Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Join us at Life Chain, this Sunday, Oct. 4th in Ann Arbor and around the country from 2 to 3:30PM
Hope you can join us at the Annual Life Chain
this Sunday,
Oct. 4 from 2pm to 3:30 pm in
Ann Arbor, MI or in a city near you!
National Website:
Join Protest Planned Parenthood Fundraiser Bill's Bee... Sat., Oct 3rd!
Please Join Us This Saturday Evening, Oct. 3rd, 2015
for Important Protest of Planned Parenthood Fundraiser
Bill's Beer Garden
Help Spread the Word!
Friday, September 18, 2015
Ann Arbor Organizers Report on the #PPSellsBabyParts “National Day of Protest Against Planned Parenthood,”
“This is a movement and there is no stopping us now.
Propaganda Ha, I think not, we rely on the facts and can back them up!” Anne K on FB
Ann Arbor Organizers Report on the #PPSellsBabyParts
“National Day of Protest Against Planned Parenthood,”
Thank you Father Tom for your support!
NATIONAL PROTEST Update: “On August 22, pro-lifers gathered at Planned Parenthood locations throughout the United States and in six foreign countries to protest Planned Parenthood’s scandalous practice of trafficking in aborted baby body parts, as exposed in a series of videos from the Center for Medical Progress, www.centerformedicalprogress. LIVONIA PROTESTER DIES: reports: Pro-Life Advocate (Robert Adis from Canton) Dies Protesting at Planned Parenthood, His Last Act is Standing Up for Life (Robert was participating in the Livonia protest. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.) ANN ARBOR HIGHLIGHTS: On August 22, 2015 more than 155 people participanted in the #PPSellsBabyParts “National Day of Protest Against Planned Parenthood” in Ann Arbor MI at the Planned Parenthood resource center on Stadium Blvd, with another 200 participanting at the Professional Drive Planned Parenthod abortion facility in Ann Arbor. Participants of the two Ann Arbor protests came from far and wide: Adrian, Ann Arbor, Belleville, Blissfield, Britton, Brownstown, Canton, Carleton, Chelsea, Dexter, Grasslake, Gregory, Hillsdale, Leslie, Livonia, Milford, Milan, Monroe, New Boston, New Hudson, Northville, Plymouth, Saline, South Lyon, Southgate, Wayne, Westland, Wixom, Wyandotte and Ypsilanti. PLAN (Pro-Life Action Network Inc) and 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor, have over one hundred seventy new pro-life contacts from those that emailed us and attended the two Ann Arbor protests. Steve Gendredge, organizer of the Protest of the Planned Parenthood on Professional Drive reports the following: Just wanted to write a few things about Saturdays protest against PP. We had around 200 people show up. I wanted to say thank you to all those who participated, and especially those who worked to get the word out without even being asked. People put notices in Bulletins and made phone calls to radio stations. That was awesome. Thank you to sidewalk advocates, for sidewalk counseling to women going into Planned Parenthood during the protest. We had several clergy present. There was a Priest from St. Francis, I believe several deacons from local parishes. I met Pastor Don Potocki from Briarwood Baptist Church The mood was very upbeat. People were very encouraged by the number of people that showed up. There was a lot of honking in support (and some not in support). One gentleman told me he was not planning on being there, however his son was, and when his son missed his ride, he brought him and wasn’t planning on staying. After arriving he felt he was supposed to stay. Then during the event he felt called to ask everyone to gather in the cul-de-sac in front of Planned Parenthood for prayer at the end. During the protest, the owner of TCBY Yogurt located at 3354 Washtenaw, Suite E, decided he wanted to give everyone frozen yogurt because he felt we were fighting for a good cause. One brave young woman held a sign that said “Abused? So was I. Today I am 17 weeks pregnant. #I CHOOSE LIFE”. I saw seasoned pro-life activist, and saw a lot of new faces. I also felt a lot of hope. Thanks again to everyone who participated with a very special thank you to: Deacon Larry Randolph, from Christ The King; Father Tom Wasilewski from St Francis of Assisi and Pastor Don Potocki from Briarwood Baptist Church. Steve Gendregske Sandie Weathers, organizer of the Protest of the Planned Parenthood on Stadium Blvd reports the following:, “I am very touched and encouraged by all of the people in our area, that are speaking out about the evils that are going on within the walls of Planned Parenthood in our community and around the country.” Mary sent an email to the Ann Arbor organizers stating, “I have always been prolife, the recent exposure of planned parenthood's unashamedly ignoring our laws against the sale of infant's organs has now made me an activist. How can I help, or participate in…?” Allison emailed, “Our family is planning on heading up from Jonesville, MI tomorrow morning to participate in the PP protests.” Weathers organized the protest at the Stadium Blvd Planned Parenthood location in Ann Arbor. More news to follow from Steve Gendregske the organizer of the protest at the Planned Parenthood abortion facility on Professional Dr in Ann Arbor. And yet another shared that he had always been pro-choice, but since the videos have come out, he wants to do whatever he can to advance the pro-life cause. Danielle says, “I want to get involved in the protest. As a Christian, I stand for life. My heart breaks for these babies.” Adam says, “I've never attended any sort of protest before, but just might come out for this one.” Sam says, “I had all the kids with me and we drove by twice and honked and waved. Thank you so so much for all you do!” A little girl participating in the Stadium Bldv protest, reported that after one hour, she counted 64 people that had honked in support of the protester. Thank you to everyone who participated at the rally and those that prayed for us from their homes. A special thank you goes out to Pastor Charles Schulz from Concordia University for his participation and support at the Stadium Blvd location. Weathers thinks that Anne K’s response on FB really summed up the sentiment of the protesters: “We had such a good response! I was so happy to see more of my friends there when I got off the bus (at 3100 Professional Dr) and I was floored! This is a movement and there is no stopping us now. Propaganda Ha, I think not, we rely on the facts and can back them up.” Michigan NPR reports: Protesters rally at Planned Parenthoods, citing controversial videos. (This piece does contain pictures of abortion victims.) To view photos of the protest at the Professional Drive Planned Parenthood: To view photos of the protest at the Stadium Blvd Planned Parenthood: Event page on FB: To see what's next, please click on links below!
Website and Prayer Vigil sign up calendar:
Info? Email / call Sandie at 40daysforlifeannarbor@gmail. FB Kickoff Event: Follow us on Facebook - Follow us on Twitter - @40DFL_Ann_Arbor |
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Save the Date! The 40 DFL Ann Arbor Mid Point Rally News
the Date!
The 40 DFL Ann Arbor Mid Point Rally, will take place on Sunday, Oct. 18 from
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm at Christ The King Catholic Church, 4000 Ave Maria Drive,
Ann Arbor, 48105. Our Midpoint Rally is an event for the whole family. We are
very excited to announce
that Donna J. Harrison M.D., Executive Director of the American Association of
Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists will be giving a presentation entitled
"After the Choice". For the children, we will be showing Dr Suess’
Horton Hears a Who and more… For more info contact Sandie Weathers, Ann
Arbor campaign director at 734-657-1936
or go to:
Please mark your calendar now! We look forward to seeing you there!
Ann Arbor Life Chain 2015 Is Coming!
October 4th
2:00 p.m. to
3:30 p.m.
The Intersection of Washtenaw Ave & Huron Parkway
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Sponsored by: Pro-Life Action
Network Inc, 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor,
Word of God & area churches

UM and EMU SFL presidents to lead the charge
UM and EMU SFL presidents to lead the charge at
the 40 DFL Ann Arbor Jericho March and Kickoff Rally to be Held Sunday,
Sept. 20th!
Please join your neighbors on Sunday, Sep. 20th
from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm for the 40 DFL Ann Arbor Jericho March and Kickoff
Rally. We will begin and end our activities, outside of the Planned
Parenthood abortion facility at 3100 Professional Drive in Ann Arbor. The Jericho March and Kickoff Rally will
include the 1st of seven one mile laps around the triangular block
that surrounds Planned Parenthood, with prayers, singing, balloons, signs and
speeches. Our great lineup of speakers includes: Pastor Ted Jungkuntz from St Luke Lutheran Church in Ann Arbor,
who prayed regularly for some twenty three years outside of Planned Parenthood
with his deceased wife, Lois; R.J. McVeigh, Great Lakes Regional Director of
Students for Life of America (SFLA); Katie Hrebec, UM SFL president and major
contributor to the 4000 Years Without a Voice art display; Katie Perrotta, EMU
SFL president and a member of the SFLA Wilberforce Leadership Fellowship and
Maddie Battle, Bridgestone High School senior and founder of her high school
SFL Club at age 15. This expression of spiritual warfare is for the whole
family. Please mark your calendar today and invite your friends and neighbors.
and Prayer Vigil sign up calendar:
Info? Email / call Sandie at
/ 734-657-1936
FB Kickoff Event:
Follow us on Facebook -
Follow us on Twitter - @40DFL_Ann_Arbor
Join us! 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor fall campaign begins on Wednesday, Sept.23rd!
The 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor fall campaign begins on Wednesday,
Sept.23rd and concludes on Sunday, November 1st. 40 Days
for Life is a peaceful, highly-focused, non-denominational initiative that
focuses on 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil at abortion
facilities, and grassroots educational outreach. The 40-day time frame is drawn
from examples throughout Biblical history. Working and praying together, we can
save more babies from abortion and spare more mothers and fathers a lifetime of
agony and regret. Please pray for the abortion workers, as no one dreams of
working in the abortion industry, when they grow up. For more info contact
Sandie Weathers, Ann Arbor campaign director at 734-657-1936 or
and Prayer Vigil sign up calendar:
Info? Email / call Sandie at
/ 734-657-1936
FB Kickoff Event:
Follow us on Facebook -
Follow us on Twitter - @40DFL_Ann_Arbor
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