court hearing I attended. You can read about it here. To simplify both the timeline and the legal issues, the NAACP sent a cease and desist letter to the Radiance Foundation on January 28, 2013 which can be read here.
It alleged that the organization - and Ryan's - constitutionally protected speech was a violation of their intellectual property rights. They threatened legal action. As was evident in the Courtroom today, the organization does not like Ryan's efforts or his message. They also do not like the Radiance Foundation.
As the testimony also revealed today, they have a thirty million dollar budget and an army of lawyers. This really is a David and Goliath scenario.
I have practiced law for thirty three years. Many of those years, I defended the Free Speech Rights of people like Ryan. In my opinion, the letter was a bullying tactic, an effort to prevent him from speaking out.
His response reveals one of the many reasons why I admire this young man. He did not cower over the bully threatening to drag him to Court. Rather, he courageously filed first! On February 1, 2013, a Complaint for Declaratory Judgment was filed by lawyers from the Alliance Defending Freedom on behalf of the Radiance Foundation and Ryan Bomberger.
The case is styled The Radiance Foundation, Inc. and Ryan Bomberger vs. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. It is being heard in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, Norfolk, Virginia. I attended the morning session.
Ryan and the Radiance Foundation have asked the Court to:
Declare that neither Radiance nor Ryan Bomberger has infringed any of the NAACP's marks, whether the claim for infringement is under the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1051, et seq., or the common law; Declare that neither Radiance nor Ryan Bomberger has tarnished or diluted any famous mark owned by the NAACP; Declare that the use made by the plaintiffs did not constitute unfair competition or palming off; and Declare that the use of the marks by the plaintiffs was protected by the First Amendment.
Stay tuned. I will be reporting more on my experience at the hearing and keep our readers up to date on how the case progresses. I will also be reporting more on the efforts of Ryan Bomberger and the Radiance Foundation.
Congratulations! Pro-Life Victory for Michigan! Thank you ALL Soooooooo Much!
Pro-Life Victory for Michigan!
Message Forwarded From
To Life President, Barbara Listing
Prolife Victory!
At 5:51
PM, Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Victory for Michigan
abortion removed as standard 'benefit' from health plans
The question of who pays for abortion
insurance was answered today in Michigan. The Michigan House (62-47) and Senate
(27-11) approved the citizen-initiated Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act. The
Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act is about who desires abortion coverage and who
will pay for it, not whether abortion is legal or if insurance is available.
Today's vote in the Michigan House and
Senate in a victory for Michigan and concludes a narrative of effort by a cast
of hundreds of thousands of volunteers and key leaders. Because of the
dedication of many, Michigan joins 23 other states in opting-out of abortion
coverage in their health insurance exchanges through the Affordable Care Act.
Right to Life of Michigan
President Barbara Listing said, "Abortion is not true
health care and people who object will not have to contribute their own tax
dollars or insurance premiums for elective abortions. This law is instrumental
in preserving our long tradition of protecting the conscience rights of
Michigan citizens before the Affordable Care Act takes full effect in
The NO Taxes for Abortion Insurance
petition drive was democracy in action. Michigan's Constitution allows the
people to initiate legislation through a petition. In 120 days, volunteer
Michigan citizens from every county gathered more than 315,000 signatures to
support this legislation.
Listing said,
"We are thankful for the hundreds of thousands of dedicated volunteers and
prolife citizens who made this law possible. We applaud the Michigan
legislators who stood firm in their resolve and voted to ensure no person is
forced to fund the deliberate taking of an innocent human life in the name of
health care."
to Life of Michigan 2340 Porter St SW Grand Rapids MI | 49509
Monday, December 9, 2013
Michigan Lobbying Alert: Abortion Ins. Opt-Out Act – Calls Needed – Join Tweetfest NOW!
Calls to
Pro-Life Representative Needed!
the Word to Pro-Life Friends in Michigan!
Because of a hesitation by House Speaker Jase Bolger to take up the vote on the Abortion Insurance Opt Out Act before the Christmas recess, we need to continue to have prolife House members pressing the Speaker for a vote this week and not in January. Your voice is being heard, but we need more calls going into state representative offices.
We have a simple message that needs to get through on the impact of delaying the vote until January:
KEY MESSAGE: Delaying the vote until January will delay full implementation of the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act until 2016. There is no basis for delaying the law. Vote THIS WEEK on the Abortion Insurance Opt Out Act!
Keep the calls going to your state representative in Lansing.
Getting the vote scheduled in the House is the last piece of the puzzle. If our prolife legislators talk with their leader, the vote is likely to happen. So we must do our part.
Forward this message on to prolife friends and supporters in Michigan
Michigan’s Senate phone and email Contact Information:
Michigan’s House of Representative phone and email Contact
Tuesday 12:00 noon
#ScheduleIt Tweetfest: Pass the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act
The Abortion Insurance
Opt-Out Act is currently awaiting a vote from Michigan's senators and
representatives. Pressure must be placed on House Speaker Jase Bolger to
schedule a vote THIS week, before the Christmas recess.
Delaying the vote until January will delay full implementation of the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act until 2016. There is no basis for delaying the law. A vote must be taken this week!
Your voice is critical in urging Michigan's elected officials to support this legislation which will ensure our tax dollars and health insurance premiums are not paying for abortions in Michigan.
Please contact your state legislator IMMEDIATELY to urge Speaker of the House Jase Bolger to schedule a vote on the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act. Then, take to Facebook and Twitter to urge your friends and family to do the same!
The Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act must pass this week to be implemented before 2016. Call ur state rep: urge a vote THIS week! #ScheduleIt
Ask ur State Rep 2 urge Spker Bolger for a vote on the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act THIS week! #ScheduleIt #MiVoice
It's time for the #MILeg 2 vote. Urge ur State Rep 2 contact the House Spker and #VoteNow on the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act #ScheduleIt
Delaying the vote until January will delay full implementation of the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act until 2016. #MiLeg #ScheduleIt #VoteNow
Urge ur State Rep to push for an immediate vote on the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act. #ScheduleIt #VoteYes #MiVoice
MI can't afford to wait. Urge your State Rep to contact the House Speaker to #ScheduleIt today! #VoteYes #MiVoice
Pass the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act! Urge your state rep to tell the House Speaker to #ScheduleIt and #VoteYes !
Urge your state legislator to support the Abortion Insurance Opt-out Act! Contact info: #MiVoice #ScheduleIt
Urge your state rep to tell the House Speaker to #ScheduleIt and #VoteNow on the Abortion Insurance Opt-out Act:
**Visit for more information on the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act.***
Delaying the vote until January will delay full implementation of the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act until 2016. There is no basis for delaying the law. A vote must be taken this week!
Your voice is critical in urging Michigan's elected officials to support this legislation which will ensure our tax dollars and health insurance premiums are not paying for abortions in Michigan.
Please contact your state legislator IMMEDIATELY to urge Speaker of the House Jase Bolger to schedule a vote on the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act. Then, take to Facebook and Twitter to urge your friends and family to do the same!
The Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act must pass this week to be implemented before 2016. Call ur state rep: urge a vote THIS week! #ScheduleIt
Ask ur State Rep 2 urge Spker Bolger for a vote on the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act THIS week! #ScheduleIt #MiVoice
It's time for the #MILeg 2 vote. Urge ur State Rep 2 contact the House Spker and #VoteNow on the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act #ScheduleIt
Delaying the vote until January will delay full implementation of the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act until 2016. #MiLeg #ScheduleIt #VoteNow
Urge ur State Rep to push for an immediate vote on the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act. #ScheduleIt #VoteYes #MiVoice
MI can't afford to wait. Urge your State Rep to contact the House Speaker to #ScheduleIt today! #VoteYes #MiVoice
Pass the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act! Urge your state rep to tell the House Speaker to #ScheduleIt and #VoteYes !
Urge your state legislator to support the Abortion Insurance Opt-out Act! Contact info: #MiVoice #ScheduleIt
Urge your state rep to tell the House Speaker to #ScheduleIt and #VoteNow on the Abortion Insurance Opt-out Act:
**Visit for more information on the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act.***
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Speaker’s Photos of Abortion Victims Shows Humanity of Unborn… Dr. Miller Speaking In Howell Tonight - Sun, Nov. 24th!
Speaker’s Photos of Abortion Victims
Shows Humanity of Unborn!
Saves Lives!
“The Three Lessons of Abortion” with Monica Migliorino Miller, on Sunday, November 24th, beginning at 6:30 pm, at St. Joseph Church, 440 E Washington St. in Howell, will be presented by the St. Joseph Respect Life Committee. Copies of her book, Abandoned – The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars will be available for $17 (a 40% discount). Free-will donations will be accepted.
Please check out two very recent articles published by CITIZENS FOR A PRO-LIFE SOCIETY and can be found on their website :
But is also permanently posted at:
The author has herself retrieved hundreds of aborted babies from trash containers and spent hundreds of hours photographing the bodies. Miller argues strongly that photos of abortion victims play a vital role in the efforts of the right-to-life movement to establish respect for the lives of the unborn and abolish the injustice of abortion. Among other areas of discussion Miller provides a history of the use of these images in the pro-life movement. However, she urges that the time has come for the movement to evaluate which photos of abortion victims are most effective.
This means pro-lifers should be more critical and sophisticated in the selection of photos displayed in public, in literature and educational materials. She states: “Not all abortion victim photos are equal” and goes on to explain that it is a mistake that the “gorier and bloodier the image, the more effective it will be in depicting the injustice of abortion.”
Miller agrees that abortion victim photos will innately contain graphic elements, but argues that such aspects of the photos must be secondary to the subject of the abortion victims presented in the photos. To the viewer of a “graphic image” the abortion victim must be immediately recognizably human. Miller explains:
“Blood and extraneous uterine matter should not overwhelm the aborted baby in the photo. Indeed even a kind of mathematical ratio can be used to evaluate the usefulness of a graphic image. If the blood and gore is more than or even equal to the actual baby—such a photo should be set aside in favor of an image in which the actual human victim is primary. It is not only or primarily the violence of abortion that pro-lifers should display to the world, but the actual hidden and silent human victim of abortion will be the focus of the more effective images.” Miller continues:
Miller also urges that the pro-life movement drop the term “graphic images” when referring to photos of aborted babies. Many abortion photos—even effective ones are indeed extremely “graphic images”—but the term itself does not capture or encompass the essence of this type of photography. She states: “The movement needs to stop using that term. Instead we should refer to these pictures as “abortion victim photos” or “abortion victim photography.”
Distinctions exist between a graphic image that instantly repulses the viewer, an image with an appropriate proportion of extraneous graphic elements, and photos of abortion victims that certainly are disturbing, but in which the blood and gore is nearly absent. Miller’s article calls for a deeper appreciation for these distinctions and states: “Those who oppose the use of ‘graphic images’ need not necessarily oppose photos of abortion victims per se. Whatever side one may take in the debate, given that a difference exists between an excessively graphic image and an image of an abortion victim — between a repulsive image and a disturbing image— pro-lifers who object to the use ofall abortion-victim photography should reexamine and move beyond that objection.”
Miller states: “There are many great pro-lifers who are dedicated to the display of abortion victim photos. What they do is essential to the movement. Their work should be supported and encouraged. I simply want to urge those of us on the front lines to look at abortion victim photos in a new way—to not be threatened or afraid to re-evaluate what we are doing and urge the selection of photos in which the tragic victim of abortion ‘however graphic’ is primary and obvious.”
The New Oxford Review Article covers the following topics:
1) History of the use of these images in the pro-life movement
2) Summary of the recent debate
3) Responses to the objections as to their use
4) Why we need to stop using the term “graphic images” and instead use the term “abortion victim photos”
5) Why not all abortion images are equal in their effectiveness and how to judge a bad photo versus a good one
6) The ethics of abortion victim photography
7) When and where to use the photos
For more information contact: Monica Migliorino Miller 248 444-9096
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