Update on University of Michigan
“4000 Years For Choice” Exhibit
“The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing”, the most popular quotation in modern times, cannot definitively be attributed to Edmund Burke, but the following quotation can, “When bad men combine, good men must organize.” I believe we MUST keep both in mind and continue to call out the University of Michigan and spread the word around the country, so that others can join in the effort. Help spread the word to everyone that you know. We need students, alumni, the community, religious, and school organizations to express their displeasure.
Like Racism, Rape, Incest… Abortion should not be celebrated or condoned.
I am attaching a flyer, which you can copy, distribute and/or post as you find helpful and beneficial in getting our message out, that the UM OB/GYN department’s message of celebrating abortion is unacceptable and uncivilized.
Listed below is the contact information for the outgoing and incoming university presidents, effective July 1st, 2014 and the UM Regents’ names and email addresses.
Please go to the Pro-Life Action Network blog: http://pro- lifeactionnetworkblog. blogspot.com/ for updates on contact information and efforts.
Also on the blog is an email that Sandie Weathers submitted to Bill O’Reilly at Fox News for Bill’s Thursday night Mad As Hell segment at madashell@foxnews.com.
Please email Sandie Weathers at prolifeactionnetwork@gmail.com any contact information, ideas and/or efforts you have. Perhaps someone can create a twitterfest for us?!
University of Michigan
Office of the President
503 Thompson Street
2074 Fleming Administration Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1340
Phone: (734) 764-6270
Fax: (734) 936-3529
Email: presoff@umich.edu
Office of the President
503 Thompson Street
2074 Fleming Administration Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1340
Phone: (734) 764-6270
Fax: (734) 936-3529
Email: presoff@umich.edu
Mary Sue Coleman, outgoing President effective July 1, 2014
Mark S. Schlissel, incoming President effective July 1, 2014
UM Regents' Email addresses:
Mark J. Bernstein (term expires 01/01/21)
Julia Donovan Darlow (term expires 01/01/15)jdarlow@umich.edu
Julia Donovan Darlow (term expires 01/01/15)jdarlow@umich.edu
Laurence B. Deitch (term expires 01/01/17)
Shauna Ryder Diggs (term expires 01/01/21)
Denise Ilitch (term expires 01/01/17)dilitch@umich.edu
Shauna Ryder Diggs (term expires 01/01/21)
Denise Ilitch (term expires 01/01/17)dilitch@umich.edu
(updated 01/01/13) http://www.regents.umich.edu/ about/regents.html
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