list as of May 21st, 2014 Compiled by Sandie Weathers
the 4000 Years for Choice Tweet-Fest, Thursday, May 22nd, 12-2pm
EST. Our primary hashtag will be
#ChooseLife In response to the University of Michigan's exhibit "4000 Years for
Choice" we are organizing a Tweet-fest to express our
opposition to the ideas presented in the exhibit and our disappointment that
the university would sponsor such a blatantly pro-choice exhibit. I will be
tweeting: Like Racism, Rape, Incest… Abortion should not be celebrated or condoned. #ChooseLife, For a
list of intended recipients and sample tweets, go to:
or the Facebook Event Page:
UPDATE: Join the effort to
call out the U of M on their exhibit: "4,000 Years for Choice: Changing Culture, Creating History, and
Honoring Stories of Reproductive Freedom"; Until May 29th,
2014, you can visit the exhibit in Lane Hall at 204 South State Street in Ann
Arbor, MI or go to: The exhibit sponsored by the OB/GYN Dept.,
The Institute for Research on Women and Gender and The Program for Sexual Rights & Reproductive Justice went up on Jan. 16th. The display may be scheduled to come down on May 29th, but voicing
our disapproval cannot end then. STAY TUNED FOR EVEN MORE FOLLOW UP EVENTS! For
updates go to:
The Gosnell movie will be made. A TV movie about the serial killer, abortionist Dr.
Kermit Gosnell will be made as $2,241,043. has been reached which exceeds the
goal of $2,100,000. For more info go to:
30th Anniversary
Benefit Dinner - Mother and Unborn Baby Care Pregnancy Center
On June 18th, we will be celebrating our 30th Anniversary Dinner at the San Marino
Club, located in Troy, MI. The address is 1685 East Big Beaver Road, Troy, MI
48083. Our keynote speaker for the evening will be Archbishop Allen H.
Vigneron. The cost per person is $75.00. Tables of 10 are also available for
$700.00. The doors will open at 5:30 P.M. Dinner will be served at 6:45 P.M. and
the evening will conclude by 9:00 P.M. For further information, please call Peter Riccardo
@ (248) 202-4903. You can also e-mail Peter at At
Mother and Unborn Baby Care, our daily goal is to be a light on a hill, giving
the hope and love of our Lord to all those who enter through our doors who have
no hope. Last year, through the grace of God, over 120 babies’ lives were
spared from abortion. Please come and join us as we celebrate the gift of LIFE!
UPDATE From Dr. Monica Miller,
CPLC regarding efforts in MI with 20 Week Pain-Capable Abortion Ban. Dear Defenders of
Life-- I want to thank you for your many prayers for today's meeting with
Mayor Frank Brock of Lathrup Village-- THE MEETING WAS VERY
SUCCESSFUL. Indeed, I would say that we left the meeting with all that we
could have gotten out of it at this stage of the discussion. Mayor Brock
was very cordial, warm and open -- AND he is in favor of doing something
regarding the 20 week pain-capable ban that we proposed to him-- We
discussed the possible votes on the city council that will determine the
outcome-- and all we need is 3 out of 5- and the mayor is one of those
votes. BUT-- FIRST, and this was expected--- the mayor is going to
run all this by the city attorney. We urged that before any final
decision is made-- especially if they are inclined to NOT go
forward--that the city attorney FIRST talk with Robert Muise of the American
Freedom Law Center who attended today's meeting and has drafted an ordinance to
comply with LV zoning laws. Brock said that he would urged such a
discussion. The mayor said that he expected to get back to us within 30 days. PLEASE PRAY-- we must
pray! We have done all can at this stage of our
efforts! What happens in LV will help us go forward in the
other municipalities!
Right to Life of Michigan Educational Fund is hosting a Youth Infographic Contest for high school and college-aged Michigan youth.
Prolife youth from Michigan ages 13 to 22 as of July 1, 2014, can
create and submit an original infographic, and contest finalists will have
their works shared on the RLM FB page and judged by a public vote to determine
the winners. An infographic is a graphic or visual representation of
information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly
and clearly. Contestants will be split into two divisions, 13-17 and 18-22 with
a first division prize of $300 and second division prize of $500. The deadline for
submissions is Tuesday,
July 1, 2014. For info and application go to: .
Mark your calendars: Saturday, September 13th
is the 2nd Annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.
PREGNANT? Know someone who might be? Find
out for sure. Free and confidential services for all ages including pregnancy
testing, ultrasounds to date and confirm pregnancy, pregnancy options counseling and post-abortion
counseling. Where: ArborVitae, downtown Ann Arbor located at the corner of
State and Liberty (below Starbucks) When: Monday and Thursday 9am-4pm; Tuesday
2pm-8pm How: Walk in or make an appointment online at
Call 734-994-8863.
Bumper Sticker Idea: Have you been
bothered that many American’s who support and promote abortion, are appalled by
the practice of water boarding? There seems to be an inconsistency in that thought.
Well, I think I have the perfect bumper sticker to point out the inconsistency.
"I'd rather be water boarded than
aborted! How about you?”
To be added to the Prolife Action Network email group and receive
updates for Life Chain,
Local Pro-Life Events and Religious Liberty Issues and Events
and to submit info on a Pro-Life event:
Contact Sandie Weathers
Marilyn Geyer at 734-973-2422 or
Visit us on Facebook: Prolife Action Network
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