| |  Here we are for the closing prayer, The Ann Arbor Litany to End Abortion, at 3100 Professional Drive, Ann Arbor #DefundPP Protest on Feb. 11th. Ninety to one hundred pro-life advocates participated in this event. Please use this video as a tool to pray the litany with us often, for all victims of abortion, including Ann Arbor abortionists and security guards. #DefundPP Protest A2 Professional Drive 2/11/17 | | Please pray this Litany with us Often! Ann Arbor's LITANY to End ABORTION (Modification of Fr. Frank Pavone's, Litany to End Abortion) (Compiled by Sandie Weathers, February 17, 2017) God the Father, Creator of the world, Our RESPONSE is: Have mercy on us! God the Son, through whom all things were made, God the Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life, Lord Jesus, the Beginning and the End, Lord Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, Lord Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life, Lord Jesus, Eternal Word of Life, Lord Jesus, living in the womb of the Virgin Mary, Lord Jesus, Lover of the poor and weak, Lord Jesus, Defender of the helpless, Lord Jesus, Bread of Life, For every sin against life, For the sin of abortion, For the daily killing of innocent babies, For the bloodshed throughout our land, For the silent screams of Your children, For the killing of Your future disciples, For the exploitation of women by abortion, rape and human trafficking, For the silence of Your people, For the apathy of Your people, For the co-operation of Your people in this tragedy, For our pre-born brothers and sisters killed by abortion, Our RESPONSE is: Lord, hear our prayer. For our pre-born brothers and sisters threatened by abortion, For our brothers and sisters who have survived abortion, For mothers who have had abortions, to discover and accept God's mercy, For mothers tempted to have abortions, For mothers pressured to have abortions, For mothers who have refused to have abortions, For mothers who have died after having an abortion, For the fathers of aborted babies, to discover and accept God's mercy, For the families of those tempted to have abortions, For the families of aborted babies, to discover and accept God's mercy, For abortionists, For Ann Arbor abortionist: Jason Bell, For Ann Arbor abortionist: Lisa Hope Harris, For Ann Arbor abortionist: Glenn Taylor, For Ann Arbor abortionist: Laura Castleman, For Ann Arbor abortionist: Tim Johnson, For Ann Arbor abortionist: Vanessa Dalton, For Ann Arbor abortionist: Katherine Starr, For all who assist and cooperate in abortions, For security guards and escorts at abortion facilities, For Ann Arbor Planned Parenthood associate, Bernie Klein, For doctors and nurses, that they may nurture life, For government leaders, that they may defend life, For the clergy, that they may speak up for life and offer God's mercy, For the pro-life movement, For those who speak, write, and work to end abortion, For local pro-life ministries offering healing and support following abortion, For local pregnancy help centers, who help provide alternatives to abortion, For ArborWoman, For Family Life Services, For Guadalupe Workers, For Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County, For Rachel's Vineyard, For The New Life Center and Rachel's Project, For Pro-Life Action Network, For Citizen's for a Pro-Life Society, For those who promote adoption, For national, state and local pro-life groups, For student organizations working on our local high school & university campuses, For the students of Father Gabriel Richard High School, For the Students For Life at EMU and Washtenaw Community College, For the Students For Life at U of M, For the Concordia University Life Team, For the Madonna University Pro-Life Students, For the students of Divine Child High School, For unity in the pro-life movement, For courage and perseverance in pro-life work, For those who suffer ridicule & rejection for their stand for life, For those imprisoned for defending life, For those who have been injured & mistreated for defending life, For legal professionals, For wisdom and the protection of our President, For public officials, For courts and judges, For Supreme Court nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch, For police officers, For educators, For media professionals, For Ave Maria Radio - 990 AM For WAAM Talk Radio 1600 AM For our community to have receptive hearts and minds, to the pro-life message, For those you suffer physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally, that their sufferings be joined with Jesus' sufferings for the unborn, For pro-life warrior David Daleiden & the Center for Medical Progress, For efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, For the twenty five SAVES that we know of in Ann Arbor, since 40 DFL began in the fall of 2007, For the 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor spring campaign, For the Ann Arbor Sidewalk Advocates For Life, For the Michigan attorney general to move forward with an investigation of Ann Arbor abortionist Lisa Harris, For the three patients in 2015 taken by ambulance from the Ann Arbor Planned Parenthood on March 12, May 9 and June 26 to U of M Hospital, For Cree Erwin who died on July 4, 2016 following a botched abortion in Michigan, For the Holy Spirit to shower the pro-life movement with guidance, strength, wisdom, love and a compassion for ALL victims of abortion, In thanksgiving for the babies saved from abortion, In thanksgiving for the mothers saved and healed from abortion, In thanksgiving for the former abortion providers who have become pro-life, In thanksgiving for all those who take a stand against abortion, In thanksgiving for the call to be part of the pro-life movement. Let us pray, Heavenly Father, we don't expect the physical walls of the Ann Arbor Planned Parenthood to crumble, but we do expect the spiritual walls to crumble, so that Planned Parenthood's chambers will no longer be used to destroy children, so that workers and mothers and fathers and children and families and communities and our nation can be freed from their deadly influence. Almighty and ever-living God, You have created all things through Your Son Jesus Christ. He trampled the power of death by His Paschal Mystery. May all who acknowledge You promote the sacredness of life and always serve You faithfully, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. | | This email is being sent as a courtesy from Pro-Life Action Network Inc Pro-Life Action Network Inc - The Ann Arbor Life Chain and 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor People "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 Pro-Life Action Network Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Charitable contributions can be made by check, made payable to: Pro-life Action Network Inc and mailed to: Pro-life Action Network Inc, 4700 Ash Court, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 | | | | | |
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