2012 Upcoming Pro-Life Events List
Washtenaw County and Beyond
Partial list as of Sept. 7th, 2012
The 2012 Life Chain will
be held on Respect Life Sunday, October
7th from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm at the intersection of Washtenaw and
Huron Parkway in Ann Arbor. Again this year we will be collecting
new and gently used baby items for two Washtenaw County Pregnancy Help Centers.
For parking and other info call Marilyn at 734-973-2422 or email Sandie at prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com.
To locate other Life Chain locations go to: www.lifechain.net.
Life is the First Inalienable Right!
On Saturday, September 15, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Ann Arbor, Dr. Monica Miller,
Founder and Director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, will speak on The
Importance of Voting the Pro-Life Issue. The event will be held in the
Parish Hall (530 Elizabeth St.) of St. Thomas Church, State & Kingsley
Streets in Ann Arbor. Parking available in church parking lot ½ block west of
the church.
2012 Annual Focus on Life Benefit Dinner, Thursday,
September 20th at the Creekside Grill, 5827 Jackson Road in Ann Arbor
hosted by Right to Life of Washtenaw County. You are invited to join us at
6p.m. for social hour and dinner/program at 7p.m. Our guest speaker, is Edward
Rivet, Legislative Director of Right to Life of MI. Ed will be giving us a look
into the battle over life issues in Lansing and in Washington, DC. Go to: rtlwashtenaw.org. Contact Betsey Brandt at
734-709-2771 or Karen Walacavage at 734-930-7474.
Ann Arbor - The 40 Days For Life Fall Campaign is set for Sept 26th thru Nov. 4th. Ann Arbor
will be one of a record 314 cities across the globe participating in the
largest 40 Days for Life campaign EVER! We will pray and fast for an end
to abortion, have a 40-day prayer vigil at the Planned Parenthood abortion
clinic at 3100 Professional Dr. Ann Arbor and reach out to spread the word
about 40 Days for Life to members of our community. Please be a part in
this important, life-saving event. Ann
Arbor’s Kick-off rally will be Monday, Sept. 24 at Christ the King Church, 4000
Ave Maria Drive, Ann Arbor at 7 PM. Four excellent Pro-Life speakers
will be presenting. For
more information visit www.40daysforlife.com/annarbor or contact
Paul at 40daysannarbor@gmail.com.
Saturday, September 29th, plan to attend the Right to Life of Michigan 39th Annual
Conference in Lansing with speaker Carol Tobias.
Register online today for RLM Conference, enter drawing at www.rtl.org/
the Date: The third of its kind, Nationwide Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally will take place Saturday, October 20th at noon
local time in communities all over Michigan and the United States, just
seventeen days before the general election. For more info, please go to: http://StandUpRally.com.
On June 8th rallies were held in thirteen communities around
Michigan including Lansing, Detroit and Ann Arbor.
Annual March for Life, Friday, January
25, 2013 in Washington, DC. Right to Life of Washtenaw County
is sponsoring a red-eye bus trip to DC, departing Ann Arbor, Jan.
24th. We will arrive in time for Mass at the Basilica of the
National Shrine and MCI Verizon Center -youth rally. March
along Constitution Ave. in prayerful protest of the tragic Supreme Court
decision Roe v. Wade. Besides the march, take in some of the
historical sites of DC or visit your Legislator. For more information,
call Karen @ (734) 930-7474 or go to www.rtlwashtenaw.org.
ONGOING: Family Life Services Clinic is a
Christian outreach to women and men facing unexpected pregnancies and hurting
from abortion. To help, please
bring unopened and non-expired baby items to 2950 Packard Rd. Ypsilanti,
MI 48197. Betsy Duncan-Spong at bdspong@sbcglobal.net - 734.434.3088.
Arborvitae Women’s Center provides free services to women facing unexpected
pregnancies, such as free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, consulting and more
near U of M campus. For more info
contact: Iris Proctor at director@annarborvitae.com. Mail donations to PO Box 7727, Ann Arbor, MI
Hope Clinic serves
low-income families in need, and urgently needs items to fill their Baby Care
shelves. The following are needed: Enfamil baby formula (yellow label,
12-16 oz. size), baby food/cereal, diapers in sizes 3, 4, 5 & 6, diapers,
wipes and gift cards (used to purchase items). If you would like to help,
please bring unopened and non-expired items to Hope Clinic, 518 Harriet Street,
Ypsilanti 48197. For questions, please email Melissa Burkhart at mburkhart@thehopeclinic.org
ONGOING: Sign the petition to Stop the HHS Mandate at: www.stophhs.com
To be added to the Prolife Action
Network email group and receive updates for
Life Chain, Local Pro-Life Events
and Religious Liberty Issues and Events
contact Sandie Weathers prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com
or call Marilyn Geyer at
* Visit us on Facebook: Prolife Action Network
To be
removed from this email group, please reply to this email with "Please Remove" as the edited subject.
(Updated 09-07-2012
by sjw)
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