This morning while praying at Planned Parenthood, myself and two other
prayers volunteers, were at the “No Outlet Sign”, and I held out my hand to
offer the driver contact info for getting free ultrasounds and pregnancy
testing. She thanked me for the information and quickly drove into the PP
parking lot and then went inside. She walked over to us, a very short time later,
and said they can’t do an ultrasound for me. “Our Mom trimmed in pink”, was
stressed and made it apparent that she needed an ultrasound today. She got thru
to FLS, where she said the nurse was calling their ultrasound techs, in order
to get a tech in today to do an ultrasound. Please storm Heaven with your
prayers for “Our Mom trimmed in pink”, that her heart is touched by the beauty
of the image of her child in her womb and that she will choose life for her
Please keep this information at your finger tips! You just never know, when you might need it!
Thank you ALL for ALL you do for LIFE!
Sandie Weathers,
Campaign Director
40 Days For Life Ann Arbor
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