Help us Spread the
Word! Please Tweet Your Friends and Family!
Twitter: On Good Friday, April 18th
please tweet with the hashtag #ProLifeGoodFriday.
You can use these
sample Tweets to spread the word:
On the day Jesus was
crucified, let’s remember all innocent victims, especially the smallest.
#abortion #ProLifeGoodFriday
Jesus united Himself
with all the victims of suffering. None suffer more innocently than the victims
of #abortion. #ProLifeGoodFriday
On Good Friday Jesus
died on Golgotha. His image is destroyed 1000s of times a day at OUR Golgotha,
the #abortion clinic. #ProLifeGoodFriday
Good Friday, the day
Jesus DIED, is the perfect day to stand up for LIFE! #ProLifeGoodFriday
Are you thankful for
Jesus’ sacrifice on Good Friday? Then do something for your unborn brothers and
sisters today! #ProLifeGoodFriday
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