Join the National Day of Protest
Against Planned Parenthood
Their Immoral and Sometimes Illegal Practices
August 22 from 9 am - 11 am - Protest Planned Parenthood #PPSellsBabyParts
Recently, it has been revealed that Planned Parenthood has
been selling organs harvested from the prenatal children aborted by this #1
abortion provider. In some cases, they sell intact corpses of these
abortion victims. Check it out, if you don’t know what all the fuss is about:
Here is the link to the fifth video from The Center For Medical Progress:
Please Join us in Ann Arbor at one of These Two Sites!
Planned Parenthood – Ann Arbor (3100 Professional
Large signs of abortion victims will be available only
at this site in Ann Arbor
Contact: Steve Gendregske at or 734-972-4387
Planned Parenthood – Ann Arbor (2370 W. Stadium
Contact: Sandie Weathers at
or 734-657-1936
FB event link:
The August 22nd National Day of Protest
Against Planned Parenthood is sponsored by Citizens for a Pro-Life Society,
Pro-Life Action League (Chicago), Created Equal
and 40 Days for Life. For a complete
listing of MI locations and more info on the national protest go to: