Our first
organizational meeting for the Spring Campaign for 40 Days For Life, will be held at 7:00pm,
Thursday, January 8, with follow
up meetings scheduled for Jan. 15,,Jan. 29,, Feb.
5 and Feb. 12 at Denny’s Restaurant, 3310
Washtenaw Ave, Ann Arbor
48104, on the south east corner of Washtenaw and Huron Parkway. Please join us
for one or more of these meetings. Please
mark your calendars: The Spring 2015 40 Days For Life
campaign runs from Ash Wednesday, February 18th to Palm Sunday, March
29th. Working and praying together, we
can save more babies from abortion and spare more mothers and fathers a
lifetime of agony and regret. For more info, please contact Sandie Weathers,
the Spring 2015 Campaign Director, 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor at 40daysforlifeannarbor@gmail.com or 734-657-1936.
a Candle for LIFE! On Wednesday, Jan. 21st, join thousands of your
Michigan neighbors by placing a lit candle on
your porch around
dusk and let it burn into the night as a silent witness to commemorate over 56
million babies lives lost to abortion and the millions of lives forever changed
by abortion in America. Candles will be available at some local churches, at
the Concert of Prayer or by contacting Marilyn at (734) 973-2422 or mgeyer@provide.net. (By placing a candle in a jar into
a paper bag, you can make your own porch candle display.)
Last Chance to Sign up for Sidewalk Advocates for Life Training - Saturday, January 10th from 10 AM to 3 PM. We have the opportunity to be trained by
Lauren Muzyka, the National Director for SAFL, from a DVD. She really
does a great job keeping it interesting and interactive and explaining all
about their peaceful, loving approach to reach abortion-minded women and
men. Check out their website at www.sidewalkadvocates.org. The training
will take place at Arbor Vitae, 625 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor and we will even get
a tour! The cost is $20 for a manual and lunch. Please contact Paul
at saflannarbor@gmail.com by January
7th to register.
The Respect Life Committee of St. Thomas is hosting an event
on January 18th. "Precious In His Sight" will include an elegant luncheon at
Campus Inn, Ann Arbor, a presentation by ENDOW and a Dressing with Dignity
Fashion Show. For ticket information contact Barbara Grant-Yopko
at 734-355-3503
or bgyopko@att.net.
Event details are on the website stthomasannarbor.org,
Quick Links,Precious In His Sight.
Are you struggling to cope after an
abortion? The feelings of loss,
anger, isolation, and low self-esteem do not have to last a lifetime. There is
help for healing. Contact an ArborVitae
post abortion recovery counselor for a confidential consultation at 734.994.8863
ext. 14
or asfh@arborwoman.com. Some Common Symptoms of
Post-Abortion Trauma: Trouble sleeping/eating, Keeping
abortion(s) secret from important people, Unexplained sadness/anger,
Overwork/perfectionism, Difficulty maintaining relationships and Difficulty
loving/trusting God.
A Season for Healing, is a 9 week small group
Bible study designed to help men and women (meet separately) break free of the
guilt and grief of abortion. Groups begin on Tues., January 20 – 12:30 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Space is limited. Cost is FREE. (Sponsored by: ArborVitae Women’s Center, www.ArborWoman.com).
Wednesday evening, Jan. 21st you are invited to attend the Annual Christian
Concert of Prayer for Unity and Life: “Cry to the Lord With One Voice” at 7:00 pm at The Bible Church
611 E Cross, 48198. Please
join us for an evening of praise & prayer for: Unity among Christians;
Racial Reconciliation; Pro-Life Concerns; and Spreading the Gospel in our
County. Sponsored by: PACT:
Pastors Alliance for County Transformation, Word of God, Cross & Resurrection
Church, The Bible Church and other area churches. For info contact: Phil Tiews
Thursday, Jan. 22nd you are invited to Pray with the Pastors at Planned
Parenthood, 3100 Professional Dr in Ann Arbor, from 8:00 to 9:00 am with Pastor Levon Yuille from The Bible Church, Pastor
Mike Frison from Knox Presbyterian Church and Pastor Ted Jungkuntz, St Luke
Lutheran Church. Breakfast with Pastor Yuille at Denny’s follows. Denny’s is
located at the south east corner of Washtenaw and Huron Parkway.
On Thursday, Jan. 22nd, a 24 Hour
Prayer Vigil will take place at Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Dr in Ann Arbor
from midnight to midnight. Everyone is welcome. Drop by at any time to join
this annual event.
On Thursday, January 22,
attend the 9:15 am Mass at St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church as part of the USCCB’s call for A Day
of Prayer For The Legal Protection of Unborn Children. St Francis is located at
2250 E. Stadium Blvd in Ann Arbor.
On Thursday, Jan. 22nd watch EWTN and/or listen to WDEO
AM-990 Radio for news coverage of the 42ndAnnual
March For Life in Washington DC. For
more info go to: www.marchforlife.org/.
On Friday, Jan. 30th you are invited to a Young Adult
Pro Life Get Together at Gabriel
Richard High School 6:30 pm for pizza, a presentation by dynamic speaker Iris Proctor from Arbor Vitae Women’s
Center and worship led by Gabriel Richard students. Young
adults of all faith traditions and no faith tradition are welcome. Contact Barb
Brown at 734-662-1747 (215) RSVP if possible, but come if you can, even
if you don’t RSVP. FGR High School is located at 4333 Whitehall Dr., Ann Arbor,
MI 48105 near Domino’s Farms.
To be added to the Prolife Action Network email
group and receive updates for
Life Chain, January Pro-Life Events, 40 Days
For Life Ann Arbor
and other pro-life events in our area
Contact Sandie Weathers prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com
Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422 or
* Facebook: Prolife Action Network
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