| | "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20 Witness to A Turn Around! Sandie shares: Today, Thursday, Oct. 27th was a Miserably Cold and Windy day to be praying outside of Planned Parenthood at the 40 Days For Life prayer vigil in Ann Arbor. Despite the weather conditions, there were several prayer volunteers present during the 9:00 am hour, including four students from Father Gabriel Richard High School, your campaign director Sandie, an older lady and gentleman and a married couple, who had come out for the first time together, during this campaign. The couple had been very active participants in the last few campaigns, but in July she had been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and her husband wasn't able to participate, as he had in the past campaigns either. When I went over and greeted her, we hugged an especially long hug, when she told me that she was offering up her suffering today for the babies. After about a half hour, I noticed she was gone, I assumed to their vehicle to get out of the cold and continue to pray. After resuming praying with the students in front of the island, I noticed that the husband had picked up one of our Every Life Matters signs and he seemed to be studying the PP parking lot very intensely. After the students boarded their school bus, the husband told me, with a look of shock and delight, that he thought he had just Witnessed a Turnaround. The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that what he had just witnessed was a Turnaround. Abortion is THE service which PP provides on Thursdays. The husband told me, that after the man parked his truck, the couple went into PP together. After close to a half hour later, they came back out together and then left in their truck. Earlier this week, a member of our planning team, expressed to me, "this cul-de-sac (in front of Planned Parenthood) has come to feel like a holy place". For sure this day, it was indeed a holy place! Thank you, Jesus! | | * * * * * * * * PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR "OUR FRIDAY INTENTION"! * * * * * * * * Betsy reports on Lap 5, of our Seven Sunday Jericho March which took place on Sunday, Oct. 23rd! Join us Sun. Oct. 30 for Lap 6 at 2 PM! Sun. Nov. 6th for Lap 7 at 2 PM and Closing Celebration 3 PM  It was evident that God was in control (as usual!) We had only 5 of us at the start of the march and Father Todd prayed that God would take our efforts even though as small as a mustard seed and multiply them. We walked to the first corner and two women on bikes asked if they could join us. We also had a family of three and Karmen and friend join us. So God doubled, almost tripled our number of walkers immediately! Then, interesting story about the bicyclists- Ray was on a bus (with her bike) and the bus had an accident, so she eventually switched to another bus. Amanda (a stranger) came and sat next to her and they started talking, realizing that they were both Christians. Amanda told Ray that she was headed to our Jericho Walk and Ray decided to come, too! All events orchestrated by God. PLEASE JOIN US FOR - Lap 6 on Day 6 - Please join us on Sunday, Oct 30th as we complete lap 6 of our Jericho March –from 2 pm to 3 pm, beginning and ending outside of Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Drive in Ann Arbor. Join Our Seven Sunday Jericho March! Come stand up for life at one (or more!) of the Seven Sunday Jericho Marches around the one mile block surrounding Planned Parenthood. It is a peaceful, interfaith walk consisting of prayer and singing, appropriate for the whole family. We will complete 7 one mile laps on Sunday, Nov. 6th, starting at 8 am, with our seventh lap and final lap starting at 2 pm. After a short program starting at approximately 3 pm we will enjoy some food, drinks and fellowship. Please continue to Pray for our "Wednesday Mom"! Prayer request from, Wednesday, Oct. 26th: A woman and a male companion stopped to receive information today. During the brief conversation, she revealed that she was there for a pre counseling appointment for an abortion. I was able to encourage her that free, compassionate services were available at ArborWoman and Family Life Services. She took the information, they proceeded into Planned Parenthood and less than 5 minutes later, she came running out with the man running after her and very hastily drove away. Please pray that "Wednesday Mom" seeks help, remains safe, and chooses life. Thank you! Prayers are also requested by sidewalk counselors in Michigan for two young woman: Freda and Marci. | | This email is being sent as a courtesy from Pro-Life Action Network. Pro-Life Action Network - The Ann Arbor Life Chain and 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor People "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 Pro-Life Action Network Inc is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Charitable contributions can be mailed to: Pro-Life Action Network Inc. 4700 Ash Court, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 | | | | | |
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