Sadly, I am again
requesting prayers, for a Planned Parenthood patient (unlikely but possibly a
PP worker). I will call the female patient Ambulance Rider Two! Saturday, May 9th
a group of Young Professionals For Life were praying in front of the Planned
Parenthood abortion facility at 3100 Professional Drive in Ann Arbor MI, when
an HVA (Huron Valley Ambulance) arrived around 11:45 am, with NO SIRENS on. The
ambulance was there to transport a female patient to an unconfirmed local
hospital. The HVA driver did indicate that the patient was female to a prayer
volunteer. We do not know anything about the patient’s condition. Please pray for the patient’s full physical,
mental, spiritual and psychological recovery.
This is the second time in less than two months
that an ambulance has arrived at the Planned Parenthood in Ann Arbor to
transport a patient. On Thursday, March 12th, I reported that, “Today around 2:30 in the afternoon, a mom,
I'll call her "Ambulance Rider"
was taken by ambulance from Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Drive, Ann
Arbor MI to an unknown local hospital. We do not know anything about her
condition. We do not know anything about "Ambulance Rider", except to pray for her recovery!” From the 911 recording, which we recently
obtained, we know that the Planned Parenthood
patient, we call Ambulance Rider, was conscience and breathing when PP called 911
requesting transport to U of M Hospital. We also know that the PP employee
requested NO SIRENS and was granted that request.
Please get the word out to your family and friends. Working and praying
together, we can save more babies from abortion and spare more mothers and
fathers a lifetime of agony and regret. Thank you for your commitment to Pray for
an End to Abortion.
Sandie Weathers,
40 Days For Life Ann Arbor Campaign
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