list as of September 5th, 2014 compiled by Sandie Weathers
FLS News! Be sure to register for the 2014 Walk for Life to benefit Family Life Services of
Washtenaw County and spread awareness about our services. The Walk will
be held on Saturday September 6, 2014 at Concordia University.
Registration is Free and Now Open @
Even if you cannot make it, please take the opportunity to help other walkers
reach their goals and support Family Life Services. This is a family
friendly event with walking, food, a raffle, and entertainment!
We look forward to seeing you there. Prizes will be given to churches, individual
walkers, and teams who raise the most money. For add’l info contact Karalee
Robison at or 734-434-3088.
Join other intercessors and prayer warriors for a Day of Prayer and Repentance on the MI capitol’s east lawn in Lansing, on Saturday, Sept. 6th
at 2pm. Use the
flyer link for a list of speakers and the details:
Prayers will be
offered for three key battlegrounds: Life, Traditional Marriage and
Family, and the persecuted church. For info
contact Nick Zabrodsky at
us in a peaceful Prolife Protest
at the Planned Parenthood Knowledge is Power Party. Date: Saturday, September 6, 2014, Time: We will meet in front of Bill’s at 4:15 p.m. and the event is
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM. Even if you can only come for a short time, please join
us! Location: Bill's Beer Garden,
Downtown Home & Garden, 210 S. Ashley Street, Ann
Arbor, MI 48104. Bring: Prolife signs (some signs will be available).
Questions: Contact Alice Jo Rainville or
734-751-9328 (mobile phone).
Special Pro-Life Project for Ypsilanti
Residents - We are looking for Ypsilanti residents to volunteer for a
short term Pro-Life special project that could have widespread impact in the
area. If interested and to find out more, contact Cathy at 734-944-7790.
Helpers of God's
Precious Infants of Michigan will have a training meeting for sidewalk
counselors on Monday, Sept. 8th at 7pm at St. Lucy's, St. Clare
Shores. Please come and bring a friend. Email
with your questions.
On Going: Protest at Providence Park Hospital
every Tuesday! Hope to see you this Tuesday, Sept 9th at Providence Park Hospital from 4:30 to 6 pm on the
corner of Beck & Grand River Roads. Please DO NOT park at Providence. You
can park at the Kroger grocery nearby and walk over to the intersection. This is an
on-going and important initiative to draw attention to the horrible FACT that
this Catholic Hospital has a number of abortionists on staff (they do the
abortions elsewhere) including Glenn Taylor who is no less than the
"medical director" of Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Ann
Arbor. For info contact Lynn Mills at
Dearborn Area Right to Life will hold their annual banquet on Friday, Sept. 12th. Doors open at 6:00 pm and the
event starts at 7:00
pm. The speaker is Jonathon van
Maren from the Canadian Centre for Bioethical
Reform. He will be giving a talk entitled, "Changing Hearts and
Minds in Unconventional Ways."Jonathon at the age of 25, is a very accomplished pro-life speaker and debater. Cost is $25.00. For additional details, please check out their
FB event page: https:/ /
plans to attend one of these National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children Memorial Services
for unborn children killed by abortion and buried at cemeteries in Detroit, Lansing, Southfield and Troy. Give these victims the respect they deserve! For more info go to:
The "Helpers" will be holding a formal Prayer Vigil for Life on Saturday, September
20th at St Veronica
Catholic Church and it will be
led by Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron! The Archbishop will offer Holy Mass at 7:30am and will then lead us in deep prayer
in front of the two nearby abortion mills on E 8 Mile Rd. The vigil
concludes back at St Veronica with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Refreshments will be served immediately following. A usual reminder that
Helpers Vigils are never a protest or a demonstration. Questions? Helpers of God's Precious Infants of MI
Students for Life at Eastern
Michigan University is excited to be hosting, from Students for Life of
American... The Planned Parenthood Project on Monday, September
22nd. This is an event worth the work; we expose the
truth about Abortion mogul Planned Parenthood. We need volunteers to
help make this happen with set-up at 9am and take-down at 3pm.
We are holding the display outside the largest academic building on campus-
Pray-Harrold at E Circle Dr, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Contact info: Katie Perrotta at 734-474-8534 or For more info on the display, here’s the webpage:
Ann Arbor 40
DFL News!
From September 24 to November 2, our community will unite with hundreds of
others from coast to coast – and internationally – for a major simultaneous
pro-life mobilization – the 40 Days for Life campaign. Faithful believers are
praying that these efforts will mark the beginning of the end of abortion. Since
our 1st campaign in 2007, the number of children killed by abortion annually in
Washtenaw County has dropped by an average of 168 lives per year as compared to
the previous 9 year average. Let’s get to work and save more children from
abortion and their parents from agony and regret.
Location: Outside of the Planned Parenthood abortion
facility at 3100 Professional Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Hours: 12 am to 12 am daily.
(Special appeal: We are looking
for “Forty Good Men” to take one 6 hour shift or two 3 hour shifts from
midnight to 6:00 am.)
Vigil sign-up/Updates
go to: Please note that the website
has been updated, so everyone needs to (re)register.
Need vigil scheduling
help, email:
RTL News! Please join Right to Life of Michigan and Ryan
Bomberger, the guest speaker, for the 41st annual Right to Life of Michigan Conference, Thursday, September 25, at
the Radisson Hotel in Lansing. Learn about the many ways to stand up for life. The
afternoon is filled with informative workshops that will motivate and inspire.
Workshop options include: Grassroots in Action, How to Shape the Abortion
Debate, How Prolife Laws Saves Lives in Michigan, and much more. Ryan
Bomberger is an Emmy Award-winning creative professional and Chief Creative
Officer for The Radiance Foundation, which exists to inspire people to embrace
their intrinsic value and live a life of meaning. Ryan's biological mother was
raped, yet courageously chose to continue the pregnancy and chose the loving
option of adoption for him. Register today at:
Invite your friends and family & take
advantage of the group rate.
Life Chain News! Life Chain 2014 is coming on Sunday, October 5th, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 pm at the intersection of Washtenaw Ave & Huron Parkway in Ann Arbor, Michigan. For additional info call Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422 or email Sandie Weathers at For updates visit:
Please join Right to Life of
Washtenaw County & Western Wayne County for our annual Focus On
Life Benefit Dinner on Thursday, October 9, 6 p.m. at
The Polo Fields of Ann Arbor (5200 Polo Fields Drive). Special guest
speaker will be Ellen Salter of Dearborn, MI. You will want to hear her
inspiring story of the faith and love that binds her family together.
Tickets are $45 each, or table of 8 for $320. Contact Betsey Brandt for your
tickets at 734/709-2771 or
Want to use your gifts/talents
to support women & the unborn? ArborVitae Women’s Center wants YOU to volunteer. ArborVitae needs pro-life
people to support, nurture, and empower women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Wanted: Nurses & RDMS (sonographers) with a current Michigan license;
pregnancy counselors with an aptitude or counseling background; post-abortion
counselors (male & female), marketing, administrative, receptionist and
janitorial (male or female) volunteers. ArborVitae's mandatory Fall Volunteer
Training is Sat., 10/18/14(8:30am-2:30pm).
Contact ArborVitae's Volunteer Coordinator at (734)
994-8863 or to
learn more/attend. To download an application visit
Arbor Vitae Women’s Center: PREGNANT? Know someone who might be? Find
out for sure. Free and confidential services for all ages including pregnancy
testing, ultrasounds to date and confirm pregnancy, pregnancy options counseling and post-abortion
counseling. Where: ArborVitae, downtown Ann Arbor located at the corner of
State and Liberty (below Starbucks) When: Monday and Thursday 9am-4pm; Tuesday
2pm-8pm How: Walk in or make an appointment online at
Call 734-994-8863.
To be added to the Prolife Action Network email group and receive
updates for Life Chain,
Local Pro-Life Events and Religious Liberty Issues and Events
and to submit info on a Pro-Life event:
Contact Sandie Weathers
Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422 or
* Visit us on Facebook: Prolife Action Network
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