Report from Angela Kim's Protest at U of M
Hello everyone! I would just like to give a brief report on the event that occurred on April 16 at the University of Michigan campus. First of all, thank you to everyone who came and supported!! We successfully passed out over 200 flyers about Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. For more information on how the event went, check out the post I wrote on my blog: http:// 2014/04/16/200-flyers- distributed/
Thank you again and God bless!
200 Flyers Distributed
Thank you to everyone who came out to the University of Michigan today!! We successfully handed out over 200 flyers and brochures about Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood to students around the Michigan Diag and Lane Hall.
When we first arrived, I was beyond nervous. The Michigan Diag was swarming with hundreds of students, and there were already two or three groups present, handing out information about everything from dogs to music concerts to political petitions. However, if there was anything to be learned from the experiences we had today (there was lots to learn!), it’s that sometimes you just have to start.
As soon as we started passing out the flyers, everything was easier. I mean, there were awkward moments where a student would avoid eye contact, walk down a different sidewalk, or just say “no” when approached, but for the most part, things went smoothly. We distributed 110 flyers right away, and my brother had to run off to print 100 more.
It’s actually kind of surprising how few people knew who Margaret Sanger was. I always went with the line, “information about Margaret Sanger…?” holding out the flyer, and more than half of the time, the student would say, “who?”
Only a handful of students acknowledged that they knew who she was. One was a pro-choice activist, and the other was part of the University of Michigan Students for Life.
Clearly, this is something that the public needs to be more aware of. I think that sometimes, people assume that they know what Planned Parenthood is, what abortion is, etc. But when you ask, they don’t really know all of the facts…. their views can be made up of assumptions and a few twisted ideas fed to them by the media. So it’s our job to go out there and provide the education needed.
I now would like to ask you to pray for the students that received the information about the founder of Planned Parenthood, that they would read the paper and consider their own views on abortion, getting out of the zone of apathy into the zone of action.
I also have one more complication to mention. I had ordered 100 brochures about Margaret Sanger a week ago, but it did not arrive on time for this event. (my fault) So within the next few weeks, I will be distributing them around my neighborhood. I encourage you to do something similar! It’s really not that hard to print off a handful of flyers, order a few brochures, and educate/raise awareness within your local town or neighborhood.
And really, you never know what kind of change you can make.
P.S (I’m always looking for more resources, so if you know of any flyers, brochures, etc. that are great, please send me a link in the comment section below.)
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