Washtenaw County and Beyond
Partial list as of March 23rd,
2014 Compiled by Sandie Weathers
Join in the Interfaith Novena
to Stop the HHS Mandate – on Day 7!
We can fight injustice in many different ways, but we must never forget that
our strongest weapon is prayer. A novena is a nine day prayer sequence for a
particular intention, in this case the Hobby Lobby and Conestoga cases and the
defeat of the HHS Mandate. Though the devotion has its roots in Catholic
spirituality, the prayers here are ones that people of any Christian tradition
can pray. For entire novena, please go
to: http://standupforreligiousfreedom.com/2011/entirenovena/#sthash.ndeIPw6B.dpuf
40 Days For Life News:
Ann Arbor: 253 communities across North
America and around the world began 40 Days
For Life 2014 Spring Campaigns on Ash Wednesday, March 5th and will conclude on
Palm Sunday, April 13th. 40 Days for Life
(40 DFL) is a focused
pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting,
and peaceful vigil to end abortion.
Here in Ann Arbor, we are again holding
a prayer vigil at the Ann Arbor Planned Parenthood Facility, 3100 Professional
Drive. For add’l info contact Campaign Director, Kate Astrakhan at kateastrakhan@gmail.com or
734-249-4944 or go to: http://40daysforlife.com/annarbor.html.
us on FB:
www.facebook.com/40daysforlifeannarbor International website: http://www.40daysforlife.com/
Ann Arbor: Visit
by Steve Karlen from National 40 Days for Life team on Wednesday, April 2nd
at 9:00 AM -
Steve will be visiting all of the Michigan 40 DFL sites in a whirlwind tour of
our state. Steve was instrumental in having abortions stopped at a
Wisconsin hospital and is now on the National 40 DFL team. Come and hear
Steve’s inspiring stories.
Southfield: The
Spring/Lent 2014 40 Days for Life campaign at Womancare of Southfield, starts
March 5 (Ash Wednesday) and ends at 4 p.m. on April 13 (Palm Sunday). We
are emphasizing the Fasting aspects along with the Prayer at the vigil site
(and elsewhere).
of Columbus Day of Prayer for the Unborn Child! All Knights and the
local community are invited to commemorate the Knights of Columbus Day
of Prayer for the Unborn Child by participating in a Living
Rosary and Chaplet at 3 PM on Sunday,
March 23, 2014. Deacon Rich Badics from St. Francis Catholic Church
will lead the prayer hour at Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Dr.
in Ann Arbor. This will be the 5th annual event held close to the Feast
of the Annunciation to encourage Knights, their families and friends to stand
together in public to pray for an end to abortion. Questions? Paul at 40daysannarbor@gmail.com.
U of M
Diag Rally to Commemorate the Annunciation and Defeat the
HHS Mandate at University of Michigan Diag on Tuesday, March 25
from 5:55 pm to 6:25 pm.
the Feast of the Annunciation, marks 2014 years since the Word was made flesh
in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is also the day the HHS mandate will
be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court. Please join us on the U-M Diag for
Marian prayers and hymns both commemorating Mary's "yes" to Our Lord
and begging her intercession to preserve the Church's freedom to carry out
Christ's saving work. Note: The Angelus will begin EXACTLY at 6:00pm!
Rally programs will be provided.
-Sponsored by Catholic Street Evangelization at U-M. FB
Stand Up Coalition to Rally at U.S. Supreme
Court March 25 for HUGE Hobby Lobby Case! On March 25th, the Supreme Court will hear
oral arguments in the historic Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood
Specialties v. Sebelius cases which challenge the current administration’s HHS
Mandate and the Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally Coalition will be there. Join us for a prayer vigil and rally at the U. S.
Supreme Court from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on March 25. FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/204627633079260/.
Can’t go to D.C.: Here in Washtenaw County two prayer
rallies are being held to coincide with the Rally in Washington D.C. on
Tuesday, March 25th from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 1st location: Intersection of Washtenaw
Ave & Huron Parkway in Ann Arbor (site of the annual Oct. Life Chain).
2nd location: Geddes Road Exit off of U.S.
23. Park and meet at Concordia University, 4090 Geddes Road in Ann Arbor. After
exiting onto Geddes Road, go west on Geddes Road and turn south onto the first
drive into Concordia University on the left. Follow the signs to the student
housing parking lots. Rally s
igns will be
available or you can make your own. Want to help, contact Sandie Weathers prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com
or 734-657-1936. For updates go to: http://pro-lifeactionnetworkblog.blogspot.com/. Please remember our purpose is prayer and to
Stand Up For Religious Freedom!
The 40 Film is showing Tuesday, March 25th at 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30) at
the Maple Theater in Bloomfield Hills, 4135 Maple Road (west of Telegraph). For
more info visit Themapletheatre.com or call 248-877-1000.This
documentary investigates the effects of abortion over the last 40 years. Many
well known prolife speakers are featured. If you would like to watch the
trailer, go to www.the40film.com.
Producer: Pro-Life Champions.
On Tuesday, March 25th, the Feast of the Annunciation, there
will be a Mass, Chaplet and Rosary for
the Unborn at St. Faustina Church in Warren (Formerly St. Edmunds). The
Rosary begins at 6:30 P.M., the Mass at 7:00 P.M. and the Chaplet will be
recited after the Mass. Info: Sarah
Lonardo at helpersmi@gmail.com.
Our Lady of Czestochowa - the Black
Madonna, coming to Michigan locations:
-March 25 – SS. Cyril and
Methodius Seminary in Orchard Lake, MI
-March 26 – SS. Peter and Paul Church (West Side) in Detroit, MI
-March 27 – Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in
Lapeer, MI
-March 28 – Our Lady of Czestochowa Church in Sterling Heights, MI
-March 29-30 – St. Isidore’s Church in Grand Rapids, MI
-March 31 – St. Mary’s Cathedral in Lansing, MI
Pregnancy Helpline Annual
Celebration of Life will take place April 3, at 6:30PM. Nationally renowned speaker and former abortionist Dr.
Levatino and his wife Ceil will keynote the annual Pregnancy Helpline
Celebration of Life fund and awareness raising celebration. The event will also
feature our famous Appetizer & Dessert Buffet, Baskets for Life Challenge,
Silent Auction, a client testimony, great music, and more! Where: The Brighton Church of the Nazarene - 7669 Brighton Rd, Brighton. Cost: $20
each - groups of 10 or more $18 each. Pastors and a guest Free!
On Thursday, April 10th, the Knights of Columbus
Michigan State Council will be hosting the 36th
Annual Respect Life Dinner to benefit the Right to Life of Michigan
Educational Fund. This year our special guest
speaker is Chris Godfrey, Life Athletes Founder and President. The Burton
Manor in Livonia is located at 27777 Schoolcraft 48150. Social hour begins
at 6:00 pm, dinner at 7:00 pm. Register on line at
http://rtl.org/events/kofc/respectlife.html. For more details contact www.rtl.org or respectlife@rtl.org or (248) 371-0466. RSVP by Friday, March 28th.
the Date: Come join Madonna University’s Respect Life Group for a Pro-Life Youth
Conference “Save the Storks” on Saturday, April 12th from 10-3:00
p.m. This is open to all
high school students, college students and young adults. The cost is
$15.00 per person ($10.00 Madonna University students). Please contact the
Educational Center for Life, at 248-816-8489 or to go to www.edcenterforlife.org.
Registration begins on February 3rd.
Location: Franciscan Center, 36600 Schoolcraft Rd, Livonia 48150.
Good Friday “Way
of the Cross” at Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor
join us for The Way of the Cross for
Victims of Abortion, on Good Friday,
April 18th at 10:00 am at Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Drive in
Ann Arbor. Through His Holy Passion, Our Lord united Himself with all the
victims of suffering in this life. None suffer more innocently than children in
the womb whose lives are taken by abortion. None suffer more deeply than their
mothers, who carry such a burden of guilt and shame. On Good Friday we remember
all the victims of abortion—the children lost, the mothers wounded, the
communities blighted—in a solemn, ecumenical prayer service. More info: Call or
email Sandie Weathers at 734-434-8447
or prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com.
Right to Life –
LIFESPAN’s Annual “Celebrate Life” Dinner will be on Tuesday, May 6, 2014, at
the San Marino Club in Troy. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. with dinner at 7:15 p.m.
There will be a Silent Auction and “Tin Can Raffle”. Cost is $25.00 per
person for 21 years old and younger, $50.00 per person for over 21 years
old. The keynote speaker is Ryan Bomberger,
Radiance Foundation CEO.
Ryan’s mother was raped, yet she courageously chose to give him Life. He
was adopted as a baby and grew up in a loving, multi-racial Christian family of
15. With siblings of varying ethnicities, he grew up with a great
appreciation for diversity. Ten of the 13 children were adopted in this
remarkable family. His life defies the myth of the “unwanted” child as he
was adopted, loved and has flourished. He and his wife, Bethany, have
four adopted children. The Radiance Foundation has made an unexpected
impact on the Pro-Life Movement with the bold TooManyAborted.com billboard/web campaigns. Please
call 248-816-1546 or e-mail oakmac@rtl-lifespan.org for further details about the dinner. Reservations are
required in advance.
to Life of Michigan Educational Fund is hosting a Youth Infographic Contest for high school and college-aged Michigan youth.
Prolife youth from Michigan ages 13 to 22 as of July 1, 2014, can
create and submit an original infographic, and contest finalists will have their
works shared on the RLM FB page and judged by a public vote to determine the
winners. An infographic is a graphic or visual representation of information,
data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.
Contestants will be split into two divisions, 13-17 and 18-22 with a first
division prize of $300 and second division prize of $500. The deadline for
submissions is Tuesday,
July 1, 2014. For info and application go to: .http://www.rtl.org/faith_school/infographiccontest.html
Family Life Services is in need of
maternity clothing in all sizes and 3T-6 boys/girls clothing. If you have these
items (new or gently used) and would like to donate them to a family in need,
please drop them off at the center during our open hours. Tax receipts are
FLS is located at 2950
Packard Road in Ypsilanti. Info contact Emily at (734)
Prolife 101 is an online 6-week educational course provided by Right
to Life of Michigan. Our first class will start soon! During the course, participants
will learn about the history of the prolife movement, the reality of abortion,
fetal development, prolife apologetics,
Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda, and ways to participate in the future of
the prolife movement. Visit RTL.org to learn when the next Prolife 101 course
will begin. Or, send an e-mail message to info@rtl.org to request the Prolife
101 Informational Packet. Certificates of Completion will be given to those who
complete the course. http://media.rtl.org/pdf/Prolife_101.pdf.
To be added to the Prolife Action Network email
group and receive updates for Life Chain,
Local Pro-Life Events and Religious Liberty Issues
and Events
and to submit info on a Pro-Life event:
Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422 or
Visit us on Facebook: Prolife Action Network