Attention Pro-Life Friends!
This story is posted in its entirety with the permission of Steven Ertelt, This is a heart breaking story. We need to know! Please SIGN THE PETITION! Sandie Weathers
To: Prolife Action Network
Yes, you may post it as long as it is posted in full and unedited. This is just for this one time.
Steven Ertelt, Editor
P.O. Box 270841
Fort Collins, CO 80525 LifeNews LifeNewsHQ
Steven Ertelt, Editor
P.O. Box 270841
Fort Collins, CO 80525
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 9:22 AM, <> wrote:
SIGN THE PETITION! Save Meriam Ibrahim, Don't Hang Her to Death for Her Faith
Dear LifeNews Readers,
Meriam Ibrahim is 8-months pregnant and is a Christian woman sentenced to hang to death in Sudan for rejecting Islam. She is being shackled by Sudanese officials despite the fact she is eight-months pregnant and there are grave concerns for her health and the health of her unborn baby.
Meriam will be tortured - beaten with 100 lashes for marrying an American Christian. Then she will be hung for being a Christian. Meanwhile, her son, a 20-month-old boy and American citizen, is also jailed with her and is sick from the prison conditions.
Ibrahim’s husband, U.S. citizen Daniel Wani, said lawyers representing her told Amnesty International that religious clerics in court had asked her if she would recant her faith, but she told them: “I am a Christian.”
The death sentence issued to a pregnant woman who refused to renounce Christianity for Islam in Sudan is an “egregious violation of basic human rights,” Congressman Chris Smith (NJ-04), Chairman of the House congressional panel that oversees U.S. policy in Africa, said previously.
“This is an affront to religious freedom everywhere,” Smith said. “The refusal of the government of Sudan to allow religious freedom was one of the reasons for Sudan’s long civil war. The U.S. and the rest of the international community must demand Sudan reverse this sentence immediately.”
WE NEED YOUR HELP TODAY: Please sign the LifeNews petition to support Meriam Ibrahim and raise awareness about her and her unborn child. Join with us to tell the world that this is an affront to religious freedom, the right to life, and human rights. Join LifeNews to call on the government of Sudan to reverse this sentence and release Meriam Ibrahim immediately so she and her unborn baby can get the medical care and attention they desperately need.
Over 2,500 people have already signed the petition to support Meriam, will you take 60 seconds to join them?
And after you sign the petition, can you make a donation to LifeNews to help us draw more attention to Meriam and her unborn baby's plight? We have done extensive reporting on her case and need your help to reach more people.
If you are able to support LifeNews today we will be able to more extensively promote this petition to Save Meriam and her unborn baby.
Thank you for your heart for the pro-life cause and those women and children who need our protection!
For their lives,
Steven Ertelt, Editor
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