We have a SAVE!
On Wednesday morning, I asked you to “storm Heaven with your
prayers for “Our Mom trimmed in pink”,
that her heart is touched by the beauty of the image of her child in her womb
and that she will choose life for her child”. Our prayers have been answered.
When I asked FLS Wednesday afternoon, if our
Mom was able to get in for an ultrasound yesterday and was she abortion minded,
this is what she replied, “She made it here! Yay! She came in abortion minded,
but after speaking with our counselors and trying an ultrasound, she seemed to
have reconsidered by the time that she left... she has a second ultrasound
scheduled in a few weeks. Puzzled by the word “seemed”, I asked FLS if
she would call this a save? FLS replied, “I
would! Definitely the Lord at work here.... “.
Yesterday was special for first time prayer volunteers Gail
and Pat, who shared, “We had never attended a sidewalk prayer vigil before this
morning. What joy to hear later that a life was saved! Praise and
thanksgiving to our Lord. And also a prayer of thanks to all who show the
face of Christ in love during these Days of Life!
Please continue
to pray for “Our Mom trimmed in pink”. Prayer volunteer, Amy, has made two
blankets to be presented to two different moms, who choose life for their
babies during our 40 Days For Life Campaign. We will take a blanket to FLS, so
that they can present it to this mom, when she comes in for her 2nd
ultra sound appointment. Praise God!
Sandie Weathers,
Campaign Director
40 Days For Life Ann Arbor
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