Thursday, December 18, 2014

Washtenaw County RTL Plans Red Eye Bus Trip to March For Life in Washington, DC January 2015

Here is a Great Stocking Stuffer Idea for Pro-Life Mothers, Daughters, Grandmothers, Granddaughters...

 "Precious in His Sight"
An event hosted by The Respect Life Committee of St. Thomas the Apostle Church and Challenge for 
Sunday January 18, 2015 from 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM at The Dahlmann Campus Inn, 615 E Huron, Ann 
Featured Speaker is Emily Espinola, Director of Programs for ENDOW, a Catholic Women's Apostolate.
Her presentation entitled "True Beauty or Superficial Cutie: A Look at Authentic Maturity" is designed to 
speak to the tender hearts of teenage girls, helping them to understand their God-given dignity.
Following the presentation the young ladies of Challenge for Girls will present "Dressing with Dignity" a 
fashion show featuring special occasion dresses and other wardrobe ideas to encourage young women 
to express their true beauty and dignity in their attire.
An elegant luncheon is included. 
This event promises to be a fun filled afternoon for ladies of all ages: daughters, mothers, grandmothers, 
aunts and nieces.
The cost of the program and luncheon is $25 per person
To purchase tickets, contact Barbara Grant-Yopko 734-355-3503 or
If you are a father, husband or grandfather, 
please consider purchasing tickets for your wives, daughters and granddaughters as a unique Christmas 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Still time to Register - SFL of M holding 1st Annual Banquet

Students for Life of Michigan is holding its first annual benefit banquet and silent auction on Thursday, November 13th, 5:30 pm, at the Church of the Resurrection in Lansing. Adults and students of all ages are encouraged to attend and set up carpools! Your $35 ticket will give you a wonderful evening of pro-life fellowship with a silent auction, a delicious dinner, and the opportunity to hear more about our mission. Speakers include Dr. Monica Miller, Cecilia Tombelli, LG Brian Calley, Katie Wilcox, and pro-life students from around the state. Your attendance will help support the work of Students for Life of Michigan and pro-life college groups around the state. RSVP by contacting Hannah Stevens at 517-262-7534 or If you cannot attend the event, please consider helping others attend by donating at the table sponsorship levels of $100, $350, or $500. Or you can support our work with an amount of your choosing. We would appreciate support in any amount that you can give! Visit for details regarding donation by mail or PayPal. Thank you for your support and may God bless you!

Students for Life
Students for Life of Michigan is a Michigan nonprofit corporation that is tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations to Students for Life of Michigan are tax deductible.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Eucharistic Procession Held on Nov. 1st, 2014 was an Amazing Blessings!

What an amazing blessing it was to be a part of the Eucharistic Procession today, Nov. 1st, 2014 from St. Francis of Assisi Church in Ann Arbor to the Planned Parenthood abortion facility on Professional Drive. The sun was so beautiful and there was just enough breeze to remind us that the Holy Spirit was gently guiding our journey. We were seventy five strong from St Francis, from parishes all around Washtenaw County and as far away as Detroit praying for healing, forgiveness and mercy for all victims of abortion including mothers and fathers who very often suffer deep grief and regret over a choice they can never reverse.  We joined our voices to speak for the least of God’s people, to be a voice for the voiceless, as we prayed for the end of legalized abortion and to make abortion unthinkable. The Eucharist Procession was lead by Father Tom Wasilewski, Parochial Vicar at St. Francis. Thank you, Father Tom for leading us today. A special thank you goes out to Father James Conlon, pastor of St. Francis of Assisi for your continual support and prayers. This event was sponsored by 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor.
Submitted by Sandie Weathers, 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor Campaign Director.

To view more photos, go to:

Friday, October 31, 2014

Join us for Mass at 9:15 am at St. Francis on Sat. Nov. 1st - 40 DFL Ann Arbor updates

From Fr. James Conlon: Can you remind the folks who might be participating in your procession tomorrow that we will celebrate mass at 9:15am here at St. Francis and that they are welcome to join us as a start to their day of prayer and pilgrimage! Blessings, Fr. James

Just in case, we do have a bad weather plan: In case of bad weathers, there will be Eucharistic Adoration with praise and worship and benediction from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon in the church. For additional info contact Sandie Weathers at or call 734-657-1936.

Visit our FB events page:

DAY 38 SCRIPTURE: Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than the heavens above - what can you do? They are deeper than the depths below - what can you know? Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea. (Job 11:7-9)

DAY 38 PRAYER: Almighty Father, give me the humility to accept any persecution or discomfort for Your sake. The sufferings Your followers experience here on earth are so small compared to what You endured for us on the cross. Help me to seek Your holy perspective to look beyond myself and see the injustice of abortion as a worldwide crisis and You as the worldwide answer. I praise You for the many faithful leaders around the world whom You have lifted up to protect your innocent children in the womb. I ask this through Christ our Lord, amen.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Father Tom Wasilewski to lead Eucharistic Procession on Saturday, November 1st at 11:00 am from St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church to Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor!

On Saturday, November 1st, you are invited to gather in the pews of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, in Ann Arbor to participate in a peaceful, public procession of the Eucharist, lead by Father Tom Wasilewski, Parochial Vicar at St. Francis, through the streets of the city to the cul-de-sac of Planned Parenthood, as a witness of faith and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, and the belief in the Catholic doctrine that Jesus Christ is truly present in the consecrated host. We will begin with prayer in the church, located at 2250 East Stadium Blvd at 11:00 am before processing to the Planned Parenthood abortion facility at 3100 Professional Dr. All Clergy, Priests and Deacons are invited to come and wear your stole.

The mile and a third journey to Planned Parenthood will include a time for silent reflection, the recitation of the rosary, praise and worship and benediction. The Ann Arbor 40 Days For Life team, along with the St. Francis of Assisi parish community invite the wider community, young and old alike, to pray for healing, forgiveness and mercy for all victims of abortion including mothers and fathers who very often suffer deep grief and regret over a choice they can never reverse.  You are invited to join your voice with others in the community, as we speak for the least of God’s people, a voice for the voiceless, as we pray for the end of legalized abortion and to make abortion unthinkable. Everyone is invited to join us. We will have volunteers ready to take drivers back to St. Francis to pick up their cars. Or arrange to go with a friend, with one parking at Planned Parenthood, the other at St. Francis and shuttle each other.

In case of bad weather, there will be Eucharistic Adoration with praise and worship from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon in the church. For additional info contact Sandie Weathers at or call 734-657-1936. Visit our FB events page:

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

PRAYER REQUEST - Please pray for Denise's family friend!

Please pray for Denise's family friend!

Hello Sandy,
I was referred to you by B. P.  She said that your group prays for couples considering abortion. 
A family friend  found out Saturday that he has fathered a child.  As with many young people these days, he says he is ‘not ready’ to accept responsibility for the child he fathered and is hopeful that the mother will abort the child.  The mother was a casual partner with whom he has no interest in establishing a family. He refers to his child as a ‘glob of cells,’ not understanding/believing that that the child is a person created by God in cooperation with him and the child’s mother.  He mistakenly thinks that an abortion will solve his dilemma…not understanding the gravity of participating or advocating such a deplorable act. And he does not understand the burden and wound he will carry for the rest of his life. Our family had the opportunity to talk with him last weekend, to help him understand how important it is to protect this precious life he participated in creating; but we are still unsure of what he will do.  We are praying for him, the mother and the child; and would implore you and your group to do the same.
Bless you for the work you do,

​Thank you all for ALL you do for LIFE!​

Sunday, October 12, 2014

This Tuesday-- PLEASE Attend this IMPORTANT PICKET of abortionist Michael Roth-- who kills the unborn through 24 weeks!

Dear Pro-life Friends--  

I REALLY hope you will try hard to attend this picket of abortionist Michael Roth on Tuesday Morning, Oct. 14th

The Picket is planned by Lynn Mills--  and it would be great if you could come and be a witness for LIFE with her!  

Even if you cannot come out for the full 2 hours--  then just come to part of the picket. 

Picketing someone who willfully kills innocent unborn babies is one of the best ways the pro-life movement keeps the issue of abortion alive in the public square and puts pressure on abortionists to stop killing babies 

Tuesday 8-10        44000 West 12 mile  north side of road.  Premiere 
Medical Building
Michael A. Roth is a 24 week abortionist with hospital privileges at 
Providence Park Catholic hospital.  
Please join us for 2 hours while we expose the truth to his new neighbors.  Roth just moved her in May and maybe 
the other 30 tenants don't know what's going on inside this 'Urgent Care of 

Novi office.'  Roth shares this space with them.   

40 DFL DAY 19: THEY’RE PRAYING IN OKLAHOMA and Ann Arbor Campaign News!

Thank you for all of your prayers and fasting for LIFE this past week. We are experiencing that more woman have been willing to take life saving literature from us. Yesterday we were blessed with nearly fifty people that came out during the day to pray. Prayer volunteers from Saturday reported little or no activity going on at Planned Parenthood.

Paul shares: The decreasing business on Saturdays is huge.  We have noticed this, the past half a year or so.  Last year, I recall Saturday mornings where couples would be waiting in their cars or at the front door until the doors would be opened.  It was routine to have every Sat. be an abortion day.  I attribute this to the power of prayer.  Let's keep up the prayers!

We still need YOUR help! We need your prayers throughout the entire week, especially on Monday and Tuesday to help us get off to a STRONG START THIS WEEK, as we did last week.  Please take a few minutes right now and go to your computer and sign up for at least one hour this week at the prayer vigil.  If you have not already done so, please sign up, register and select the Ann Arbor campaign at:

I hope you enjoy the following devotional related to today, Day 19! Thank you for ALL you do for LIFE!

OCTOBER 12, 2014

 If I have despised the cause of my male or female servant when they complained against me, what then shall I do when God rises up? When He punishes, how shall I answer Him? Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One fashion us in the womb?
—Job 31:13-15

 God, forgive us when we try to explain away the obligation we have to help others who need help. Enable us to not devalue them because they are in the circumstance that they are in, but to see them for what they are, those, who like us, were formed by your hand in their mother’s womb. Amen. 

 Day 19 – For an update on what is happening in cities in America and around the world go to:

Saturday, October 11, 2014

40 DFL Day 18 prayer and link to NEWS

Day 18 – The Power of Prayer


Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, but shall speak with their enemies in the gate.

— Psalm 127:3-5 

Heavenly Father, please keep me from taking for granted the gift of children. Help us to remember this heritage that you have given us. Make us faithful stewards of these precious lives, that each generation might be raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. 

For a Day 18 Update on what is happening in cities in America and around the world:

Father Tom Wasilewski to lead Eucharistic Procession from St. Francis of Assisi to Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor!!

On Saturday, November 1st, you are invited to gather in the pews of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, in Ann Arbor to participate in a peaceful, public procession of the Eucharist, lead by Father Tom Wasilewski, Parochial Vicar at St. Francis, through the streets of the city to the cul-de-sac of Planned Parenthood, as a witness of faith and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, and the belief in the Catholic doctrine that Jesus Christ is truly present in the consecrated host. We will begin with prayer in the church, located at 2250 East Stadium Blvd at 11:00 am before processing to the Planned Parenthood abortion facility at 3100 Professional Dr.

The mile and a third journey will include a time for silent reflection, the recitation of the rosary, praise and worship and benediction. The Ann Arbor 40 Days For Life team, along with the St. Francis Pro-Life Committee invite the community, young and old alike, to pray for healing, forgiveness and mercy for all victims of abortion including mothers and fathers who very often suffer deep grief and regret over a choice they can never reverse.  You are invited to join your voice with others in the community, as we speak for the least of God’s people, a voice for the voiceless, as we pray for the end of legalized abortion and to make abortion unthinkable. All are invited to join us.

In case of bad weather, there will be Eucharistic Adoration with praise and worship from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon in the church. For additional info contact Sandie Weathers at or call 734-657-1936. Visit our FB events page:

Tuesday, October 7, 2014



Pastor Mike Frison, Pastor of Outreach and Discipleship at Knox Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor, invites prayer volunteers of all faith traditions to join him in prayer outside of Planned Parenthood. For over five years, Pastor Mike has dedicated an hour from 8:00 am to 9:00 am on Thursdays to pray for mothers in unexpected pregnancies at Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Drive in Ann Arbor. Please join him in prayer!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

JOIN US AT LIFE CHAIN – SUNDAY, Oct. 5th! in Ann Arbor and around the country!

Respect Life Sunday, October 5th
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The Intersection of Washtenaw Ave & Huron Parkway
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Life Chain is a peaceful, prayerful, legal, family friendly,
Nationwide PRO-LIFE demonstration!
Please join us and make a stand for life!
Again this year we will be collecting baby items
for area Pregnancy Help Centers!
Please don’t park in the lots of open businesses
(Whole Foods, Barnes & Noble)
A $2 donation per family would be greatly appreciated.
Sponsored by: The Prolife Action Network and area churches
For parking or other info call Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422
To be added to our email group,,
please email Sandie at
“Rescue those unjustly sentenced to death, don’t
stand back and let them die.” Proverbs 24:11

On Going: Protest at Providence Park Hospital every Tuesday! Hope to see you this Tuesday, Oct. 7th at Providence Park Hospital from 4:30 to 6 pm on the corner of Beck & Grand River Roads. Parking info below.

Our community is currently participating in 40 Days for Life that began on Sept. 26th and will conclude on Sunday, Nov. 2, which is a groundbreaking, coordinated international mobilization. We pray that, with God’s help, this will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in Ann Arbor — and beyond. The campaign consists of three components, prayer and fasting, community outreach and holding a forty day prayer vigil.

The primary goal of our Ann Arbor 40 Days for Life campaign is to have at least 12 hours a day filled with prayer volunteers at the peaceful vigil site, outside of the Planned Parenthood abortion facility at 3100 Professional Drive in Ann Arbor.  Ideally, we would like to fill all 24 hours, so we still need YOU! Please sign up and register online at and sign up for an hour or two this week. Please note that the 40DFL website has been updates, so everyone will need to sign up and register for the Ann Arbor campaign.

We have shown proven results. Since our 1st campaign in 2007, the number of children killed by abortion annually in Washtenaw County has dropped by an average of 168 lives per year when compared to the previous 9 year average. Working and praying together, we can save more babies from abortion and spare more mothers and fathers a lifetime of agony and regret.

​For more info, please contact Sandie Weathers, Campaign Director, 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor at or 734-657-1936. ​I look forward to hearing from you!  

 Please join Right to Life of Washtenaw County & Western Wayne County for our annual Focus On Life Benefit Dinner on Thursday, October 9, 6 p.m. at The Polo Fields of Ann Arbor (5200 Polo Fields Drive).  Special guest speaker will be Ellen Salter of Dearborn, MI.  You will want to hear her inspiring story of the faith and love that binds her family together.  Tickets are $45 each, or table of 8 for $320. Contact Betsey Brandt for your tickets at 734/709-2771 or

Our 2nd SAFL Training has been set for Saturday, October 11th from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School library.  St Francis is located at 2250 E. Stadium Blvd in Ann Arbor. The school library is just inside the school entrance and to the right (school entrance is between the pillars).  
We will ask for a $15 donation for the SAFL manual and lunch.  Please spread the word!  The deadline for signing up is October 8.

Blessings from our Initial SAFL Campaign: 
  • Excellent advice on how to lovingly reach out to abortion-minded women and men
  • We have seen more hours covered during the time between 40 Days for Life campaigns than ever before 
  • With more people at the site and equipped with our SAFL techniques, we have had more people stop to talk to us and more literature has been given out than ever before. 
  • We had one occasion to mention Abby Johnson's ATTWN website ( to the dad of a Planned Parenthood employee who admitted that she is looking to get out.

The 2014 LIFESPAN CIDER Walk (Children in Utero Deserve Equal Rights) will be taking place on Sunday, October 19th from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at Starr Jaycee Park in Royal Oak (W. 13 Mile Road, 1 block east of Crooks).  This fundraiser will benefit LIFESPAN’s Wee Care Outreach Center (to give loving support and material assistance to moms who have chosen LIFE for their unborn babies) and our Youth Outreach.  Come on out that day and enjoy the fresh fall air, cider and donuts, and a nice walk for a very worthy cause – LIFE! 

The Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity will take place on Tuesday, October 21st throughout the country!  Students representing 862 schools have already registered on line to participate.  Please go to: for more details. 

Father Tom Wasilewski to lead Eucharistic Procession to Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor!
On Saturday, November 1st, you are invited to gather in the pews of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, in Ann Arbor to participate in a peaceful, public procession of the Eucharist, lead by Father Tom Wasilewski, Parochial Vicar at St. Francis, through the streets of the city to the cul-de-sac of Planned Parenthood, as a witness of faith and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, and the belief in the Catholic doctrine that Jesus Christ is truly present in the consecrated host. We will begin with prayer in the church, located at 2250 East Stadium Blvd at 11:00 am before processing to the Planned Parenthood abortion facility at 3100 Professional Dr.

The mile and a third journey will include a time for silent reflection, the recitation of the rosary, praise and worship and benediction. The Ann Arbor 40 Days For Life team, along with the St. Francis Pro-Life Committee invite the community, young and old alike, to pray for healing, forgiveness and mercy for all victims of abortion including mothers and fathers who very often suffer deep grief and regret over a choice they can never reverse.  You are invited to join your voice with others in the community, as we speak for the least of God’s people, a voice for the voiceless, as we pray for the end of legalized abortion and to make abortion unthinkable. All are invited to join us. 

In case of bad weather, there will be Eucharistic Adoration with praise and worship from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon in the church. For additional info contact Sandie Weathers at or call 734-657-1936. Visit our FB events page:
                                                               * * * * * * * *
Monte Carlo Night! On November 14th, 2014 we will be having our 29th Annual Celebration of Life Monte Carlo Night benefiting MAUBC. It will be held at Farmington Hills Manor, 23666 Orchard Lake Road in Farmington Hills. The doors will open at 6:30 PM and the evening will conclude by10 PM. The evening will feature hors d’oeuvres, dinner and cocktails, black jack, fabulous prizes, silent and live auctions. Invitations will be mailed in September. The cost will be $60.00 P/P. Table sponsors are available for 10 @ $600.00. For more information, please call Peter Riccardo (248) 202-4903.

On Going: Protest at Providence Park Hospital every Tuesday! Hope to see you this Tuesday, Oct. 7th at Providence Park Hospital from 4:30 to 6 pm on the corner of Beck & Grand River Roads. Please DO NOT park at Providence. You can park at the Kroger grocery nearby and walk over to the intersection. This is an on-going and important initiative to draw attention to the horrible FACT that this Catholic Hospital has a number of abortionists on staff (they do the abortions elsewhere) including Glenn Taylor who is no less than the "medical director" of Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Ann Arbor. For info contact Lynn Mills at

Want to use your gifts/talents to support women & the unborn? ArborVitae Women’s Center wants YOU to volunteer. ArborVitae needs pro-life people to support, nurture, and empower women facing unplanned pregnancies. Wanted: Nurses & RDMS (sonographers) with a current Michigan license; pregnancy counselors with an aptitude or counseling background; post-abortion counselors (male & female), marketing, administrative, receptionist and janitorial (male or female) volunteers. ArborVitae's mandatory Fall Volunteer Training is Sat., 10/18/14(8:30am-2:30pm). Contact ArborVitae's Volunteer Coordinator at (734) 994-8863 or to learn more/attend. To download an application visit

Arbor Vitae Women’s Center: PREGNANT?  Know someone who might be? Find out for sure. Free and confidential services for all ages including pregnancy testing, ultrasounds to date and confirm pregnancy, pregnancy options counseling and post-abortion counseling. Where: ArborVitae, downtown Ann Arbor located at the corner of State and Liberty (below Starbucks) When: Monday and Thursday 9am-4pm; Tuesday 2pm-8pm How: Walk in or make an appointment online at Call 734-994-8863.

To be added to the Prolife Action Network email group and receive updates for Life Chain,
Local Pro-Life Events and Religious Liberty Issues and Events
and to submit info on a Pro-Life event:
Contact Sandie Weathers or
Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422 or * Visit us on Facebook: Prolife Action Network

Friday, September 26, 2014

TODAY! Friday, Sept. 26th please join us! 40 DFL Kickoff Rally on the U of M DIAG!

Hope to see you on the U of M DIAG this afternoon for the Ann Arbor 40 Days For Life Kickoff Rally from 3:30 to 4:30. We have great speakers lined up, some great news to share from some prayer volunteers, we’ll have chalk and balloons, and the Pro-Life Poster Project will be on display. Oh, and there will being singing!

After being welcomed by Alexandria Smith, UM Students For Life Club President, we will hear presentation from: Pastor Mike Frison, a pastor at Knox Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor: Taylor Crookston, the interim Vice President for UM Students for Life; Shann Patton, Board President of ArborVitae Women’s Center: Monica Migliorino Miller, founder of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and Father Dan Reim,  a Jesuit priest serving St. Mary’s Student Parish in Ann Arbor.

Come early and meet and support  the UM Students For Life who will be on the DIAG from noon until 5:00 pm for an afternoon of prolife advocacy. Some of you may be wondering why we would hold the kickoff rally for 40 Days For Life three days after the campaign has already begun. We’ll explain! Please come join us.

Friday, September 19, 2014

2014-09-19 Upcoming Pro-Life Events You Won't Want to Miss!

The "Helpers" will be holding a formal Prayer Vigil for Life on Saturday, September 20th at St Veronica Catholic Church and it will be led by Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron! The Archbishop will offer Holy Mass at 7:30am and will then lead us in deep prayer in front of the two nearby abortion mills on E 8 Mile Rd.  The vigil concludes back at St Veronica with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Refreshments will be served immediately following. A usual reminder that Helpers Vigils are never a protest or a demonstration. Questions? Helpers of God's Precious Infants of MI
On Going: Protest at Providence Park Hospital every Tuesday! Hope to see you this Tuesday, Sept 23rd at Providence Park Hospital from 4:30 to 6 pm on the corner of Beck & Grand River Roads. Parking info below.
Students for Life at Eastern Michigan University is excited to be hosting, from Students for Life of American... The Planned Parenthood Project on Monday, September 22nd.  This is an event worth the work; we expose the truth about Abortion mogul Planned Parenthood. We need volunteers to help make this happen with set-up at 9am and take-down at 3pm. We are holding the display outside the largest academic building on campus- Pray-Harrold at E Circle Dr, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Contact info: Katie Perrotta at 734-474-8534 or  For more info on the display, here’s the webpage:

Please mark your calendars: From September 24 – November 2, our community will take part in 40 Days for Life … a groundbreaking, coordinated international mobilization. We pray that, with God’s help, this will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in Ann Arbor — and beyond. The campaign consists of three components, prayer and fasting, community outreach and holding a forty day prayer vigil outside of the Planned Parenthood abortion facility at 3100 Professional Drive in Ann Arbor. We have shown proven results. Since our 1st campaign in 2007, the number of children killed by abortion annually in Washtenaw County has dropped by an average of 168 lives per year when compared to the previous 9 year average. 

To (re)register and schedule your hour of prayer at the prayer vigil, please go to: Working and praying together, we can save more babies from abortion and spare more mothers and fathers a lifetime of agony and regret. For more info, please contact Sandie Weathers, Campaign Director, 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor at or 734-657-1936. ​I look forward to hearing from you!

Noted Pro-Life speaker to talk on Immigration: Reform has stalled in Congress, so we have time to think. What does Scripture say about it? What does the Church say about it? John Cavanaugh-O'Keefe, a Maryland native who has been writing about immigration, pro-life issues, and eugenics for 30 years, will speak about the Catholic concept of “Hospitality” in Scripture at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, Sept.  24, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 411 Florence St., Ypsilanti. John always proves to be a fascinating speaker whose insights surprise and alter our viewpoint. He seeks to define the core Christian principles that will guide us in making socio-political decisions. His books on immigration (Sign of the Crossing and Welcome! Date TBD) are available on Amazon, along with his other pro-life books. The talk is free, and all are welcome. For more information, contact Suzanne Abdalla at (734) 483-3360.

RTL News! Please join Right to Life of Michigan and Ryan Bomberger, the guest speaker, for the 41st annual Right to Life of Michigan Conference, Thursday, September 25, at the Radisson Hotel in Lansing. Learn about the many ways to stand up for life. The afternoon is filled with informative workshops that will motivate and inspire. Workshop options include: Grassroots in Action, How to Shape the Abortion Debate, How Prolife Laws Saves Lives in Michigan, and much more.  Ryan Bomberger is an Emmy Award-winning creative professional and Chief Creative Officer for The Radiance Foundation, which exists to inspire people to embrace their intrinsic value and live a life of meaning. Ryan's biological mother was raped, yet courageously chose to continue the pregnancy and chose the loving option of adoption for him. Register today at: Invite your friends and family & take advantage of the group rate. 

The Fall Kickoff Rally for 40 Days for Life to be held on the UM DIAG! The Ann Arbor 40 Days For Life Kickoff Rally will take place on Friday, September 26th, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm on the University of Michigan DIAG, located in front of the Hatcher Graduate Library, in the center of the U-M Ann Arbor central campus just north of South University Street, just east of State Street, and just south of North University. Bring your children and tell your friends. The featured speaker will be Monica Migliorino Miller, nationally known pro-life leader, speaker, author of Abandoned: The Untold Stories of the Abortion Wars, a pioneer and veteran of pro-life activism dating back to 1976, and founder of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society. Rounding out the program are  Pastor Mike Frison, Pastor of Outreach and Discipleship at Knox Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor, Taylor Crookston, interim Vice President of Students for Life at U-M, Shann Patton, Board President of ArborVitae Women’s Center, Christen Pollo, the Executive Director of Students for Life of Michigan and Father Dan Reim, S. J. campus minister for Hispanic and Latino Ministry and Social Justice at St. Mary’s Student Parish.  

The University of Michigan Students For Life, who are hosting the rally, will be on the DIAG from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm for an afternoon of pro-life activism, as they strive to fulfill their mission to promote and defend the dignity and protection of all human life, from the moment of conception until natural death. So plan to come early and stay late. Take the opportunity to meet representatives from local pro-life organizations and view phase one of the pro-life poster project. FB event: updates on presenters:

Michigan Nurses for Life is holding its annual fall conference on Saturday, September 27th at the Franco Communications Center/St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital at 44405 Woodward Avenue, Pontiac.  Please call 248-816-8489 to register or go on-line to: 
The National Pro-Life Chalk Day is coming up on Thursday, October 2nd!  To find out more about this special day, go to: .

Please Join Us at Life Chain 2014

Respect Life Sunday, October 5th
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The Intersection of Washtenaw Ave & Huron Parkway
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Life Chain is a peaceful, prayerful, legal, family friendly,
Nationwide PRO-LIFE demonstration!
Please join us and make a stand for life!
Again this year we will be collecting baby items
for area Pregnancy Help Centers!
Please don’t park in the lots of open businesses
(Whole Foods, Barnes & Noble)
A $2 donation per family would be greatly appreciated.
Sponsored by: The Prolife Action Network and area churches
For parking or other info call Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422
To be added to our email group,,
please email Sandie at
“Rescue those unjustly sentenced to death, don’t
stand back and let them die.” Proverbs 24:11


Please join Right to Life of Washtenaw County & Western Wayne County for our annual Focus On Life Benefit Dinner on Thursday, October 9, 6 p.m. at The Polo Fields of Ann Arbor (5200 Polo Fields Drive).  Special guest speaker will be Ellen Salter of Dearborn, MI.  You will want to hear her inspiring story of the faith and love that binds her family together.  Tickets are $45 each, or table of 8 for $320. Contact Betsey Brandt for your tickets at 734/709-2771 or

The 2014 LIFESPAN CIDER Walk (Children in Utero Deserve Equal Rights) will be taking place on Sunday, October 19th from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at Starr Jaycee Park in Royal Oak (W. 13 Mile Road, 1 block east of Crooks).  This fundraiser will benefit LIFESPAN’s Wee Care Outreach Center (to give loving support and material assistance to moms who have chosen LIFE for their unborn babies) and our Youth Outreach.  Come on out that day and enjoy the fresh fall air, cider and donuts, and a nice walk for a very worthy cause – LIFE! 
The Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity will take place on Tuesday, October 21st throughout the country!  Students representing 862 schools have already registered on line to participate.  Please go to: for more details.

Monte Carlo Night! On November 14th, 2014 we will be having our 29th Annual Celebration of Life Monte Carlo Night benefiting MAUBC. It will be held at Farmington Hills Manor, 23666 Orchard Lake Road in Farmington Hills. The doors will open at 6:30 PM and the evening will conclude by10 PM. The evening will feature hors d’oeuvres, dinner and cocktails, black jack, fabulous prizes, silent and live auctions. Invitations will be mailed in September. The cost will be $60.00 P/P. Table sponsors are available for 10 @ $600.00. For more information, please call Peter Riccardo (248) 202-4903.

On Going: Protest at Providence Park Hospital every Tuesday! Hope to see you this Tuesday, Sept 23rd at Providence Park Hospital from 4:30 to 6 pm on the corner of Beck & Grand River Roads. Please DO NOT park at Providence. You can park at the Kroger grocery nearby and walk over to the intersection. This is an on-going and important initiative to draw attention to the horrible FACT that this Catholic Hospital has a number of abortionists on staff (they do the abortions elsewhere) including Glenn Taylor who is no less than the "medical director" of Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Ann Arbor. For info contact Lynn Mills at

Special Pro-Life Project for Ypsilanti Residents - We are looking for Ypsilanti residents to volunteer for a short term Pro-Life special project that could have widespread impact in the area.  If interested and to find out more, contact Cathy at 734-944-7790.

Want to use your gifts/talents to support women & the unborn? ArborVitae Women’s Center wants YOU to volunteer. ArborVitae needs pro-life people to support, nurture, and empower women facing unplanned pregnancies. Wanted: Nurses & RDMS (sonographers) with a current Michigan license; pregnancy counselors with an aptitude or counseling background; post-abortion counselors (male & female), marketing, administrative, receptionist and janitorial (male or female) volunteers. ArborVitae's mandatory Fall Volunteer Training is Sat., 10/18/14(8:30am-2:30pm). Contact ArborVitae's Volunteer Coordinator at (734) 994-8863 or to learn more/attend. To download an application visit

Arbor Vitae Women’s Center: PREGNANT?  Know someone who might be? Find out for sure. Free and confidential services for all ages including pregnancy testing, ultrasounds to date and confirm pregnancy, pregnancy options counseling and post-abortion counseling. Where: ArborVitae, downtown Ann Arbor located at the corner of State and Liberty (below Starbucks) When: Monday and Thursday 9am-4pm; Tuesday 2pm-8pm How: Walk in or make an appointment online at Call 734-994-8863.

Compiled by Sandie Weathers on Sept. 19, 2014

To be added to the Prolife Action Network email group and receive updates for Life Chain,
Local Pro-Life Events and Religious Liberty Issues and Events
and to submit info on a Pro-Life event:
Contact Sandie Weathers or
Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422 or * Visit us on Facebook: Prolife Action Network