Sandie reports: On Wed. May 18
th, Christen of SFLM alerted Paul of SAFL and Sandie of 40 DFL Ann Arbor, that
Mommy E, from a neighboring county
, had an abortion scheduled at 9:30 the next day, Thurs., May 19, at the Planned Parenthood in A2. At least 10 people responded to a plea to sidewalk counsel and to pray, from Paul and Sandie on Thursday, and went out to PP between 8 am and 11 am. Others prayed from wherever they were.
Paul reports: While we didn't get a chance to speak up close to the specific woman, (
Mommy E), one counselor verbally reached out to someone who matched the description. But no one later had contact with this woman.
Christen reports: Mommy E did go through with the abortion.
Mary Ellen shares: A young woman went in to have an abortion but changed her mind. We could not talk to her before she went in but on her way out she had the older woman who was driving her (mother maybe?) stop the car and talk to me. Mommy A had scheduled an abortion because she is single and has a 5 month old at home. Karmen and I had a good conversation with her and her escort and gave her handouts and phone numbers to get further help and support. Mommy A came up from Ohio. Definitely this was the result of prayer! God is good and His mercy endures forever. Everyone has a role, that they can play, to SAVE LIVES! Interested in becoming a Prayer Partner at PP? Please consider becoming
the Prayer Partner of a Sidewalk Advocate at Planned Parenthood, on abortion days: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and every other Saturday. Please contact Paul Dobrowolski at for specific hours that are open, if you are interested.
Interested in Sidewalk Advocates for Life Training? SAFL are planning their next DVD training in mid-June on two consecutive nights, 2 hours each night. The cost is $10 for a manual. Please contact Paul Dobrowolski, if interested at and to give him your preferred days for the training. They need more counselors to talk to abortion-minded women and men so that our goal will happen - to see the closure of the AA Planned Parenthood abortion clinic! After the training, they will start you out counseling with a fellow counselor and eventually counsel with a prayer partner. God Bless!