Washtenaw County and Beyond - Partial list as of Jan. 18th, 2013
The 40th
Anniversary of the tragic Roe v Wade Decision by the US Supreme Court, which
resulted in the Legalization of Abortion in America is Tuesday, January 22,
2013. Here in Washtenaw County and beyond, there are many opportunities to
commemorate the death of over 55,000,000 babies and to pray for healing for the
unseen victims of abortion, especially the mothers and fathers, who have been
scared spiritually, emotional and physically by a decision they can never take
back. We hope to see each of you at at least one of these events. Please help us spread the word! And Pray!
Pray! Pray!
year 2013 will mark several significant landmark anniversaries including 150
years since the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, 100 years since the
formation of the Federal Reserve System, 50 years since the MLK ‘I HAVE A DREAM
SPEECH’, and the 40th year landmine Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision that
legalized abortion in America. This will surely be a year of transition and
there is a need for a deep spiritual awakening." Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr Martin Luther
On Saturday,
Jan. 19th at 11:45 am, Father Frank
Pavone, National Director,
Priests for Life, will lead a Prayer Vigil
at Planned Parenthood at 3100 Professional Drive, Ann Arbor, For info call
Barbara Grant-Yopko 734-355-3503 or Beth Smith 734-997-0371. All are
On Saturday, January 19th at 6:00 pm the St. Thomas the Apostle Respect Life Committee will
host an Italian Dinner to honor Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, in the Parish Hall. Reservations and prepayment needed. Cost
is $25 per person. Checks can be mailed to or
dropped off in the parish office, 530 Elizabeth Street, Ann Arbor MI 48104. Make
plans to attend now as space is limited. All are welcome. Call Barbara
Grant-Yopko 734-355-3503 or Beth Smith 734-997-0371 if you need additional info. St. Thomas is
located at the corner of State & Kingsley Streets in Ann Arbor. Parking
available in church parking lot ½ block west of the church.
Father Frank
Pavone, will preach at St.
Thomas the Apostle Church on Saturday,
Jan. 19th at the 4:30 PM Mass and Sunday, Jan. 20th (Sanctity of Human Life Sunday) at the 7:30, 9:00
and 11:00 AM Masses and the 1:00 PM Mass. All are welcome. For additional info call Barbara Grant-Yopko 734-355-3503 or Beth Smith 734-997-0371.
Right to Life Charity Dinner to benefit Mother and Unborn
Baby Care! On Saturday, Jan. 19th, the Knights of Columbus
are sponsoring a Right to Life Charity Dinner for Mother and Unborn Baby Care - MAUBC. It will be held at the Church
of the Holy Family and will start @ 5:45 P.M. and conclude by 10:00 P.M. The
address is 24505 Meadowbrook Road, Novi, MI 48375. The cost of the tickets are
$25.00 per person. For further information, please call Peter Riccardo at (248) 202-4903.
On Monday, Jan. 21st, place
a lit candle on your porch around
dust and let it burn into the night as a silent witness to commemorate over 55
million babies lives lost to and the millions of lives changed by abortion. If your church doesn’t have them, get one
from Marilyn 973-2422 or mgeyer@provide.net.
(By placing a candle in a jar into a paper bag, you
can make your own display.)
On Tuesday, Jan. 22nd,
A 24 Hour Prayer Vigil at Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Dr in Ann
Arbor will take place from midnight to midnight. Drop by at any time, and stay for as long as you wish. To sign up
for a half hour spot at the 24 Hour Rosary, call Anne Cherney at 734-769-2271.
On Tuesday, Jan. 22nd attend the Candlelight Vigil on the U
of M Diag at 7:00 pm sponsored by
U of M Students for Life, prolifeum@umich.edu.
The Diag is located at the U-M
Ann Arbor central campus just north of University Street, just east of State
Street at Liberty and just south of North University.
On Wednesday, Jan. 23rd you are invited to the
Annual Christian Concert of Prayer for Unity and Life: “Cry to the Lord With
One Voice” at 7:30 pm at Cross & Resurrection
Lutheran Church, 812 Ann St, Ypsilanti. Please join fellow Christians from
Washtenaw County and beyond for an evening of praise & prayer for: Unity
among Christians; Racial Reconciliation; Pro-Life Concerns; and Spreading the
Gospel in our County. Presenters this year are Pastor Levon Yuille with The Bible Church in Ypsilanti, Father Bill Ashbaugh with St Thomas the
Apostle Catholic Church in Ann Arbor, Pastor Bryan Schindel with Cross and
Resurrection and Phil Tiews with The Word of God
Community and PACT. In prior years this event has been held at St Luke
Lutheran Church. St Thomas the Apostle and St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
all in Ann Arbor and The Bible Church in Ypsilanti. Sponsored by: PACT: Pastors Alliance for County Transformation. Questions:
Phil Tiews 734-994-3243. Everyone welcome.
On Thursday, Jan. 24th you are invited to Pray
at Planned Parenthood, 3100
Professional Dr in Ann Arbor, from 8:00 to
9:00 am with Pastor Yuille from The Bible Church, Pastor Mike Frison from Knox
Presbyterian Church and Pastor Ted Jungkuntz, St Luke Lutheran Church. This annual event is a must!
On Friday, Jan. 25th watch EWTN and/or listen to
WDEO AM-990 for news coverage of the 40th
Annual March For Life in Washington DC. For info: www.marchforlife.org/. Most of the
secular media does not cover this event which last year was attended by an
estimated 400,000 participants. The
March For Life will begin at approx 1:30 pm and will follow its customary route up Constitution
Avenue to the Supreme Court building on Capitol Hill. Hundreds of your
neighbors from Washtenaw County and thousands from around Michigan will be
attending the March.
Saturday, Jan. 26th the 9th
annual Walk for Life West Coast will take place at 12:30 PM at Civic
Center Plaza, San Francisco. For info: www.walkforlifewc.com/.
Annual U of M
Pro-Life Gala! You are cordially invited to attend a Pro-Life Gala hosted
by Students for Life at the University of Michigan on Saturday, Feb. 9th, 7:00-10:00 PM Ballroom, Michigan League, 911 North
University Ave, Ann Arbor. For info: Students for Life at prolifeum@umich.edu. Click
for FB event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/427494517323985/?fref=ts
or click link to online invitation: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?fromEmail=true&formkey=dDRHUnZLcUFFZk02Wm42UmRfTktsTmc6MQ.
Tuesday, Feb. 12th attend a
Black History Month Presentation by Pastor Levon Yuille at 7:00 pm at The Bible Church, 611 E Cross, Ypsi. The 2013 Black
History Month Life Speaker Series events are free of charge and open to the
public. For more events & info go to www.rtl.org. Please consider donating a new unopened
package of diapers &/or baby wipes to benefit Family Life Services.
On Ash Wednesday,
February 13th the 2013 Spring Campaign for Forty Days For Life will begin and run until Palm Sunday, March
24th. For info email: Paul Dobrowolski at 40daysannarbor@gmail.com or go to: www.40daysforlife.com/annarbor.
"Life of A People - Black Genocide" coming to campus: Eastern Michigan University, sponsored by Right to Life of Michigan and the EMU Students for Life on Monday, Feb. 18th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in the EMU Library Auditorium, GO3 Halle Library, 955 W Circle Drive at the intersection of Oakwood and West Circle Drive, Ypsilanti. Free to the public. Questions, contact Karen @ (734) 930-7474.
You won't want to miss the Young Adult Pro Life Conference on
Saturday, March 9th, hosted by Christ
the King Catholic Church, 4000 Ave Maria Dr in Ann Arbor. If you or your
ministry would like to participate, help and support this important event,
please contact Marge Skrobola at mlskr@aol.com or Brigid Kowalczyk at bak.aa47@gmail.com.
Everyone is welcome, especially high school and college students of all faith
traditions. Please save the date NOW!
Sunday, April 7th, 3:00 PM at Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Dr., Ann
Arbor, attend the Annual
Living Rosary and Living Chaplet to commemorate the Knights of Columbus Day of
Prayer for the Unborn Child. All are welcome. For info, contact
Paul Dobrowolski 734-944-7790.
New –
On-Going Baby Needs Collection
have been super generous in providing much needed items for the wonderful
pregnancy help centers in our area! Many
of you have expressed a need for an ongoing collection point. Now, you can drop
off baby items anytime in the collection baskets located at the Christ The King
Pro-Life Information Center in the Narthex (in the church) – across from the
cry room. Christ The King Catholic Church is located at 4000 Ave Maria Dr in Ann Arbor, (near Domino’s Farms). We will collect and distribute the
items on a rotating basis to the pregnancy help centers in our area. We hope this helps those who
want so much to help!! If you have a large item – please contact Brigid bak.aa47@gmail.com or Marge mlskr@aol.com for
special handling.
Hope Clinic serving low-income families in need, they always
need items to fill their Baby Care shelves. To help, please bring unopened and
non-expired items to Hope Clinic, 518 Harriet Street, Ypsilanti 48197. For more
info contact Melissa Burkhart at mburkhart@thehopeclinic.org
ONGOING: Family Life Services Clinic is a
Christian outreach to women and men facing unexpected pregnancies and hurting
from abortion. To help, please
bring unopened and non-expired baby items to 2950 Packard Rd. Ypsilanti,
MI 48197. Betsy Duncan-Spong at bdspong@sbcglobal.net - 734.434.3088.
Arborvitae Women’s Center provides free services to women facing unexpected
pregnancies, such as free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, consulting and more
near U of M campus. For more info
contact: Iris Proctor at director@annarborvitae.com. Mail donations to PO Box 7727, Ann Arbor, MI
To be
added to the Prolife Action Network email group and receive updates for Life
Pro-Life Events and Religious Liberty Issues and Events and to submit info on a Pro-Life event:
Contact Sandie Weathers prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com
Geyer at 734-973-2422 or mgeyer@provide.net
Visit us on Facebook: Prolife
Action Network
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