Novena to Reverse HHS Mandate—Day 1
Lord God,
You are the Author of Life and Freedom.
In your Spirit, we have the freedom of the children of God,
And in your Name, we promote the freedom of all
To seek, embrace, and live the truth of your Word.
You are the Author of Life and Freedom.
In your Spirit, we have the freedom of the children of God,
And in your Name, we promote the freedom of all
To seek, embrace, and live the truth of your Word.
In that freedom, Lord, we your people stand with Life
And reject whatever destroys life
Or distorts the meaning of human sexuality.
And reject whatever destroys life
Or distorts the meaning of human sexuality.
In that freedom, Lord, we your people live our lives
In a way that advances your Kingdom of Life,
And we refuse to cooperate in what is evil.
In a way that advances your Kingdom of Life,
And we refuse to cooperate in what is evil.
At this moment, therefore, when our government has decided
To force us to cooperate in evil,
We pray for the grace to be faithful to you
And to oppose the unjust laws and mandates
That have been imposed upon us and our institutions.
To force us to cooperate in evil,
We pray for the grace to be faithful to you
And to oppose the unjust laws and mandates
That have been imposed upon us and our institutions.
We pray for the conversion of those in civil authority
Who fail to appreciate the demands of conscience.
We pray for the complete reversal of all policies
That permit the destruction of life
Or coerce the cooperation of your people
In practices that are wrong.
Who fail to appreciate the demands of conscience.
We pray for the complete reversal of all policies
That permit the destruction of life
Or coerce the cooperation of your people
In practices that are wrong.
Bring us to a Culture of Life.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Novena to Reverse HHS Mandate—Day 2
Lord Jesus Christ,
You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
You are the ruler of every nation
And you call all nations to obey your law,
Which is higher than any human law.
You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
You are the ruler of every nation
And you call all nations to obey your law,
Which is higher than any human law.
Lord Jesus,
We lift up to you today
All who serve in public office.
We lift up to you today
All who serve in public office.
We pray, Lord, for our President
And for the thousands of people who serve in his administration.
We pray that you enlighten and guide them,
And free them from the deception of evil.
And for the thousands of people who serve in his administration.
We pray that you enlighten and guide them,
And free them from the deception of evil.
Give them a new respect for human life, for freedom of conscience,
And for the rights of your people.
We pray that your people may be free from all unjust laws and mandates
And may always raise their voices
On behalf of human rights.
And for the rights of your people.
We pray that your people may be free from all unjust laws and mandates
And may always raise their voices
On behalf of human rights.
We ask this of you who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
Novena to Reverse HHS Mandate—Day 3
God our Father,
You are the author of Liberty.
You created each human being
In your own image and likeness,
And bestowed upon each person
A dignity that nobody can take away.
You are the author of Liberty.
You created each human being
In your own image and likeness,
And bestowed upon each person
A dignity that nobody can take away.
You are the defender of our freedom,
A freedom by which we seek you,
And seek to be faithful to your law.
A freedom by which we seek you,
And seek to be faithful to your law.
At this time of our history,
We ask you to protect the freedom you have given us
And to defend our dignity.
We ask you to protect the freedom you have given us
And to defend our dignity.
Give us the grace to speak up
On behalf of conscience,
And the freedom to live out our faith
No matter what the cost.
On behalf of conscience,
And the freedom to live out our faith
No matter what the cost.
Give to each person, and to our public officials
the grace to respect
each person’s freedom of conscience and religion.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
the grace to respect
each person’s freedom of conscience and religion.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Novena to Reverse HHS Mandate—Day 4
Lord Jesus Christ,
Ruler of all nations,
You gave your apostles the command
To preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth,
And promised that you would be with them all days,
Even until the end of the world.
Ruler of all nations,
You gave your apostles the command
To preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth,
And promised that you would be with them all days,
Even until the end of the world.
After your Ascension,
They went forth to preach your word
And you confirmed with signs and wonders
That you were working through them.
They went forth to preach your word
And you confirmed with signs and wonders
That you were working through them.
When they were told by the authorities of their day
Not to speak your name anymore,
And were even arrested and scourged,
They boldly declared,
“We must obey God rather than men!”
Not to speak your name anymore,
And were even arrested and scourged,
They boldly declared,
“We must obey God rather than men!”
Lord Jesus,
You continue to proclaim your Word
in your Church today.
Give us the same clarity, courage, and determination
That your apostles had,
That we may not allow any obstacle or earthly power
To intimidate us into silence or compromise.
You continue to proclaim your Word
in your Church today.
Give us the same clarity, courage, and determination
That your apostles had,
That we may not allow any obstacle or earthly power
To intimidate us into silence or compromise.
Grant that our highest loyalty may always and only be to you,
Who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
Who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
Novena to Reverse HHS Mandate—Day 5
Lord God,
You are Light, and in you there is no darkness.
You sent your Son Jesus Christ
As the Light of the World,
And you sent your Holy Spirit
To enlighten the hearts and minds of all.
You are Light, and in you there is no darkness.
You sent your Son Jesus Christ
As the Light of the World,
And you sent your Holy Spirit
To enlighten the hearts and minds of all.
Lord, we pray today
That we may always experience
The light of your truth,
Informing our conscience
Of what is right and what is wrong.
That we may always experience
The light of your truth,
Informing our conscience
Of what is right and what is wrong.
We pray that this light
Will reach all of our fellow citizens
That they may recognize the dangers of evil
Which are often hidden along their path.
Will reach all of our fellow citizens
That they may recognize the dangers of evil
Which are often hidden along their path.
Open the eyes and minds of all
To the threats that currently exist
To our religious freedom,
To the health and well-being of women,
And to the good of our nation.
To the threats that currently exist
To our religious freedom,
To the health and well-being of women,
And to the good of our nation.
Give us the grace not only to recognize evil,
But also to reject it with the unwavering strength
That comes from you.
But also to reject it with the unwavering strength
That comes from you.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Novena to Reverse HHS Mandate—Day 6
You unite the human family
Through the blood of your Son Jesus Christ
And the gift of the Holy Spirit.
You unite the human family
Through the blood of your Son Jesus Christ
And the gift of the Holy Spirit.
At this time of need,
When your Church and all your people
Are called to stand firm against injustices
Inflicted on us from our government,
We ask you to strengthen us in the bond of unity.
When your Church and all your people
Are called to stand firm against injustices
Inflicted on us from our government,
We ask you to strengthen us in the bond of unity.
Strengthen the unity of your Church,
That none of your faithful may be on the sidelines,
But that everyone may be active in this battle.
That none of your faithful may be on the sidelines,
But that everyone may be active in this battle.
Give Church leaders the grace to discern
The many varieties of the working of your Spirit
That they may fan into flame the gifts that the Spirit
Bestows freely on your people.
The many varieties of the working of your Spirit
That they may fan into flame the gifts that the Spirit
Bestows freely on your people.
And give us the wisdom to know
That no group has a monopoly on the defense of life and freedom.
May we work in an ecumenical and inter-religious spirit
And welcome the efforts of all people of good will
Who believe in freedom of religion and conscience.
That no group has a monopoly on the defense of life and freedom.
May we work in an ecumenical and inter-religious spirit
And welcome the efforts of all people of good will
Who believe in freedom of religion and conscience.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Novena to Reverse HHS Mandate—Day 7
Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.
We thank you, Father,
For the grace of repentance
And the power of conversion at work in your people.
We thank you, Father,
For the grace of repentance
And the power of conversion at work in your people.
We thank you for your Holy Spirit,
Who convicts us of sin and enlightens us
About how to please you.
Lord, enable your people,
In the midst of current persecution and danger,
To live the spirit of repentance
Ever more deeply and effectively.
Who convicts us of sin and enlightens us
About how to please you.
Lord, enable your people,
In the midst of current persecution and danger,
To live the spirit of repentance
Ever more deeply and effectively.
For every moment we lacked courage in the past,
Give us the grace to repent.
For every time we were silent when we should have spoken,
Give us the grace to repent.
For every time we could have witnessed to life but did not,
Give us the grace to repent.
Give us the grace to repent.
For every time we were silent when we should have spoken,
Give us the grace to repent.
For every time we could have witnessed to life but did not,
Give us the grace to repent.
Made strong by the spirit of repentance,
May your people rise up
And reverse the tide of evil in our midst.
May your people rise up
And reverse the tide of evil in our midst.
Enable us to defend our freedom
And to build a Culture of Life.
And to build a Culture of Life.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Novena to Reverse HHS Mandate—Day 8
Your Son Jesus Christ has taught us
That those who mourn over their sins
And over the evils in the world
Are blessed indeed, and will be comforted.
Your Son Jesus Christ has taught us
That those who mourn over their sins
And over the evils in the world
Are blessed indeed, and will be comforted.
We come before you today
In that spirit of Christian mourning
Over how far our nation’s policies
Have strayed from your law
And from the respect for life and conscience
That every law should reflect.
In that spirit of Christian mourning
Over how far our nation’s policies
Have strayed from your law
And from the respect for life and conscience
That every law should reflect.
In the power of your Spirit,
Our mourning does not make us weak,
But rather renews our strength
To work for change.
Our mourning does not make us weak,
But rather renews our strength
To work for change.
Enable us, then, to speak up
And educate our fellow citizens,
And to make our voices heard
To our elected officials.
And educate our fellow citizens,
And to make our voices heard
To our elected officials.
Reverse the unjust policies
That have been forced upon us,
And restore our nation
To the principles of freedom and justice
Upon which it was founded.
That have been forced upon us,
And restore our nation
To the principles of freedom and justice
Upon which it was founded.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Novena to Reverse HHS Mandate—Day 9
God of our Fathers,
We thank you for our nation,
Founded by those who believed in your Word
And came to this land as if out of the desert
To seek a place of freedom and rest.
We thank you for our nation,
Founded by those who believed in your Word
And came to this land as if out of the desert
To seek a place of freedom and rest.
We thank you for their conviction
That our rights come from You, our Creator,
And that government exists
To secure those rights,
And never to destroy or weaken them.
That our rights come from You, our Creator,
And that government exists
To secure those rights,
And never to destroy or weaken them.
Now that we face unjust mandates
That call upon us to violate our conscience,
We pray for your protection.
Keep us faithful to you in our every deed.
That call upon us to violate our conscience,
We pray for your protection.
Keep us faithful to you in our every deed.
Grant that we may work for change
By being citizens who are active in the process
By which we elect our leaders.
By being citizens who are active in the process
By which we elect our leaders.
Grant that by our efforts to educate and mobilize voters,
We may replace public officials who ignore your law
With those who observe it faithfully.
Bless our nation’s upcoming elections.
We may replace public officials who ignore your law
With those who observe it faithfully.
Bless our nation’s upcoming elections.
As we rejoice that we are citizens of your Kingdom,
So make us always faithful citizens on earth.
So make us always faithful citizens on earth.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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