The threat of rain
could not deter the fifty five attendees of the 2nd Annual
Interfaith Way of the Cross for Abortion Victims outside of Planned Parenthood,
3100 Professional Drive in Ann Arbor on the gloomy Good Friday morning of April 18th. Just as we approached the tenth station where Jesus was
stripped of His garments, an ever so slight drizzle came upon us. By the time Jesus
was laid in His tomb at the fourteenth station, the rain stopped. What a
blessing! Leading us in prayer were
Deacon Larry Randolph from Christ the King Catholic Church in Ann Arbor and Pastor Bryan Schindel of Cross and Resurrection Lutheran
Church in Ypsilanti. Also in attendance were Pastor Mike Frison and his wife
from Knox Presbyterian Church in Ann Arbor.
Through His Holy Passion, Our Lord united Himself with all
the victims of suffering in this life. None suffer more innocently than
children in the womb whose lives are taken by abortion. None suffer more deeply
than their mothers, who carry such a burden of guilt and shame.
This Good
Friday we remembered all the victims of abortion—the children lost, the mothers
wounded, the communities blighted—in this solemn, ecumenical prayer service.
More information about pro-life events in Washtenaw County in Michigan and
beyond, call or email Sandie Weathers at 734-434-8447 or
prolifeactionnetwork@gmail .com.
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