Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Washtenaw County to Join Nationwide “Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion” on Good Friday

Ann Arbor… On Good Friday, March 29, pro-life citizens will participate in a “Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion,” along with pro-lifers throughout the country holding similar prayer vigils on that day. The Ann Arbor event will take place at the Planned Parenthood abortion facility, 3100 Professional Drive in Ann Arbor at 10:00 am.

“On Good Friday we remember the suffering and death of Jesus Christ at Golgotha, which means ‘the place of the skull,’” explained Sandie Weathers, one of the local organizers of the prayer vigil. “We have our own ‘Golgotha’ right here in Washtenaw County at the Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility, where innocent unborn children, created in the image of God, also suffer violent deaths by abortion.”

Christians of all denominations have been invited to participate in this solemn, ecumenical prayer service. Prayers will be offered for all the victims of abortion—the children lost, the mothers wounded, the communities blighted—as well as for those responsible for perpetuating this injustice, from “pro-choice” elected officials to those working in the abortion industry.

“Through His Holy Passion, Our Lord united Himself with all the victims of suffering in this life,” remarked Weathers. “None suffer more innocently than children in the womb whose lives are taken by abortion. None suffer more deeply than their mothers, carrying a heavy burden of guilt and shame.”

This nationwide prayer service is being organized by the Chicago-based Pro-Life Action League, a national organization dedicated to empowering Americans to put their pro-life convictions into effective action in their own local communities.

For more information please contact: Sandie Weathers, 734-657-1936 or 734-434-8447, prolifeactionnetwork@gmai.com.

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