This update is from Dr. Monica Miller,
Director of CPLS
Dear Defenders of Life--
I just wanted to let you know that last
week we heard back again from mayor of Lathrup Village, Frank Brock. He
told us that he has spoken with the city attorney, Matthew Quinn, regarding the
feasibility of supporting a 20 week pain capable abortion ban in LV-- and that
he now wants time to take the issue to the city council members and discuss it
with them.
No one is more anxious to see movement
on this than your CPLS director. Yes-- this
seems to be going at a snail's pace as we sat down with Mayor Brock almost 3
months ago.
But I assure you we ARE NOT-- nor will
be let this die-- and will press forward as far as we can go!
What is really needed? Prayers
for the mayor, the city attorney and the 3 city council
members-- so please pray for them--
that they will WANT to in act this law!
Shalonda is 23 weeks pregnant now and is
doing much better as we moved her into an apartment a month ago and gathered
many household items, also paid off fines to have 2 warrants rescinded and paid
her past due DTE bill so she could have lights turned on in the new
apartment. I take her to most of her doctor's appointments and indeed am
taking her tomorrow again to see her pro-life (Dr. Phil
Fleming) Ob--Gyn. She has hyperthyroidism which is
complicating the pregnancy-- please PRAY Shalonda will take her
medication! Sad to say-- she has issues
about that based on her religion! I have lectured her many times!
A few weeks ago Shalonda told me that
her sister Yolanda is pregnant with twins and also had sought an abortion--but
backed out when she became conflicted over her decision due to the fact that
she was having twins-- but Shalonda--having accepted the life of her baby was
able to encourage Yolanda to NOT abort! Sadly however, Yolanda lost
the baby girl twin-- born prematurely, but is doing what she can to assure that
the little boy twin will survive.
This means that Yolanda cannot work and
thus CPLS has been helping her with payment of bills-- though she
is looking now into getting unemployment but is not yet sure if she will
qualify. Her boyfriend (father of the twins) does support her-- but
they need both incomes to make ends meet. She has 2 other very young children
with this man.
PLEASE Pray for Shalonda and
Yolonda! and Mayor Brock too!
God bless you all-- Monica
Citizens for a Pro-Life Society
67919 Eight Mile Rd.
South Lyon, MI
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