July 15, 2014
To the Editor:
a perfect world, only husbands and wives would engage in the marital act, which
would help them to pro-create children and raise a family.
it’s not a perfect world. Some married
couples want all of the pleasure and none of the responsibility of raising
children. And married couples aren’t the
only ones having the fun. Contraception
makes pleasure without responsibility lots easier for everyone!
let’s ignore the morality of the issue for the moment and take a look at the
serious health consequences of contraception.
They seem to be ignored with the HHS mandate that employers must pay for
contraceptive coverage under the so-called Affordable Care Act. We assume that the ACA wants to encourage
healthy life styles to reduce medical costs.
so with contraceptives!
is obvious that many people are engaging in sexual behavior outside of
marriage. That is why there are so many
babies born or aborted to unmarried women.
Even if they all used contraception all of the time (which they don’t),
and even if it were 100% effective (which it isn’t), what are the health consequences?
availability encourages unhealthy sexual relationships, emotionally, physically
and socially.
transmitted diseases have increased in types, treatment resistance, and frequency
since the late 1960s introduction of “The Pill” and sexual revolution. Hormonal contraceptives actually reduce a
woman’s resistance to sexually transmitted diseases.
Pill and other hormonal contraceptives are responsible for increases in other
women’s health issues: breast cancer,
blood clots, strokes, headaches, weight gain, irritability, loss of libido, and
depression. Treatment of even the least
serious of these increases health costs.
Yes. Sometimes The Pill is prescribed for reasons other
than birth control. But it should never
the only treatment option available! And
often it only masks the real hidden issue.
Even if contraceptives are
free, they are not healthy and there is a cost.
think that women and men don’t realize that modern, scientific, 97% effective Natural Family Planning is the
solution! It helps a woman to better
understand her body (we are very complex creatures!) and often helps to pin
point other under lying medical issues.
It has no side effects.
NFP methods teach couples
how to observe and interpret the woman’s natural signs of fertility and
infertility, uncontaminated by drugs and devices. It leaves the woman whole and
complete, which is why women leaving artificial methods for NFP often
experience an increased sex drive, and feel empowered through having a better
understanding of their own body and dignity.
A natural approach to
family protects and enhances the purity of the marital relationship. Couples today are increasingly looking for
natural and organic alternatives wherever possible. Their choice of family
planning method should be no different.
Celebrate NFP Awareness
Week July 20-26 and check it out for yourself.
Then share the good news!
Deborah Bloomfield
My husband and I have been NFP users for more than 35
years. We are volunteer promoters for
the Couple to Couple League International www.ccli.org.
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