| | Announcing TWO SAVES on SUPER TUESDAY What a Blessed Day! Report From Tuesday Oct. 23rd  SAVE # ONE - Alan shared: Tues, Oct 23 during my hour a large red SUV with heavily tinted windows came out of Planned Parenthood with 3 people inside. They stopped in the middle of the circle and a man rolled down the window in the second row of seats and said "We changed our mind, we decided to keep it, we did what you asked". I was quite taken aback and all I could do is say "You really did, you are going to keep the baby?" and he responded again that "Yes, we did". Then he rolled the window up and they drove off. The suv did not enter during my hour, so I was not the one with the words that planted the seed that ultimately changed their mind and SAVED their baby. Praise God! SAVE # TWO - Teresa shared: A mom drove out of the Planned Parenthood parking lot and stopped to talk to me as I waved at her. The Mom told me, "This is not right! This is my baby!" When I asked her what made you change your mind, she recalled hearing the heartbeat at an ultra sound. I then gave her a gift bag and showed her the 10 week baby model. She held the baby model, saying, "This is my baby, in my womb. I cannot do an abortion." Praise God!
There is more - Mariel and Ken shared: On Tuesday, Oct. 23rd, a dark-skinned young woman with black long curly hair came into the entrance of the circle and stopped as I gestured for her to roll down the window. She seemed distraught and scared. An older woman accompanied her (Mom?). We shared briefly that we had "Better alternatives and FREE Options" and gave her some literature. As they went into Planned Parenthood, I shouted "It's not too late to change your mind. We can help." About ten minutes or so later they drove out of Planned Parenthood. Unfortunately we didn't hear the car, so we couldn't wave and confirm if we had just witnessed a SAVE. BUT THEY LEFT!!! THANKFUL FOR ALL BLESSINGS :)TO GOD BE THE GLORY! | |
Report from Tuesday Oct 16th Love & Prayer Changed This Father's a Heart! Love is Changing Minds & Hearts! Sharing blessings from Mariel & Paul: It was a beautiful day at Planned Parenthood today, Tuesday (Oct 16th), an abortion day. A sunny, crisp, joy-filled day with the changing of minds and hearts. Two highlights: 1) A fellow walking through the cul-de-sac asked us why we were there. He insisted we were "pro-birth", not pro-life. Unprovoked, he started spewing anger as he walked away, his harsh language accompanied by "gestures." My response: "God bless you. God bless you with every good thing." I also started videoing him with my cell phone, just in case… Then a Surprise: He came back, sat down near our signs, apologized, and said he wanted to Listen to us (!) He had experienced a number of losses recently and realized he was venting. We had an awesome conversation. He said yes to our offer to pray with him – and promised to never yell at ProLifers again! Yep, God bless "J" with every good thing ! I almost forgot to mention that he revealed he was a post-abortive father, and that his son would be 32 years old... 2) A couple drove up to Planned Parenthood. She went in. Then they both were at the entrance, the female on her cell phone. We attempted to speak with them. They left without taking literature – but THEY LEFT!! (Remember this was abortion day.) Hey, we are thankful for every big and small blessing. | |
Report From Tuesday Oct 9th It Took a Team AND the Holy Spirit To Help SAVE a Pre-born Baby on Tuesday, Oct 9th in Ann Arbor From Paul, Lynn, Jenny and Mariel As the young man and woman in the red car approached the Professional Dr. circle on Tuesday, Lynn stopped them by waving to the driver (Lynn believes wearing the yellow vest helps us stop more cars). She began by saying that we have better options for her whatever their reason was for going into Planned Parenthood. Right away, Lynn and later Jenny, could tell that the couple was uncomfortable and not happy to be going into PP - Planned Parenthood. But Lynn gave them information to our area pregnancy help centers and said "Just read this!" As the couple walked from their parked car to the PP front door, Jenny tried to talk to them but couldn't be heard over the loud music the PP escorts were playing. Lynn and Jenny then prayed specifically for this couple since they both agreed that this couple were not happy about going into PP. Two hours later, Paul and Mariel saw this same couple walking out to their car and Paul verbally asked them to stop on the way out to pick up alternatives to PP. As the red car drove out into the circle, the woman driving said that "we are keeping our baby!!" Paul congratulated the obviously happy couple and offered them the PHC trifolds but they said they had received them already. Paul asked their names and offered to pray for them. This incident at the Ann Arbor abortion facility from Tuesday shows that the teamwork of the counselors reaching out, the people praying throughout the 40 Days for Life campaign and the mighty works of the Holy Spirit can truly change hearts and therefore save a life. PTL!!! (praise the Lord) | | Report From Tuesday, Oct 2nd She Turned Away When She Saw This Sign! in Ann Arbor on Tuesday, Oct. 2nd  Paul shares about Turn Away: On Tuesday, I was blessed to be joined by "S" and her beautiful daughter, "E". As we were praying, "S" noticed a car drive down Professional Dr. and the female driver intently looking at our "Free Pregnancy Test" sign. Just before she turned into the PP parking lot, she stopped to talk with me as I was waving to her. Since she was alone, I asked if she was going into Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy test or contraception. And she said that she wanted to get a pregnancy test. I mentioned the free pregnancy test at our two Pregnancy Help Centers and gave her the brochures for both. She mentioned that she saw our sign about the free tests and I encouraged her to call one or both of our Pregnancy Help Center's. She admitted that she was not planning to get an abortion if she was pregnant and so I said "then maybe don't support Planned Parenthood" since they have been known to charge up to $20 for a pregnancy test. She thanked me and then after turning around in the Planned Parenthood lot, she drove away! While this was not a save since the driver was not abortion-minded, we were successful in driving other business away from Planned Parenthood this day. This can only help in our mission to close down the Ann Arbor Planned Parenthood. | | This email is being sent as a courtesy from Pro-Life Action Network Inc Pro-Life Action Network Inc - The Ann Arbor Life Chain and 40 Days For Life Ann Arbor People "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 Pro-Life Action Network Inc is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Charitable contributions can be made by check, made payable to: Pro-life Action Network Inc and mailed to: Pro-life Action Network Inc, 4700 Ash Court, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 | | | | | |
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