Thank you for all of your prayers and fasting for LIFE this past week. We are experiencing that more woman have been willing to take life saving literature from us. Yesterday we were blessed with nearly fifty people that came out during the day to pray. Prayer volunteers from Saturday reported little or no activity going on at Planned Parenthood.
Paul shares: The decreasing business on Saturdays is huge. We have noticed this, the past half a year or so. Last year, I recall Saturday mornings where couples would be waiting in their cars or at the front door until the doors would be opened. It was routine to have every Sat. be an abortion day. I attribute this to the power of prayer. Let's keep up the prayers!
We still need YOUR help! We need your prayers throughout the entire week, especially on Monday and Tuesday to help us get off to a STRONG START THIS WEEK, as we did last week. Please take a few minutes right now and go to your computer and sign up for at least one hour this week at the prayer vigil. If you have not already done so, please sign up, register and select the Ann Arbor campaign at: annarbor.
I hope you enjoy the following devotional related to today, Day 19! Thank you for ALL you do for LIFE!
OCTOBER 12, 2014
If I have despised the cause of my male or female servant when they complained against me, what then shall I do when God rises up? When He punishes, how shall I answer Him? Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One fashion us in the womb?
—Job 31:13-15
God, forgive us when we try to explain away the obligation we have to help others who need help. Enable us to not devalue them because they are in the circumstance that they are in, but to see them for what they are, those, who like us, were formed by your hand in their mother’s womb. Amen.
Day 19 – For an update on what is happening in cities in America and around the world go to: 2014/10/12/day-19-2/
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