Monday, April 28, 2014
People With Down Syndrome Dance To ‘Happy’ To Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day (Video)
Monday, April 21, 2014
Fifty Five Ignore Threat of Rain to Attend 2nd Annual Interfaith Way of the Cross for Abortion Victims!
The threat of rain
could not deter the fifty five attendees of the 2nd Annual
Interfaith Way of the Cross for Abortion Victims outside of Planned Parenthood,
3100 Professional Drive in Ann Arbor on the gloomy Good Friday morning of April 18th. Just as we approached the tenth station where Jesus was
stripped of His garments, an ever so slight drizzle came upon us. By the time Jesus
was laid in His tomb at the fourteenth station, the rain stopped. What a
blessing! Leading us in prayer were
Deacon Larry Randolph from Christ the King Catholic Church in Ann Arbor and Pastor Bryan Schindel of Cross and Resurrection Lutheran
Church in Ypsilanti. Also in attendance were Pastor Mike Frison and his wife
from Knox Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor.
Through His Holy Passion, Our Lord united Himself with all
the victims of suffering in this life. None suffer more innocently than
children in the womb whose lives are taken by abortion. None suffer more deeply
than their mothers, who carry such a burden of guilt and shame.
This Good
Friday we remembered all the victims of abortion—the children lost, the mothers
wounded, the communities blighted—in this solemn, ecumenical prayer service.
More information about pro-life events in Washtenaw County in Michigan and
beyond, call or email Sandie Weathers at 734-434-8447 or
prolifeactionnetwork@gmail .com.
To view more photos:
Thursday, April 17, 2014
TWEET for the Interfaith Way of the Cross For Victims of Abortion on Good Friday, April 18th!
Help us Spread the
Word! Please Tweet Your Friends and Family!
Twitter: On Good Friday, April 18th
please tweet with the hashtag #ProLifeGoodFriday.
You can use these
sample Tweets to spread the word:
On the day Jesus was
crucified, let’s remember all innocent victims, especially the smallest.
#abortion #ProLifeGoodFriday
Jesus united Himself
with all the victims of suffering. None suffer more innocently than the victims
of #abortion. #ProLifeGoodFriday
On Good Friday Jesus
died on Golgotha. His image is destroyed 1000s of times a day at OUR Golgotha,
the #abortion clinic. #ProLifeGoodFriday
Good Friday, the day
Jesus DIED, is the perfect day to stand up for LIFE! #ProLifeGoodFriday
Are you thankful for
Jesus’ sacrifice on Good Friday? Then do something for your unborn brothers and
sisters today! #ProLifeGoodFriday
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Join in the Interfaith Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion on Good Friday, April 18th

Join in the Interfaith Way of the Cross for Victims of
Good Friday, April 18th
10:00 am to 11:00 am
Outside the Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility
3100 Professional Drive, Ann Arbor
Leading us in prayer will be:
Deacon Larry Randolph
Christ the King Catholic Church in Ann Arbor
Pastor Bryan Schindel
Cross and Resurrection Lutheran Church in Ypsilanti
Through His Holy Passion,
Our Lord united Himself with all the victims of suffering in this life. None
suffer more innocently than children in the womb
whose lives are taken by abortion. None suffer more deeply than their mothers,
who carry such a burden of guilt and shame. On Good Friday we remember all the
victims of abortion—the children lost, the mothers wounded, the communities
blighted—in a solemn, ecumenical prayer service.
FB event:
For updates go to:
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
U of M display Claims, "Abortion is a Gift From God". Let's Call Them Out!
now I’m sure you have heard about the U of M art exhibit which claims that
“Abortion is a Gift From God”. The University of Michigan webpage, http://www. describes
the exhibit this way, “4000 Years
for Choice develops
visual narratives about the practices of contraception and abortion from around
the world for the past 4000 years. The project hopes to celebrate,
inspire, and empower women and men in their reproductive lives.” The Women’s Studies Department and the
Institute For Research on Women and Gender are hosting the exhibit in
Lane Hall, 204 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, MI
call the University of Michigan out on this.
I have compiled a list of efforts others are taking regarding this topic.
Please, please, please read this list over and see how you can make your voice
heard. As the most popular quotation of modern times goes, “The
Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing”. Spread
the word, far and wide, inform yourself and your friends, because at the very
least, our tax dollars are funding this!
Support the U
of M Pro-Life Event,
on Wednesday, April 16th from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm –
Flyer follows!
are meeting on Wed., April 16, 2-4 PM at the Michigan Diag. We will only
be at the Michigan Diag for 5-10 minutes where everyone will be split into groups,
given the pamphlets and handouts, and then dispersed across the campus. The
literature we will be handing out is: Who Was Margaret Sanger? A few
people will be standing in front of Lane Hall, 204 S. State St. from 2-4PM.
Latest updates:
information on additional ways to help go to;
Yourself - Photos of their Messages!
Go to FB
link for Prolife Action Network:
see even more go to:
Learn the Facts About What is Going on!
An art
exhibit currently on showcase at the University of Michigan charts the
glamorous history of abortion. The
Learn More, then Call and Email
following is a portion of a recent letter from Kristan Hawkins, President,
Students For Life of America! The
University is currently sponsoring a pro-abortion "art" display
called 4000 Years of Choice,
which declares “Abortion as a Blessing” and a “gift from God.” This directly counters the truth put forth in SFLA’s
display which tells the stories of women like Jennifer Morbelli, Karnamaya
Mongar, Tonya Reaves, and Marla Cardamone who were killed through legal
While Heather Ault is
trying to portray herself as an abortion historian, the truth is that she is
radical, abortion activist, and the University of Michigan has funded her
message through taxpayer money. Take a look at her “art” and decide for
yourself whether or not her display is not pro-abortion.
Abortion is never safe
for women, legal or illegal, and for the University of Michigan to have the
audacity to use taxpayer dollars and a taxpayer-funded building to push forth
an agenda and human rights violation that the majority of Americans oppose is
Can you?
1) Call the University of Michigan
President, Mary Sue Coleman, at 734-764-6270 or email her at and demand that she sees that this display is taken down,
that all taxpayer money is returned for this event and display, and that never
again will UM align themselves so closely with abortion as to allow public
funds to be invested in a flagrant agenda to support and promote abortion.
It is an outrage for
the University of Michigan to endorse this anti-human rights message that
“abortion is a gift from God” and that it is “a blessing.” I hope you can join
us to get the university to take down this horrific display and help us reach
thousands more of students with our message of truth and hope.
For Life,
Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life of America
President, Students for Life of America
Emails to UM President and Newspapers!
Here is a great example!
Dear President Mary Sue Coleman,
in the history of civilization have people proudly and publicly proclaimed the
killing of innocent children, whether before or after birth.
is a shameful reflection on the women's curriculum in our public tax-supported
university that it is being done at the exhibit "4,000 years for
is NEVER life sustaining. Abortion is a selfish action. It destroys
the natural generosity of women. Women have been uniquely designed by the
Creator to conceive, carry and protect new life within their very body.
Double speak does not change the reality.
offensive this is to the women suffering from post-abortion stress syndrome.
They are the ones who accepted the lie that sex is recreational and
abortion is a solution to an untimely pregnancy. These are distortions of
the feminine human nature which understands that the sexual union is an
expression of love and seeks to protect the innocent child.
is no freedom in accepting the lie that women and men are the same. We
have equal dignity, but not only are we different physically, but emotionally
and psychologically. Men and women are complementary and a genuine
academic women's program would acknowledge the differences and take pride in the
particularly feminine characteristics of the female nature. Consider the works
of John Paul II and Dr. Alice von Hildebrand.
deserve an apology and to have the funds that went toward this insulting
display repaid with reparations made through presentations of equal authority
on the value and contributions of (most) women toward the continuation and
nurturing of human life.
President Mary Sue Coleman
Detroit Free Press
Detroit News
Daily Caller
Compiled by: Sandie
Weathers, Pro-Life Action Network,
Monday, April 14, 2014
Gosnell Movie - You Can Make it Happen
Attention Pro-Life Friends!
You can help make the story of Kermit Gosnell known - Help make the movie happen!
From: Tina Whittington. Executive Vice-President, Students for Life of America
Infamous late-term abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell is behind bars for his heinous crimes. But you and I know justice still has yet to be served, because abortion is still legal in our nation. A shockingly very few people outside of the pro-life movement know of the disgusting events that took place in his Philadelphia abortion facility.
A young woman who worked at Kermit Gosnell’s "House of Horrors" as a teenager testified that she saw a baby’s chest move even after the gruesome snipping procedure Gosnell used to end the baby’s life. “The chest was moving,” she testified. The baby was so large that another worker even took a cellphone picture of it. Prosecution experts, based on the picture, say the baby was well past 24 weeks, the legal limit for abortion in Pennsylvania.
Stephen Massof, who does not have a medical license, described how he jabbed medical scissors into the backs of babies’ necks to kill them. And how he assisted Gosnell in “snipping” the spinal cords of babies, calling it, “literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body.”
According to a news report, Massof told the jury that women were often given drugs to speed up delivery of the baby so the abortion/infanticide could take place: He testified that at times, when women were given medicine to speed up their deliveries, “it would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place.”
Prosecutors have cited the dozens of jars of severed baby feet as an example of Gosnell’s idiosyncratic and illegal practice of providing abortions for cash to poor women pregnant longer than the 24-week cutoff for legal abortions in Pennsylvania. In her opening statement to the Common Pleas Court jury, Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore mused that the jars of feet were some kind of bizarre “trophy” Gosnell kept.
The world needs to know about the horrors that took place in Gosnell’s clinic. And now is our chance to make sure that happens.
Filmmakers are using Indiegogo to fund the making of a made-for-TV movie based on Gosnell and his "House of Horrors."
Indiegogo enables “crowdfunding” for important projects. allows you to contribute as little as $1 or as much as $10,000 or even more. The film will cost $2.1 million to make. If they are unable to raise the full $2.1 million budget for the movie in the next few weeks, your contribution will be given back to you.
By donating – even just a dollar – you are saying that there is interest in this important film, something that will speak volumes to those in Hollywood who ignored this story, that of the largest serial killer run American history.
This is our chance to tell the world what Hollywood and mainstream media isn’t – that abortion is never safe for women or their preborn babies, legal or illegal.
Please join me TODAY in chipping in on this important campaign by going to right now and making a donation of $250, $100, $25, or even as little as $1!
Tina Whittington
Executive Vice-President
Students for Life of America
A young woman who worked at Kermit Gosnell’s "House of Horrors" as a teenager testified that she saw a baby’s chest move even after the gruesome snipping procedure Gosnell used to end the baby’s life. “The chest was moving,” she testified. The baby was so large that another worker even took a cellphone picture of it. Prosecution experts, based on the picture, say the baby was well past 24 weeks, the legal limit for abortion in Pennsylvania.
Stephen Massof, who does not have a medical license, described how he jabbed medical scissors into the backs of babies’ necks to kill them. And how he assisted Gosnell in “snipping” the spinal cords of babies, calling it, “literally a beheading. It is separating the brain from the body.”
According to a news report, Massof told the jury that women were often given drugs to speed up delivery of the baby so the abortion/infanticide could take place: He testified that at times, when women were given medicine to speed up their deliveries, “it would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place.”
Prosecutors have cited the dozens of jars of severed baby feet as an example of Gosnell’s idiosyncratic and illegal practice of providing abortions for cash to poor women pregnant longer than the 24-week cutoff for legal abortions in Pennsylvania. In her opening statement to the Common Pleas Court jury, Assistant District Attorney Joanne Pescatore mused that the jars of feet were some kind of bizarre “trophy” Gosnell kept.
The world needs to know about the horrors that took place in Gosnell’s clinic. And now is our chance to make sure that happens.
Filmmakers are using Indiegogo to fund the making of a made-for-TV movie based on Gosnell and his "House of Horrors."
Indiegogo enables “crowdfunding” for important projects. allows you to contribute as little as $1 or as much as $10,000 or even more. The film will cost $2.1 million to make. If they are unable to raise the full $2.1 million budget for the movie in the next few weeks, your contribution will be given back to you.
By donating – even just a dollar – you are saying that there is interest in this important film, something that will speak volumes to those in Hollywood who ignored this story, that of the largest serial killer run American history.
This is our chance to tell the world what Hollywood and mainstream media isn’t – that abortion is never safe for women or their preborn babies, legal or illegal.
Please join me TODAY in chipping in on this important campaign by going to right now and making a donation of $250, $100, $25, or even as little as $1!
For Life,

Tina Whittington
Executive Vice-President
Students for Life of America
Students for Life of America
9255 Center Street, Suite 300
Manassas, Virginia 20110Office: (571) 379-7261 Fax: (866) 582-6420
9255 Center Street, Suite 300
Manassas, Virginia 20110Office: (571) 379-7261 Fax: (866) 582-6420
Eucharistic Procession comes to Planned Parenthood, Ann Arbor
By Iris Hanlin
“I wanted to participate in this powerful event, being in
the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist on the streets of Ann Arbor,” says
Sally Vipperman, member of the 40 Days for Life Ann Arbor committee. “To show God’s love to Ann Arbor, joining my
voice with others who speak for the least of God’s people, a voice for the
voiceless,” she says, “as we pray for the end of legalized abortion.”
Pictures by Iris
On the balmy Saturday morning of April 12, a crowd of 88
members of the pro-life movement gathered in the pews of St. Francis of Assisi
Catholic Church in Ann Arbor on E. Stadium Blvd. for a common purpose – to
participate in a peaceful, public procession of the Eucharist through the
streets of the city to the cul-de-sac of the Planned Parenthood at 3100
Professional Dr. as a witness of faith and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament,
and the belief in the Catholic doctrine that Jesus Christ is truly present in
the consecrated host.
At 11:00 a.m., Deacon Rich Badics of St. Francis of Assisi
opened with prayer, and he with three members of the Knights of Columbus, led
the congregation on the 1.3 mile journey to Planned Parenthood. The voices of
those present rose as they recited the mysteries of the rosary, a prayer to Mary,
the mother of Jesus (patroness of the unborn), and upon their arrival to the
abortion facility, sang songs of praise and worship such as Amazing Grace, and How Great Thou Art.
For additional information regarding Eucharistic Processions
to Planned Parenthood, contact Sandie Weathers of the Pro-Life Action Network:, 734-434-8447.
For updates on local pro-life events, visit, or
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Updates on Eucharistic Procession in Ann Arbor from St. Francis of Assisi to Planned Parenthood this Sat., April 12th at 11:00 am.
The 40 DFL team welcomes the community, young and old alike, to join us for a public procession of the Eucharist through the streets of Ann Arbor. This public witness of faith and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament will take place this Saturday, April 12th beginning in St Francis of Assisi Church, 2250 East Stadium Blvd in Ann Arbor at 11:00 am and then processing to the Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility, 3100 Professional Drive. Please check out the important updates. See flyer on next post on this blog!
Important updates on Eucharistic Procession:
· All Clergy, Priests and Deacons are invited to participate in leading the Eucharistic Procession with Deacon Rich. Please wear your stole.
· Saturday will be partly cloudy and 70 degrees, per my weather app. (bad weather plan on flier)
· We will begin with prayer in the church at 11:00 am.
· The route is one and one third miles. If you are unable to walk with us, you might want to grab a lawn chair and go to Planned Parenthood and participate via walkie talkie, which we will also use for the procession.
· Please do not carry any banners or signs during the Procession.
· Please do not block sidewalks, driveways or streets. We will have literature to offer those we pass. A friendly nod would be an appropriate gesture to those passing by.
· Parking hint: Need to avoid walking back to St. Francis, arrange to go with a friend. One park at Planned Parenthood, the other at St. Francis and shuttle each other.
· Please help us SPREAD THE WORD!
· FB event: https://www.facebook. com/events/550643511718061/
· Saturday will be partly cloudy and 70 degrees, per my weather app. (bad weather plan on flier)
· We will begin with prayer in the church at 11:00 am.
· The route is one and one third miles. If you are unable to walk with us, you might want to grab a lawn chair and go to Planned Parenthood and participate via walkie talkie, which we will also use for the procession.
· Please do not carry any banners or signs during the Procession.
· Please do not block sidewalks, driveways or streets. We will have literature to offer those we pass. A friendly nod would be an appropriate gesture to those passing by.
· Parking hint: Need to avoid walking back to St. Francis, arrange to go with a friend. One park at Planned Parenthood, the other at St. Francis and shuttle each other.
· Please help us SPREAD THE WORD!
· FB event: https://www.facebook.
For additional info contact Sandie Weathers at 734-434-8447 or pr For updates go to: http://pro- lifeactionnetworkblog.
Help Us Protest U-M's "4000 Years for Choice" Display: TOMORROW, 11AM-2PM, Friday, April 11th!
Attention Local Pro-Life Friends in Ann Arbor, MI
[Please spread this far and wide!]
As you may have heard,
the Women's Studies Department at the University of Michigan is currently
hosting a display in Lane Hall celebrating "4000 Years for Choice."
This supposedly "neutral" display, made
possible by our tax dollars, consists of over a hundred panels
containing just as many preposterous claims, including the
· Abortion "is a
life-sustaining act"
· "Abortion is a
gift from God."
· "The act of
abortion positions women at their most powerful."
· "..anything
46 million women do every year can’t be immoral."
for Life at the University of Michigan invites all pro-lifers from the
surrounding community to help us counter these outrageous lies with the
liberating Truth. Tomorrow (Friday) from 11AM to 2PM will
be staging a PUBLIC PROTEST outside
Lane Hall (204 S.
State Street) where the display is
Please check out these pictures of the display on FB
link for Prolife Action Network:
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