Hope you can join us for one or more of these Pro-Life events!
Christ the King Catholic Church, 4000 Ave Maria Dr. in Ann Arbor is the host site for an Ecumenical Pro-Life Conference, “Faith and Conscience Matter – Putting Them Together in 2012”, on Saturday, January.14th from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm, featuring great speakers: Jill Stanek, RN, Dr. Monica Miller and Dr. Robert Fastiggi. The conference also includes dynamic hands-on workshops on how to use the New Media to promote Life and how to do more at the “clinics” to prevent abortion.
This conference is for people of all beliefs who are concerned about developing a clear conscience in regard to important life issues: abortion, stem-cell research, cloning, embryo manipulation, euthanasia. This is a critical year - an election year - and the voices have already started. But God speaks with a still small voice and the Holy Spirit will be our guide. Come and discover how to proceed as God’s faithful ones. The conference is preceded by the celebration of MASS at 9:00 am, everyone is welcome. Check in and late registration at the door begins at 10:00 am. Register NOW on-line at: ctkcc.net.
On Wednesday, January 18th A Concert of Prayer for Unity and Life: “Cry to the Lord With One Voice” will take place at 7:30 pm at The Bible Church, 611 E Cross Street, Ypsilanti. Please join us for an evening of praise & prayer for: Unity among Christians; Racial Reconciliation; Pro-Life Concerns; and Spreading the Gospel in our County. Sponsored by: PACT: Pastors Alliance for County Transformation. For info contact: Phil Tiews at 734-994-3243.
On Thursday, January 19th Pray at Planned Parenthood at 3100 Professional Dr in Ann Arbor from 8:00 am to 9:00 am with Pastor Levon Yuille from The Bible Church, Pastor Mike Frison from Knox Presbyterian Church and Pastor Ted Jungkuntz from St Luke Lutheran Church.
Churches and organizations planning to sell CHOOSE LIFE CANDLE KITS can place your orders by going to: https://secure.rtl.org/catalog/node/100. Pro-Life Action Network will have candle kits available at the Pro-Life Conference and Concert of Prayer. Suggested donation $1. Or call Marilyn -734-973-2422.
Sunday, January 22nd is the 39 Anniversary of Legalized Abortion in America. On Saturday, January 21st please place a lit candle on your porch around dusk and let it burn into the night as a silent witness to commemorate all the lives lost to and changed by abortion.
On Sunday, January 22nd, A 24 Hour Prayer Vigil at Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Dr in Ann Arbor will take place from 12:01 am to 11:59 pm. Drop by at any time. To sign up for a half hour spot at the 24 Hour ROSARY, same time period, same location call Ann Cherney at 734-769-2271.
On Sunday, January 22nd, you are invited to The 39th Anniversary of Roe v Wade: Eucharistic Adoration and Prayer for Life and an End to Abortion from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Ann Arbor located at the corner of State & Kingsley. All are welcome. For info contact Beth Smith at bethannsmith4383@gmail.com.
On Monday, January 23th the 39th Annual March For Life in Washington, DC will take place. It was estimated that over 400,000 people participated in the 2011 march. For info go to: www.marchforlife.org/. EWTN and WDEO AM-990 will have coverage. Most secular news outlets do not cover these events.
For help connecting with a group travelling to the annual March for Life in Washington DC contact Karen ASAP at 734-930-7474 or kwalacavage@rtl.org. Or go to: www.rtlwashtenaw.org.
On Monday, January 23rd there will be of March For Life Rally in Lansing on the east steps of the Capitol from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. For info call Greater Lansing RTL at 517-487-3376.
On Friday, January 27th the movie Thine Eyes: A Witness to the March for Life will be shown in the St Francis of Assisi School Library, 2250 E Stadium in Ann Arbor at 7:00 pm. Doors open 6:45pm. Admission is free. For info contact Sandie at 734-434-8447 or stfrancisprolifea2@gmail.com.
On Monday, January 30th there will be a Candlelight Prayer Vigil/Rally sponsored by the U of M Students for Life on the U of M Diag at 7:00 pm. For info email students.for.life@umich.edu or carmena@umich.edu.
Ongoing Prayer Vigil at Planned Parenthood at 3100 Professional Dr. To sign up, especially on Wednesdays through Saturdays, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm go to www.40daysforlife.com/annarbor and hit the Vigil Schedule tab. Contact Paul at 40daysannarbor@gmail.com for more info.
On Wednesday, February 1st, Right to Life of Michigan is kicking off its second annual Black History Month Life Speaker’s Series. A special feature of the day will be a Diaper Drop-Off from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm at AMS, Inc. (lobby) located at 1181 S. Main Street, Plymouth, MI 48170. New unopened packages of diapers and baby wipes dropped off at this location will be donated to ArborVitae Women’s Center in Ann Arbor and AAA Pregnancy Resource Center in Livonia. Please call (734) 930-7474 or visit www.rtl.org for more information.
On Friday, February 3rd you are cordially invited to attend The Inaugural Students for Life Fundraising Gala hosted by SFL at the University of Michigan from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm in the Pendleton Room, in the Michigan Union. Please join us in raising money and awareness to support the pro-life cause on University of Michigan’s campus with keynote speaker, Michelle Schmidt, Director of Client Services at Mother & Unborn Baby Care. Register at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEZsbVF0TjZELTJ3OGgyVmFjUVJSR3c6MQ
For more info email sfl.gala.committee@umich.edu.
On Wednesday, February 22, as part of the Black History Month Life Speaker’s Series, Pastor Levon Yuille will be speaking at The Bible Church, 611 E Cross Street in Ypsilanti from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
On Ash Wednesday, February 22 the 2012 Spring Campaign for Forty Days For Life will begin and run until Palm Sunday, April 1st. For info email: Paul Dobrowolski at 40daysannarbor@gmail.com
To receive an electronic copy of this file and/or
to be added to our email group to receive updates for
Life Chain and Local Pro-Life Events throughout the year
contact Sandie Weathers prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com
or call Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422
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