150 Nationwide Protests of Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics and Facilities
to Take Place THIS Friday and Saturday!
See here for all locations:
WE MUST GET OUT and Stand for LIFE!!
Let's Defund the Abortion Giant!

Pro-Life Movement Continues to Call for Defunding of Planned Parenthood Under Trump Presidency
On Friday April 28th and Saturday, April 29th 150 public protests of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics and facilities will take place all over the United States. These demonstrations, occurring over a two-day period, all focused on Planned Parenthood facilities, seek to continue to make an issue over the federal funding of the abortion giant that performs over 300,000 abortions annually. Congress failed to defund Planned Parenthood when the American Health Care Act was pulled.
The Pro-life movement is intent on the goal of stripping Planned Parenthood of its funding and seeks to take advantage of the Trump administration to achieve this end.
Planned Parenthood currently receives $554,000 in tax-payer funding. In June 2015 a scandal erupted over the barbaric practice of abortion and the sale of aborted baby body parts—due to undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress. They were produced by 27-year-old David Daleiden, who, in a stealth sting operation, recorded high-level Planned Parenthood executives discussing the violent nature of abortion procedures and the securing of aborted baby body parts in chilling, graphic detail.
The videos prompted Congressional debate on defunding Planned Parenthood and several states have already taken action to defund the group. Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, was called to congressional hearings and felt the need, after the first CMP video was released, to deny that her group broke any laws, but publicly apologized for the cavalier "tone" of PP executive Dr. Deborah Nucatola, regarding how she discussed aborting unborn children. In recent weeks President Trump by executive order reversed an Obama directive mandating that states honor Medicaid reimbursements
to Planned Parenthood.
What: Nationwide protests calling for the defunding of Planned
Where: At 150 Planned Parenthood facilities across America
When: Friday, April 28th and Saturday, April 29th–most scheduled from 9:00am-11:00am in all time zones
Click here for list of all picket locations: http://protestpp.com/locations/
Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in America, (performing over 300,000 abortions per year). In January 2017 the group LiveAction conducted undercover investigations that revealed Planned Parenthood clinics offer little pre-natal care services and ultra sounds only provided to women seeking abortion.
See: http://liveaction.org/abortioncorporation/
See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekgiScr364Y
In the entire history of legalized abortion, Planned Parenthood has never faced such media scrutiny and public criticism of its abortion practice and the possibility of losing multi-million dollars in federal funding.
Monica M. Miller of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society comments: "The defunding of Planned Parenthood is a matter of moral principle. Not a single cent of American tax dollars should go to an organization that kills innocent human life— that fails to honor the sanctity of life. Planned Parenthood could continue to receive government support if it ceases killing the unborn. Opposition to Planned Parenthood is about abortion and the facilitation of abortion. And it is the goal of the pro-life movement that the five hundred million plus dollars that currently are allocated to Planned Parenthood be shifted to community health centers that provide even more comprehensive health care to both men and women—while respecting the right
to life of all."
Mark Harrington of Created Equal states: "Pre-natal care, adoption services pale in comparison to their other services—and their big money-maker is abortion. Of the 1.2 million abortions that take place each year, almost one third are done in a Planned Parenthood clinic. It's time to shut off American tax-payer supports for such a group that kills innocent human beings."
Eric Scheidler of the Pro-life Action League states: "Planned Parenthood's own fiscal reports show that nearly all of their services have declined except the so-called abortion service. Maybe if Planned Parenthood got out of the abortion business then tax-funding could go toward their building up real health care options for women."
See here footnoted fact sheet on Planned Parenthood services:
Click here to view the first under-cover CMP Video: