Tuesday, October 29, 2013



The use of graphic images of abortion victims in pro-life work has in more recent decades become a point of conflict and debate within the pro-life movement itself, especially the public display of such images. Monica Migliorino Miller’s recently published article is an unprecedented comprehensive examination of this issue. Published in the September 2013 New Oxford Review it is now available on the NOR website for a limited time at: http://www.newoxfordreview.org/article.jsp?did=0913-miller

But is also permanently posted at: www.prolifesociety.com
The author has herself retrieved hundreds of aborted babies from trash containers and spent hundreds of hours photographing the bodies. Miller argues strongly that photos of abortion victims play a vital role in the efforts of the right-to-life movement to establish respect for the lives of the unborn and abolish the injustice of abortion. Among other areas of discussion Miller provides a history of the use of these images in the pro-life movement. However, she urges that the time has come for the movement to evaluate which photos of abortion victims are most effective.

This means pro-lifers should be more critical and sophisticated in the selection of photos displayed in public, in literature and educational materials. She states: “Not all abortion victim photos are equal” and goes on to explain that it is a mistake that the “gorier and bloodier the image, the more effective it will be in depicting the injustice of abortion.”

Miller agrees that abortion victim photos will innately contain graphic elements, but argues that such aspects of the photos must be secondary to the subject of the abortion victims presented in the photos. To the viewer of a “graphic image” the abortion victim must be immediately recognizably human. Miller explains:
“Blood and extraneous uterine matter should not overwhelm the aborted baby in the photo. Indeed even a kind of mathematical ratio can be used to evaluate the usefulness of a graphic image. If the blood and gore is more than or even equal to the actual baby—such a photo should be set aside in favor of an image in which the actual human victim is primary. It is not only or primarily the violence of abortion that pro-lifers should display to the world, but the actual hidden and silent human victim of abortion will be the focus of the more effective images.” Miller continues:
“The viewer of the image of an aborted baby should be able to identify with the victim — not simply be shocked or repulsed by the blood-drenched image. The photo should provoke pathos, pity, sorrow, and a response to the injustice done to the baby, whose humanity is obvious in the midst of the tragedy and violence. To the majority of viewers whom pro-lifers are trying to reach, that first glance is the most important — indeed, it might not just be the first glance but the only glance — and thus its impact in drawing the viewer into the humanity of the victim cannot be squandered.”

Miller also urges that the pro-life movement drop the term “graphic images” when referring to photos of aborted babies. Many abortion photos—even effective ones are indeed extremely “graphic images”—but the term itself does not capture or encompass the essence of this type of photography. She states: “The movement needs to stop using that term. Instead we should refer to these pictures as “abortion victim photos” or “abortion victim photography.”

Distinctions exist between a graphic image that instantly repulses the viewer, an image with an appropriate proportion of extraneous graphic elements, and photos of abortion victims that certainly are disturbing, but in which the blood and gore is nearly absent. Miller’s article calls for a deeper appreciation for these distinctions and states: “Those who oppose the use of ‘graphic images’ need not necessarily oppose photos of abortion victims per se. Whatever side one may take in the debate, given that a difference exists between an excessively graphic image and an image of an abortion victim — between a repulsive image and a disturbing image— pro-lifers who object to the use ofall abortion-victim photography should reexamine and move beyond that objection.”

Miller states: “There are many great pro-lifers who are dedicated to the display of abortion victim photos. What they do is essential to the movement. Their work should be supported and encouraged. I simply want to urge those of us on the front lines to look at abortion victim photos in a new way—to not be threatened or afraid to re-evaluate what we are doing and urge the selection of photos in which the tragic victim of abortion ‘however graphic’ is primary and obvious.”

The New Oxford Review Article covers the following topics:
1) History of the use of these images in the pro-life movement
2) Summary of the recent debate
3) Responses to the objections as to their use
4) Why we need to stop using the term “graphic images” and instead use the term “abortion victim photos”
5) Why not all abortion images are equal in their effectiveness and how to judge a bad photo versus a good one
6) The ethics of abortion victim photography
7) When and where to use the photos
For more information contact: Monica Migliorino Miller 248 444-9096

Friday, October 25, 2013

Oct 25, 2013 Upcoming Pro-Life Events for Washtenaw County and Beyond!

Partial list as of October 25th, 2013 Compiled by Sandie Weathers

Byzantine Catholic Pro-Life Activism – Akathist Hymn to the Mother of God!
As part of the 40 Days for Life fall campaign, join us on Saturday, October 26, 2013 at 11:30 am as we pray the Akathist Hymn to the Mother of God outside of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic at 3100 Professional Drive in Ann Arbor.  For centuries, Eastern Christians, both Orthodox and Eastern Catholic, have prayed the Akathist Hymn to ask the intercession and protection of the Mother of God.  Therefore, it is the perfect prayer to use for the purpose of asking for the Blessed Virgin's assistance in defeating the culture of death. For more info go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1aTQe869rg.

The Ann Arbor 40 Days For Life Fall Campaign will run until Sunday Nov. 3rd. Local pro-life advocates are encouraged to visit the Ann Arbor campaign’s website, www.40daysforlife.com/annarbor, to sign up for hours of prayer in front of Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Drive, Ann Arbor. Questions? Contact Paul , Ann Arbor Campaign Director at 40daysannarbor@gmail.com or 734-944-7790. To learn more about the Worldwide 40 Days for Life campaign visit: www.40daysforlife.com.

Register now: 41st Annual March for Life “Red Eye” bus trip to Washington, DC., 
Reserve a seat on one of the charted buses departing from Ann Arbor, Tuesday, January 21 sponsored by Right to Life of Washtenaw County. Walk alongside thousands of marchers standing up for life up Constitutional Ave on Wed. Jan. 22! For more information or a registration flier, email Karen at kwalacavage@rtl.org or call: (734)930-7474.

Register now: “Movement in Motion” Youth Bus Trip to DC for the annual 2014 March for Life, departing on Tuesday evening, January 21st and arriving back home on Thursday evening, January 23rd, this Youth Bus Trip is open to all high school and college students.  Note: Three buses will pick up in Livonia at Madonna University. REGISTRATION:  Now through October 15th or until all seats are filled! If you have questions or want to register, call or e-mail Lynn Gura, LIFESPAN Youth Director, at 248-816-1546 or oakmac@rtl-lifespan.org.
On November 8th, 2013 Mother and Unborn Baby Care will be having its Annual Monte Carlo Night. It will be held at Farmington Hills Manor, located at 23666 Orchard Lake Road, Farmington Hills, MI. 48336. The evening will start at 6:30 P.M. and conclude by 10:00 P.M. The cost will be $60.00 P/P. This will include Hors d’oeuvres, Buffet Dinner and Cocktails, Black Jack, Fabulous Prizes. There will also be a Silent and Live Auction. Please come and support the cause of LIFE! For further information please call (248) 559-7576 and ask for Peter Riccardo.

On Saturday, November 23rd from 7:00 to 9:30 pm, Parents-Grandparents-Teachers are invited to a pro-life presentation on HOW DO I MOTIVATE YOUNG PEOPLE TO DEFEND LIFE? in the Community Room of Bishop Kelley Catholic School of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 814 W. Nepessing St., Lapeer, MI 48446. Come hear the Youth Conference speakers Bryan Kemper & Brice Griffin give their talks. Time for Q&A. Questions? Denise at 810.834.2200 or maryschildren@sbcglobal.netRegister at https://adults-i-survived-roevswade.eventbrite.com/. Limited seating. Freewill offering
On Sunday, November 24th from 3:00-8:00 pm High School and College age young adults are invited to the I SURVIVED ROEvs.WADE Pro-life Youth Conference at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, 814 W. Nepessing St., Lapeer, MI 48446. Registration opens at 2:00. Main Speaker: Bryan Kemper from STAND TRUE… along with Brice Griffin, Fr. Clement Suhy & Rebecca Gabryel. Program will include Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction plus Music by RoCa. Cost is $7.30 per person. Pizza and Pop included – Limited space. Register early at https://i-survived-roevswade.eventbrite.com. Questions?  Denise at 810.834.2200 or maryschildren@sbcglobal.net.

On Wednesday, January 22, 2014, attend the 9:15 am   mass at St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, for a Day of Prayer & Reparation for sins against the gift of life located at 2250 E. Stadium Blvd in Ann Arbor.

Save the Date: Fourth Annual Life is a Gift Conference – EVANGELIZING with the GOSPEL OF LIFE on Saturday, January 25, 2014, 8:30AM – 3:00PM at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, 2701 Chicago Blvd. Detroit, 48206.  Conference day includes: A Parallel All Day Just For Teens Tract.  For complete registration and event information go to: www.aod.org/lifeisagift. for Questions?  Contact: David Grobbel, Grobbel.david@aod.org  or 313-237-5894

Save the Date: On February 15th, 2014, the Respect Life Committee of St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Ann Arbor is hosting a conference "Christian Response to a Sexualized Culture". Featured speakers are: Dan Mattson and Peter Herbeck on the subject of "Christians Living With Same Sex Attraction", Dr. Peter Kleponis on the subject of "Pornography, Restoring Integrity", Dr. Janet Smith on the subject of "Why Premarital Sex is Stupid". This conference will help all attendees formulate clear talking points when speaking with others on these topics. Those who may be struggling with these issues may seek and find help and healing. This conference is still in the planning stages, details will be made available after Christmas. If you would like to volunteer to help with this conference, we need lots of help. Contact Barbara Grant-Yopko bgyopko@att.net

Ongoing: Invite a Life Training Institute Speaker to Your School for FREE! A Life Training Institute speaker will travel to your school to equip your students on how to make a persuasive case for life in the public square. They’re available for all-school assemblies or in combined classes throughout the day. There is no financial obligation to have one of our speakers come to your school. This is a great opportunity for you to have a national level speaker at your school without the financial expense. Please call Jan Lenze at 313-204-7450 to schedule one of our speakers.

To be added to the Prolife Action Network email group and receive updates for Life Chain,
Local Pro-Life Events and Religious Liberty Issues and Events
and to submit info on a Pro-Life event:
Contact Sandie Weathers prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com or
Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422 or mgeyer@provide.net

2013 Ann Arbor Life Chain UPDATE! More than 250 participants!

2013 Ann Arbor Life Chain UPDATE!
Thank you to Everyone Who Prayed and Participated!
Welcome to Those Newly Added to Email Group!
(Please add prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com and sandieweathers@gmail.com to your address book.)
A special you to Iris for her excellent news coverage!

To view Life Chain 2013 news article with photos by Iris Hanlin:

To view Iris’s article posted at Ann Arbor Online’s arborweb's culture blog: http://arborweb.com/blogs/movieblog/2013/10/life_chain__by_iris_hanlin.html

Life Chain 2013
by Iris Hanlin

ANN ARBOR -- On October 6, a cool, overcast Sunday afternoon, the intersection of Huron Parkway and Washtenaw Ave. in Ann Arbor was lined with over 250 pro-life activists for National Life Chain Sunday 2013.  From 2 to 3:30 p.m., men, women, and children of all walks of life stood on the public sidewalks, holding signs including those which read “Women Do Regret Abortion,” “Adoption: The Loving Option,” “Defend Life,” as well as signs with numbers to various crisis pregnancy help lines. 

“I think it’s important to put a smile, and a happiness, and a positive face to the pro life movement,” says Heidi Bratton, mother of 6, ranging from age 5 to 23.  “Because life is good.”

Barb Brown, who works with the youth of Gabriel Richard High School in Ann Arbor agrees, and believes the public display of the Life Chain adds an important element in raising awareness of the cause and the issue at hand.  “I think it’s important that an issue this big in our nation is kept in the eye of the public, and this is one of the most family friendly ways to do it,” she said.  “It doesn’t have to be confrontational.  It can be peaceful and prayerful.”

Here in Ann Arbor, pro-lifers are trying especially to reach the students of the University of Michigan.  “We are here to stand up for life and for babies,” says Paul Dobrowolski, regional director for the Ann Arbor chapter of 40 Days for Life.  “I believe this is the perfect place to be – right in the heart of liberal Midwest.  We need to get the word out – there is a lot of laissez-faire feelings in this town, and we are here to get people motivated, and to let people know these are human beings in the womb.”

Half the crowd was young people, who believed their presence was just as important.  “The young people are the fire, and I feel like when young people are out here, people can see it’s just not older people,” says Brigid Lennon, 17, of Ann Arbor.

Life Chain is devoted to prayer and peaceful, family-friendly protest.  Life Chains occur in other nations on different dates, and all Chains make a point of remaining peaceful.  More than 20,000 Chains have been held worldwide this far, and no known pro-lifer has been cited or arrested.

Ann Arbor’s Life Chain was one in over 1550 cities and towns in the U.S. and Canada, who, again this year, proclaimed the irrefutable message of the pro-life movement:  Human life is to be valued and protected from the moment of conception.  Participants credit the faithful assistance of God, and praise him with grateful hearts.

For more information on Life Chain, visit www.LifeChain.net or www.NationalLifeChain.org.  Royce Dunn, Director of Life Chain: Royce@nationallifechain.org,

by Iris Hanlin

Ann Arbor Life Chain Organizers:
Marilyn Geyer
Home: 734-973-2422
Sandie Weathers
Home: 734-434-8447
Pro-Life Action Network - The Ann Arbor Life Chain People

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Stand True Youth Conference Lapeer Sunday, Nov. 24th! Preceeded by Adult Conference Nov. 23rd!

on NOVEMBER 23 and 24, 2013
Inline image 1
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2013 from 7:00 to 9:30 pm
Community Room of Bishop Kelley Catholic School of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
                          814 W. Nepessing St., Lapeer, MI 48446
Come hear the YOUTH CONFERENCE speakers Bryan Kemper & Brice Griffin give their talks.
               Time for Q&A. Limited Seating. No Charge.
Adults, please consider giving a Love Offering to offset the YOUTH CONFERENCE costs. Thank you.
Inline image 2
Sunday, November 24, 2013 from 3:00-8:00 pm – Registration opens at2:00
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church – 814 W. Nepessing St., Lapeer, MI 48446
Main Speaker: BRYAN KEMPER from STAND TRUE… Along with Brice Griffin, Fr. Clement Suhy & Rebecca Gabryel
COST: $7.30 per person  WHY? In ’73, 40 YEARS AGO, killing an unborn baby became legal in the United States
because of the Supreme Court decision ROE vs. WADE


Questions?  Denise Gabryel 810.834.2200

Monday, October 14, 2013

Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity at EMU Tues. Oct. 15 – Come Join Us!

*Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity*

*Hosted by EMU Students For Life*

*On Tuesday, October 15th*

*from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.*

*Base located at: EMU Student Center on the parking structure side*

*To sign up: **http://doodle.com/qn3be9ggnhcnzave*

*Please join us and spread the word!*

People from all over this nation will give up their voices for a day in
solidarity for children who become victims of abortion. Red arm bands and
duct tape will identify them as taking part in the Pro-life Day of Silent
Solidarity. We will pass out fliers explaining why we are silent and
educate others about the plight of the innocent children we are losing
every day. We will have tape, fliers, etc.  For info: Angela at
emustudentsforlife@gmail.com. Please check out the following related story!

At LifeSiteNews.com

*How did the silence of hundreds of thousands of students save hundreds of
BY BRYAN KEMPER <http://www.lifesitenews.com/author/Bryan%20Kemper/>

Saturday, October 12, 2013

U of M Public Square Rosary Rally Today, Saturday October 12th

Public Square Rosary Rally
Today, Saturday October 12th
at the Corner of North University and State St
from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm.
hosted by Joe Lipa and James Kachman
## Update: Following the rally, we will be doing street evangelization until 2:30pm (same location).

Catholic Street Evangelization will be hosting a public square rosary rally as part of America Needs Fatima's nationwide campaign to commemorate the 96th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima in 1917. United with over 10,000 other locations across the United States, we will gather for an hour of prayer on behalf of our campus, country, and world.

More information: http://www.americaneedsfatima.org/rosary-rally-central.html

Event photo: Last year, 13 brave souls braved Fatima-esque weather conditions to witness for Our Lady near Michigan Stadium!

Ann Arbor Rosary In the Public Square Rally – TODAY – Sat. Oct 12th at Noon

Blessings!  This is a personal invitation asking "you" to join in "Praying the Rosary in the Public Square" somewhere near your home. There are over 11,000 prayer rallies across our great nation who will be joining their prayers with ours at "12 Noon Saturday October 12th." ....we will be praying for peace in our troubled nation.

If you are in the Ann Arbor, MI area there are two rallies starting at 12 Noon:

1-St. Francis of Assisi Church, 2250 E. Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor, MI
2-University of Michigan Campus, corner of State Street and North University, Ann Arbor, MI

If you do not live near either of these two sites, please go to www.americaneedsfatima.org/rosary  - scroll down and click on the link titled "find rally near you."  Thank you for answering Our Lady's call!

God Bless, Suzanne
Parishioner, St. Andrew Church Saline, MI

Friday, October 11, 2013

Join us - 40 DFL Mid-Point Rally Sunday, October 13 in Ann Arbor!

The following invitation is from Paul Dobrowolski, 40 DFL fall campaign director in Ann Arbor:
Prayer Friends,
We are nearly at the half way point of our 40 Days for Life campaign and it is time for a ..... Mid-Point Rally!
Here are the details again:
·  Mid-Point Rally
·  2:00 PM, Sunday, October 13
·  Location - Planned Parenthood Abortion clinic at 3100 Professional Dr., Ann Arbor
·  Speakers include: Emily Schot from Family Life Services; Deacon Rich Badics of St. Francis Catholic Church: Karmen Grech, a long time Pro-Life champion who I met at Life Chain on Sunday
I hope to see you at the rally on Sunday!  Also, if you haven't come out to the vigil site, please come out to pray.  Please sign up at www.40daysforlife.com/annarbor and hit the link on the home page.  We have plenty of hours to fill on Mon., Tues, Wed. and Sat.

God Bless you!

Forwarded by: Sandie Weathers
Prolife Action Network 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

MI Prolife volunteers complete petition drive months early!

Keeping tax dollars and insurance premiums from paying for the destruction of innocent human life as part of health care is a high priority for registered voters in Michigan. Volunteers across the state circulated petitions throughout the summer to initiate Abortion Insurance Opt-Out legislation. More than 315,000 signatures were submitted to the Secretary of State's office today sending a strong message to Michigan lawmakers that abortion is not health care.

Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing said, "Prolife people from every county in Michigan responded to the need to keep our tax dollars and health insurance premiums from paying for abortion. Because of their efforts, the petition drive was cut-off more than 2 months early. Volunteers organized opportunities for people to sign at churches, county fairs, family reunions, athletic events, and we even heard of a bride circulating petitions at her wedding reception. The dedication of people is inspiring."

Michigan's Constitution allows the people of the state to initiate legislation through a petition; 258,088 signatures of registered voters needed to be collected in 180 days to initiate the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act. Signatures for the NO Taxes for Abortion Insurance petition drive were collected in less than 4 months.

Listing said, "Enthusiastic volunteers are sending a loud and clear message that abortion should not be included as a standard 'benefit' in health insurance plans. Well more than the required signatures were submitted today, driving home the point that abortion ends a life and cannot be considered health care."

After the Board of Canvassers verifies the signatures, the legislature will have 40 calendar days to respond. With a simple majority vote in both the Michigan House and Senate, the Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act becomes law without the governor's signature. A majority of the House and Senate have already signed the petition.

Similar Abortion Insurance Opt-Out legislation was passed by Michigan representatives and senators in December 2012; however Governor Rick Snyder vetoed the bill. Because of the governor's veto, the petition drive was necessary.

Listing said, "Our actions speak volumes. Abortion is not health care and the people of Michigan want to join the other 23 states which have opted-out of abortion coverage in the health plans offered through the Affordable Care Act."

For more information about the NO Taxes for Abortion Insurance petition drive, visit www.MichigansVoice.com.

2013-10-09 Update Upcoming Pro-Life Events and News

Washtenaw County and Beyond
Partial list as of October 9th, 2013 Compiled by Sandie Weathers

The Ann Arbor 40 Days For Life Fall Campaign will run from Wednesday, Sept 25th thru Sunday Nov. 3rd. Local pro-life advocates are encouraged to visit the Ann Arbor campaign’s website, www.40daysforlife.com/annarbor, to sign up for hours of prayer in front of Planned Parenthood, 3100 Professional Drive, Ann Arbor. Questions? Contact Paul Dobrowolski, Ann Arbor Campaign Director at 40daysannarbor@gmail.com or 734-944-7790. To learn more about the Worldwide 40 Days for Life campaign visit: www.40daysforlife.com.

Register now: 41st Annual March for Life “Red Eye” bus trip to Washington, DC., 
Reserve a seat on one of the charted buses departing from Ann Arbor, Tuesday, January 21 sponsored by Right to Life of Washtenaw County. Walk alongside thousands of marchers standing up for life up Constitutional Ave on Wed. Jan. 22! For more information or a registration flier, email Karen at kwalacavage@rtl.org or call: (734)930-7474.

Register now: “Movement in Motion” Youth Bus Trip to DC for the annual 2014 March for Life, departing on Tuesday evening, January 21st and arriving back home on Thursday evening, January 23rd, this Youth Bus Trip is open to all high school and college students.  Note: Three buses will pick up in Livonia at Madonna University. REGISTRATION:  Now through October 15th or until all seats are filled! If you have questions or want to register, call or e-mail Lynn Gura, LIFESPAN Youth Director, at 248-816-1546 or oakmac@rtl-lifespan.org.

CIDER Walk Event (Children In utero Deserve Equal Rights) at Heritage Park in Farmington Hills, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Sunday, October 20th, for further information and to get Pledge Forms for the Walk call Eileen at 734-524-0162 or e-mail her at mainoffice@rtl-lifespan.org.  This is open to all people – teens, young adults, families, singles, friends and neighbors!
On November 8th, 2013 Mother and Unborn Baby Care will be having its Annual Monte Carlo Night. It will be held at Farmington Hills Manor, located at 23666 Orchard Lake Road, Farmington Hills, MI. 48336. The evening will start at 6:30 P.M. and conclude by 10:00 P.M. The cost will be $60.00 P/P. This will include Hors d’oeuvres, Buffet Dinner and Cocktails, Black Jack, Fabulous Prizes. There will also be a Silent and Live Auction. Please come and support the cause of LIFE! For further information please call (248) 559-7576 and ask for Peter Riccardo.

Save the date: Pro-Life Youth Conference on Sunday, November 24th at Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lapeer, MI. Questions? Denise at 810.834.2200 or maryschildren@sbcglobal.net.

On Wednesday, January 22, 2014, attend the 9:15 am mass at St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, for a Day of Prayer & Reparation for sins against the gift of life located at 2250 E. Stadium Blvd in Ann Arbor.

Save the Date: Fourth Annual Life is a Gift Conference – EVANGELIZING with the GOSPEL OF LIFE on Saturday, January 25, 2014, 8:30AM – 3:00PM at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, 2701 Chicago Blvd. Detroit, 48206.  Conference day includes: A Parallel All Day Just For Teens Tract.  For complete registration and event information go to: www.aod.org/lifeisagift. for Questions?  Contact: David Grobbel, Grobbel.david@aod.org  or 313-237-5894
Ongoing: Invite a Life Training Institute Speaker to Your School for FREE! A Life Training Institute speaker will travel to your school to equip your students on how to make a persuasive case for life in the public square. They’re available for all-school assemblies or in combined classes throughout the day. There is no financial obligation to have one of our speakers come to your school. This is a great opportunity for you to have a national level speaker at your school without the financial expense. Please call Jan Lenze at 313-204-7450 to schedule one of our speakers.

To be added to the Prolife Action Network email group and receive updates for Life Chain,
Local Pro-Life Events and Religious Liberty Issues and Events
and to submit info on a Pro-Life event:
Contact Sandie Weathers prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com or
Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422 or mgeyer@provide.net

 Visit us on Facebook: Prolife Action Network

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Parking spots also available at 2301 Platt Rd next to Vineyard Church for LIFE CHAIN!

Parking spots also available at 2301 Platt Rd next to Vineyard Church for LIFE CHAIN! 

50 parking spots for LIFE CHAIN at 2395 S. Huron Parkway (office for Pietrasiuk, Kelley & Kelley)

I just received the following message in an email from Cathy Pietrasiuk regarding parking for Life Chain!

Sandie - Cathy Pietrasiuk here.  Please let participants in (Life Chain) Respect life event that they are welcome to park in the parking lot at 2395 S. Huron Parkway (office for Pietrasiuk, Kelley & Kelley) during the event. It is just down the street (next to fire station at light on Huron Parkway) south of Washtenaw. Cathy later told me there are about 50 parking spots.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Join Us at Ann Arbor Life Chain this Sunday, October 6th – We Have UPDATES!

Join Us at Life Chain this Sunday, October 6th – We Have UPDATES! 
We look forward to praying with you at LIFE CHAIN, on Sunday, October 6th from 2:00 to 3:30 pm at the intersection of Washtenaw and Huron Parkway in Ann Arbor! See attached flyer!

Life Chain is a peaceful, prayerful, legal, family friendly, PRO-LIFE demonstration! Life Chain is about changing hearts and saving precious lives through prayer, reflection and mediation. Please remember our purpose is prayer! Please do not engage in debates with motorists or pedestrians.  Out of respect for the millions of babies lost to abortion, the millions of mother and fathers wounded by abortion and respect for those around you, please do not hold up signs that try to engage motorist.

Are you or someone you know hurting after an abortion? Please visit our display! A display of shoes created by the Pregnancy Help Clinic in Brighton will be presented at the Ann Arbor Life Chain this Sunday. The shoes have been placed on the display with notes from mothers and fathers in remembrance of their aborted child(ren). Ninety pre-born babies become victims of abortion every half hour in America! There will be extra shoes available at the display or mothers and /or fathers can bring a pair of shoes to place on the display. Near the display there will be free information on post abortive healing from different pregnancy help centers in the area. If you or someone you know is suffering after an abortion, please take the opportunity to visit the display and pick up some of the information. The display will be located on Huron Parkway between Washtenaw and Professional Drive.
Link to photo:  https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=681074925236313&l=768b1dd3a2

We hope you find the following updates helpful!

Baby Items Drive to benefits local Pregnancy Help Centers: You can drop off your donations of new and gently used baby items at any of the four corners of the intersection. DIAPERS and FORMULA are always in great demand. Receipts will be available at the main collection point, at the south east corner of the intersection, near where the PNC Bank used to be. Please note that we would love to accept your donation, even if you will be unable to stay for LIFE CHAIN.

You will be offered a contact info sheet to fill out. To protect your privacy, we only send out emails using BCC. Please put prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com in your address book.

You will be offered a “Choice Life” bumper sticker, as it has been proven that the message can save lives.

Please, please, please spread out! Please leave 10 to 15 feet between you and/or your family and the next participant.

Pro-Life Balloons:  Balloons will again be given out to the children while the balloons last. Please tie them securely onto your child or strollers to avoid accidents or a disappointed child.

Cost:  A suggested family donation of $1.00 would be greatly appreciated to cover cost of Life Chain! Thank you for your generosity and understanding!

Parking hits and updates: We have permission by Christopher Marzonie, of Ann Arbor Smiles Dental Group, to use their parking lot at 2365 South Huron Parkway, south of Washtenaw. He says, “it is best to park closest to our Red brick building and stay away from the purple Victorian buildings next door.”
There are a lot of closed businesses on Professional Dr just one block south of Washtenaw. I believe the banks in the area will all be closed. Feedback is that parking near Whole Foods and Barnes and Noble should be avoided. Please do not park in the lots of open businesses.
Wdo not have permission to park in the old Boy Scout Building, as it is under renovation. Contact says, “please be sure to notify your members that parking isn't allowed there and the towing company is patrolling regularly.” 
40 Days for Life – 24 hour prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood is well underway and will continue thru Nov. 3rd. Members of the 40 Days for Life campaign will have a table at the south east corner.
Please do not block driveways or sidewalks. Please let’s leave the area as clean or cleaning than we found it.
We will have a first aid kit and limited supply of bottled water at the south east corner of the intersection.

Thank you for your continued support of Life Chain and for ALL you do for LIFE! 

Please do not hesitate to call Marilyn or Sandie during Life Chain, if you have a concern: 
Marilyn Geyer – 734-904-5812 or Sandie Weathers – 734-657-1936.