Tuesday, April 10, 2018

HELP PROMOTE #ProLifeWalkout April 11 Wed. 10 am

HELP PROMOTE #ProLifeWalkout April 11 Wed. 10 am
Can you help me promote this?
Tomorrow is the big day!
It's the National #ProLifeWalkout!


Message from: From: Kristan Hawkins (SFLA) kristan@studentsforlife.org
Dear Pro-life Friends!

Tomorrow is the big day! It's the National #ProLifeWalkout!

You may already be signed up to lead walkout, hold a moment of silence, or chalk pro-life messages to remember abortion victims, and, if so, thank you! Our team has sent resources to over 350 schools already!!

However, whether or not you are participating in tomorrow's national event, I'm going to need your help in 3 specific ways tomorrow. Can you help?

First, tomorrow on Twitter and Instagram, can you post any photos of you and your group during the walkout and use the hashtags #prolifewalkout,

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