I just love a great story, don’t you? The following is a list of movies, books and other resources that I believe will change hearts, impact lives and help save mothers and their children. At Pro-Life Action Network we have recently created a blog - http://pro-lifeactionnetworkblog.blogspot.com/. On the blog, we hope to share Pro-Life books, movies, short videos, published articles and websites that have impacted us and we hope you will join the discussion and share those that have impacted you. So let’s get started…
Sandie’s Starting Six Suggestions – Movies
Tilly is based on the novel Tilly written by Frank Peretti. The story’s powerful message of God’s forgiveness promises to touch the hearts of those that have made a decision that they can never take back and the hearts of those that love them.
The Spitfire Grill which stars Ellen Burstyn, Alison Elliott and Marcia Gay Harden won the Audience Award at the 1996 Sundance Film Festival, for the telling of the redemption story in which a women who has just spent the last five years in prison, makes Gilead, Maine, a town with no future, her new home. The Spitfire Grill is rated PG-13 and is 116 minutes in length.
In Romance Without Regret Jason and Crystalina Evert answer questions such as: How do I find love? What am I suppose to do about temptations? How do I start over and regain purity? It is a sure conversation starter with teens and parents.
Life After Abortion: Countless women have been overwhelmed by post abortion trauma, resulting in fear, anxiety, pain and guilt. Many suffer in silence for years after they realize the full toll of their choice. From desperation to devastation to deliverance, Life After Abortion takes an honest look at the undeniable impact abortion has had on real people, as told by those who experienced them.
A Distant Thunder is a Kip Perry production. In this 35-minute religious thriller from writer/director Jonathan Flora, Ann Brown (Deborah Flora) is a prosecutor who finds herself involved in a terrifying supernatural case that will challenge everything she thought she knew about the world. It has been described as chilling, provocative, engrossing, terrifying and convincing.
Thine Eyes: A Witness to the March for Life successfully captures the spirit of the annual March for Life in D.C. and compares the pro-life marches of the 21st Century to the Civil Rights marches of the 1960's. Its focus allows young people to discover the meaning of the "naked public square" and the urgent need to engage their culture with the values of the Gospel. This documentary strongly motivates the viewer to become part of the pro-life movement!
Sandie’s Starting Six Suggestions– Books
In Redeeming a Father’s Heart ten men share their powerful stories of abortion loss and recovery. It is the work of Kevin Burke LSW, David Wemhoff and Marvin Stockwell.
Unplanned by Abby Johnson is the Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader's Eye-Opening Journey Across the Life Line.
In Unprotected by Miriam Grossman, M.D. a campus psychiatrist, reveals how political correctness in her profession was endangering every college man and woman. The book was previously published under the name Anonymous, M.D. because the author feared what her profession would do to her when she blew the whistle.
Won by Love by Norma McCorvey with Gary Thomas is the true story of Jane Roe of Roe V. Wade. It is the story of how Norma now speaks out for the unborn as she shares her new conviction for life.
Forbidden Grief: The Unspoken Pain of Abortion by Theresa Burke with David C Reardon Available at Rachel’s Vineyard http://www.rachelsvineyard.org/
This book is a series of letters that Karen wrote to her son, Gabriel Michael, who died shortly after his birth. This is a very special book indeed.
More Cool Resources
Websites - great resources:
This Pro-Life Action League’s Website has an extensive list of Pro-Life Resources. http://prolifeaction.org/links.php
Short Video
In 33 short minutes, "180" shows how even the strongest supporters of abortion make a complete 180-degree turn and become pro-life in a matter of minutes. "180," is being promoted by the American Family Association. http://www.180movie.com/
Music video:
Kristie G’s Silent Cry video
Silent Cry- Kristie G Music
Published Article full of encouragement:
Published on The Weekly Standard (http://www.weeklystandard.com)
Hidden Persuaders
The unheralded gains of the pro-life movement
Fred Barnes November 7, 2011, Vol. 17, No. 08
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Life Chain and Local Pro-Life Events throughout the year
contact Sandie Weathers prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com
or call Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422
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